O’Connor to Speak at DHS Annual Meeting
Joseph Lindon Smith in Egypt at the turn of the last century.
By Lisa Foote
The Dublin Historical Society will hold its annual meeting at 4 pm on Sunday, August 24, at the Fountain Arts Building at Dublin School. After a brief business meeting, Dennis O’Connor will present “Joseph Lindon Smith in the Valley of the Kings, 1905-1907.”

Smith, a member of the Dublin Art Colony and renowned for his trompe l’oeil paintings of Egyptian tombs and monuments, was working in Egypt in 1905 when Theodore Davis discovered the tombs of Yuya and Thuya, and again in 1907 when the tomb of their daughter, Queen Tiyi, was unearthed. Mr. O’Connor will use the society’s digital copies of Smith’s original glass lantern slides from that time to illustrate his talk.
Yuya and Thuya lived during Ancient Egypt’s 18th dynasty, around 1400 BC. In fact, the contents of their tomb had escaped extensive looting and were considered the most important New Kingdom artifacts found up to that time. Only the discovery of the tomb of their great grandson, King Tutankhamun, 17 years later, would prove more important.

Dennis O’Connor has had a lifelong fascination with the art and history of Ancient Egypt. He holds an MA in Art History, with a concentration in Egyptian Art and Archaeology. Mr. O’Connor is currently an independent scholar who has traveled to Egypt many times and has authored articles for The Oriental Institute in Chicago and other publications. Currently he is writing a biography of Joseph Lindon Smith.
Lisa Foote is President of the Dublin Historical Society and is the Historical Society Archivist.
View Joseph Lindon Smith’s Art at the Fitchburg Art Museum
In collaboration with the Dublin Historical Society, Dennis O’Connor, a scholar with expertise on Joseph Lindon Smith’s life and career, has agreed to lead a tour through the galleries of the Fitchburg Art Museum on Monday, August 25th, beginning at 12 noon. The galleries feature Smith’s artwork from the tombs of Ancient Egypt.
Although the museum is closed on Mondays, the director has agreed to allow Dubliners special access on that day to enjoy an unequaled viewing of some 50 works by Smith. Don’t miss this special chance to view Smith’s work with an expert.
As this is a fundraiser for the Dublin Historical Society, tickets will cost $35. Please call the Archives to reserve a ticket at 563-8545. DHS will coordinate carpooling.
Traffic Projects Delayed
By Sterling Abram
You may have noticed recent reports indicating that the New Hampshire Department of Transportation has been forced to postpone a number of highway improvement projects in the state because of the shortage of Federal funds available to help finance these. This has affected two projects planned for Dublin. The timing of both the Safe Routes To School project and Phase II of the Transportation Enhancement (traffic calming) project has been affected as a result. It had been hoped that a new infusion of funds by the end of June would reinstate both, but that did not happen.
Both projects were planned for this summer, but because of the delay, the Safe Routes To School project, which is to provide a new crosswalk to DCS, will have to be delayed until next year, since construction has to take place while school is in recess. There is no timetable established for reinstating the funds, so the Transportation Enhancement project will probably be delayed until next year as well. Both projects remain approved, but can’t be commenced until the funds are available again. In simple terms, the commitment is still there, but the cash register is empty.
This new twist is disappointing, but beyond any local control. We will continue to do our part to keep these projects alive.
Sterling Abram is a member of the three-member Board of Selectmen for our town.
Dublin Public Library
By the time you are reading this, the Dublin Public Library summer reading program will have had five fun mornings of stories and crafts. All projects and summer activities were documented in a scrapbook that children began the first week. Each week following the downstairs program, the children played jacks, Legos, chess and practiced their origami skills upstairs.
Others colored while socializing and some enjoyed reading stories to one another. Encouraging everyone to focus on communicating, including making eye contact, listening to each other, and practicing kindness — all made for a very pleasant and relaxing summer at the library. We hope to continue to see those smiling faces throughout the school year.
August 6th marks the official end to the summer program and a party including ice cream for everyone will be offered. The library will continue to offer a summer craft and story each Wednesday morning at 10 am through August 27th and then we will continue our regular story time.
There is still lots of summer reading time left, so stop in the library and check out a book!
On July 28, 1914, the war to end all wars began…World War I would continue for four years and end November 11, 1918. Stop in the library to see some of the books available on this historic war.
Is it time to get your preschoolers ready for their kindergarten experience? The library will have some great books out about going to kindergarten.
The Matchmaker by E. Hilderbrand
Cop Town by K. Slaughter
Hard Choices by H. R. Clinton
Save the Date by M. K. Andrews
The Boys in the Boat by D. J. Brown
Code Talker by C. Nez
The Yellow Birds by K. Powers
Letters from Skye by J. Brockmole
The Girls of August by A. R. Siddons
One Plus One by J. Moyes
Dublin Women’s Club News
Annual Beach Fun Day will be August 15.
By Nancy Campbell
More than129 members, their families and guests have been enjoying another hot summer at the Women’s Club Beach. We have been fortunate to have long-term employees, Polly Seymour and Liz Lawler, back to provide swimming lessons to many young Dubliners.
Nathan Brown has been our sailing instructor this year and Megan Briggs and Sarah McKenna have been our weekend lifeguards. The Beach’s Annual Fun Day, with the Lake swim, a cookout, games and sand castle building will be held on Friday, August 15th.
The Board of Directors and Beach Committee thank our employees and others in the community who contributed in any way to making our beach a pleasant place to be on a hot summer day. We also thank all those people and organizations that so generously contributed to our annual appeal.
Nancy Campbell is treasurer of the Dublin Women’s Club.

Dublin’s Summer Playground
By Eliot Pelletier
When one thinks back to the summers of youth in New England, certain common experiences come to mind. We can all identify with trying to beat the heat in a refreshing lake, hiking through woods to the summits of majestic mountains, playing pickup games where the score is irrelevant, visiting attractions like the seacoast or the White Mountains, and filling up endless hours with loosely structured, imaginative play. The natural beauty and the sense of community that still thrives in towns like Dublin made for memorable summers.
The Dublin Summer Playground has been a tradition for Dublin children for more than 40 years.

Generations have cycled through, starting as five year-old campers, moving on to become teenage counselors and eventually becoming parents of campers themselves. Having run the Playground for ten summers, I have gained an appreciation for the importance of the Playground tradition in our town.
Walking around the Playground, it’s easy to imagine children 20, 30 or 40 years ago playing in much the same way. There’s the four-square court and its serpentine queue, which seems to cycle through at just the right pace for people’s patience. There’s the sandbox with its lovingly built castles and houses. There’s the lush field, the dense and beautiful woods, the friendly confines of the gymnasium, where campers exercise their creativity with arts and crafts projects. There’s the bountiful garden, which the campers help to maintain each day.
Our field trips are classic New England traditions as well: a hike up the Farmer’s Trail to the top of Mount Monadnock, a trip to ride the Yankee Cannonball and the Boston Tea Party at Canobie Lake Park, and a night of baseball at the Manchester Fisher Cats. Throughout the summer, the real emphasis here is on play, enjoying the outdoors and engaging with peers. I am proud to help the children of Dublin continue such a worthy tradition.
Many people help make the continuation of the Playground possible, and in particular we would like to thank the Dublin Community Foundation for its generous donation, the ConVal Food service for providing free breakfasts and lunches to the campers, the Dublin Public Library for hosting us each week, and May Clark, Jo-Ann Hopkins and the staff at DCS. Without their support our program wouldn’t be possible.
Eliot Pelletier has been directing the Playground since 2003.
Time to Vote
By Jeannine Dunne
September 9th is the date of the State Primary Election, for the nomination of candidates for the following offices: Governor, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, Executive Councilor, State Senator, County Officer, State Representative, Delegate to the Republican State Convention (Election). Voting will take place on the Top Floor of the Town Hall from 8 am to 7 pm.
Jeannine Dunne is Town Clerk/Tax Collector. She can be reached at 563-8859.
Need to Register?
By Jerry Lawler
To become a registered voter in the town of Dublin, a person must complete a registration form with the Town Clerk any time that her office is open or with a Supervisor of the Checklist at a posted session or at the polls on an election day. When registering, a person will be required to provide proof of identity, age of at least 18 years, domicile in the town of Dublin, and U.S. citizenship. Absent the proof of any one of these requirements, a qualified registrant may sign a sworn affidavit attesting to the satisfaction of the requirement.
The Supervisors of the Checklist will be in session September 2 from 7:00 pm till 7:30 pm and October 25 from 11:00 am till 11:30 am in the Town Hall.
Scheduled elections this year are the State Primary on September 9 and the General Election on November 4.
Jerry Lawler is Chairman of the Supervisors of the Checklist.
Story Wright
June 11, 1939 – July 12, 2014
In praise and honor of all Story did for
Dublin and the Monadnock Region
Introducing the DCP Class of 1964
By Cathy Carabello
This first class of the Dublin Cooperative Preschool and Kindergarten, taught by Mrs. Doloris Maynard, began in September 1964 and had 24 students enrolled. Parents were required to donate time as teaching assistants and janitors. No rent was charged for their space in the Dublin Women’s Club building (now the Dublin Post Office).
The school’s biggest expense back then was the teacher’s salary and supplies. Rummage sales helped raise extra money to subsidize the program. Tuition was $11 a month for four-year-olds and $14 a month for five-year-olds!
From the beginning, DCP followed the public school calendar as we still do today.
Students pictured, many of whom either still reside in the area or have parents still here, include Jamie Trowbridge, Brian Elder, Henry and Robert James, Warren Whitney, Ken Fox, Dan Hale, Deidre Hutchinson and ? Are you in this picture — or can you help us identify someone who is? We would love to have this information for the Dublin Archives.
Please contact us at cathy@nulldublinpreschool.org or stop by and see what DCP looks like 50 years later.
[DCP, now known as Dublin Community Preschool & Childcare Center, accepts ongoing enrollment as long as space is available. We offer before- and after-school care as well as a preschool program. Call 563-8508 for more information or to enroll for fall.]
Cathy Carabello is director/lead teacher at DCP. She started in 1995 and became Director in 2000.
Cobb Meadow: Garden Days on Wednesdays
Cobb Meadow School, a Waldorf preschool and kindergarten, invites families to Garden Days, an informal and fun summer program on Wednesdays running through August 14 from 9 to 10:30 am. Outdoor play is complemented by a melon snack.
Garden Days are an opportunity for children and caregivers to enjoy the summer garden and outdoor playtime. Gardening days are free and no registration is necessary. Attend one Garden Day or attend them all
Cobb Meadow School, now in its 21st year, was established to provide the greater Peterborough area with Waldorf educational opportunities for children in nursery and kindergarten. The school is accepting applications for children ages 3 to 6 years old for the 2014-2015 school year.
Cobb Meadow School is located at 273 Cobb Meadow Road (crossroad is East Harrisville Road), Dublin, NH. For details, please call Anne at 563-7755, or email info@nullcobbmeadowschool.org.
School Begins at the End of August
By May Clark
Happy summer, everybody! School starts for children on August 28. We start with a two-day week, then a four-day week (due to Labor Day) and finally a true five-day week. It’s a good way for everyone to ease back into the routine.
We have a few changes this year that we’d like to share. First, we are delighted to welcome Mrs. Deberah Lang as our first-grade teacher. Deb was a paraprofessional in the K/1 last year, and she has a great head start — she knows all the kids. Emily Brnger will be teaching a straight second grade this year, and Susan Ellingwood will have the kindergarten. Our only multi-age class for this year, the 3/4, is entrusted to Deb Bennett’s highly capable hands, and yours truly will teach a straight fifth grade this year.
We think our new assignments will work out beautifully, and can’t wait to see all those shining faces at the end of the month.
May Clark is Teaching Principal at DCS. You can email her at mclark@nullconval.edu.
Save the Date
Dublin Craft Fair
Saturday, Sept 13, 10 am – 3 pm, Yankee Field
Raindate Sept. 14
Dublin Community Center: Summer Events
By Nancy Jackson
The Dub Hub, as our new community center is referred to by some, is up and running this summer thanks to you. A bridge club, knitting group, the Monadnock Rotary, a wedding party, a choir concert, and others have enjoyed the space for community meetings and events. We held two opening receptions and are welcoming the bustle. Do join us!
- When our blue OPEN flag is flying, stop in to check out the space, chat, and view our current art exhibit and Oriental rugs lent by Peter Pap.
- On Monday and Wednesdays from 9:00 to 10:30 am, drop in for coffee, conversation, and board/card games (or bring your favorite game).
- Drawing and painting instruction will be given every Wednesday from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. All ages welcomed. Just bring a brush (or extras to donate).
- Through early August you can still view beautiful paintings by Georgia Fletcher.
For those wanting a little movement and exercise, we have two options on Mondays: Lunchtime Yoga with Meenakshi Moses from noon to 1 pm (call 563-8094) and Zumba with Debbie Giaimo, a four-week session starts August 4th runs from 5:30 to 6:30 pm (call 563- 8648).
Simply for fun, we are hosting an Almost End of Summer Community Potluck on Thursday, August 20th, 5:30 – 7:30 pm. Bring yourself, your family, and a dish to share.
We are grateful to the McIninch Foundation for a grant to purchase a 70-inch TV/DVD. Movie and game nights will start soon.
We count on you to put community in the Dublin Community Center. The space is yours to rent for private use at a very reasonable hourly price. Call 563-8021.
Volunteers (especially a webmaster) and a few wish list donations (new or gently used) would help too. They are two large beanbag chairs, 60 Corelle dinner plates, ice cube trays, and a 10-cup coffee maker. Drop them off on Monday or Wednesday mornings.
And help us reach our fundraising goal. Visit our Facebook page to link to our cool video on the Community Center renovation or go to https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-dub-hub.
Nancy Jackson is a member of the board of the Dublin Community Center. Other members include Bruce Simpson, Chair; Jerry Branch, Nancy Cayford, Edie Clark, Vira Elder, Susan Peters, and David Wolpe.
New Art Exhibit Features David Dodge
An exhibit of recent works by David Dodge will be on display at the Dublin Community Center from August 7 through September 9. The opening reception will be August 16th from 5 to 7 pm.

Dodge’s farmscapes and seascapes include scenes from the Monadnock Region as well as from the Maine coast, Nantucket, Arizona, and Scotland. Dodge, active in the local art community, is involved with the Healing Arts Gallery at Monadnock Community Hospital. He is a past president of Monadnock Art/ Friends of the Dublin Art Colony and remains a member of the board. He is also a member of the NH Art Association, Left Bank Artists, Sharon Art Center, and Sedona Arts Center.
You can view Dodge’s paintings when the Community Center is open or arrange an appointment by calling 563-8197.
Baha’is Host Program in Dublin
By Phil and Ruthie Gammons
This year the Baha’is of the Monadnock Region will commemorate the visit of Abdu’l-Baha to Dublin in the summer of 1912.
Abdu’l-Baha stayed in Dublin for three weeks at the invitation of Mrs. Agnes Parsons, during July and August of that year. While He was here He met with many of the friends in the area and spoke at the Dublin Community Church and the historic Dublin Inn.
On Sunday, August 10th, there will be a program at the Dublin Community Church to commemorate Abdu’l-Baha’s visit. The 3 pm service will include readings, music and a talk by Mr. Hyacinthe Symboli, a native of the Central African Republic. Hyacinthe will also be speaking at the regular 9 am service at the Dublin Community Church the same day. He currently works at Oracle Corporation in IT and lives in the Boston area.
A reception will follow at 4 pm at the historic Dublin Inn located at 1265 Main Street.
All are welcome to attend. For more information please call 563-8809 or visit http://dublininn.bahai.us.
Phil and Ruthie Gammons manage the historic Dublin Inn as a day-use religious center for the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States. They have made their home in Dublin since Naw-Ruz (the Baha’i New Year) March 21, 2006.
MESA Annual Meeting & Potluck: Aug. 17, 5 pm
Professor Peter A. Palmiotto, Director of Conservation Studies at Antioch University, will share the results of a seven-year study of our mountain: “Mount Monadnock in a Changing Climate.”
Peter will explain that what is happening here is an indicator of the effects climate change will soon have on mountain ecosystems throughout the Northeast.
The Monadnock Eastern Slope Association’s (MESA) Annual Meeting and Potluck is open to everyone. For further information, call Ed Germain, 563-8007.
Tip from Oxbow Farm
By Kim Graham
If you were to ask me to suggest three ways to explore what it means to eat local this summer, this is what I would tell you:
1) Visit a farmer’s market somewhere in the state of NH. And when I say visit, I really mean, buy and support the vendors. Find a market using this website: www.nhfma.org.
2) Visit a farm. Most farms are open to the public during the day, but it is always a good idea to contact the owners in advance of a visit. Go to www.monadnocktable.com for a great listing of local farms.
3) Take your kids/nieces/nephews/grandkids with you when you do either of the two suggestions listed above. Start a discussion on why it is important to know who grows the food they eat. You shouldn’t feel pressured to buy local for everything.
If you begin with these simple ideas, you may become inspired to investigate other ways to support your local farmers.
Kim Graham, who lives in Dublin, owns and runs Oxbow Farm, a small family farm specializing in eggs, chicken and pork: www.oxbowfarmnh.com.
David Voorhis and Window Master, Part Two
By Rusty Bastedo
The Advocate last interviewed David Voorhis about his Dublin-based company, Window Master, located right on Route 101, in December 2002. Mr. Voorhis had just acquired a licensed technology to the Bi-Glass Systems. This was, at that time, a new way to increase the energy efficiency of old windows through “single to double pane conversion.” The original wood used in old window sash had better ‘lignum strength’ than did the wood of newer growth trees; the latter is weakened by acid rain and air pollution. At the same time, costs to the homeowner were reduced by re-using the old wood sash. The lead weights, pulleys and ropes of old windows could be removed and the spaces filled with modern cellulose insulation, further reducing energy loss. This system maintained the integrity of the old sash and allowed homeowners to retain the historical look of the house.
Mr. Voorhis learned about Bi-Glass Systems by watching “This Old House,” a television program that catered, then and now, to the homeowner interested in home renovation. He bought a license, trained a crew and started upgrading windows. He set up his shop in Dublin where he previously owned and ran New England Wood Designs.
Since our December 2002 interview, Window Master has widened its reach, but the core of the original work crew remains the same as in 2002. Today 35% to 40% of Window Master’s work is still restoration of homeowners’ windows. More than half of the growth in the business has been in the expansion of commercial projects: colleges, universities, libraries, town halls, and municipal buildings throughout New England. The deciding factor to use the Bi-Glass system is the level of historical importance of the building. Towns and cities don’t want to change the look of their old beloved historical structures but want to be as energy efficient as possible.
Even during the business downturn of 2007-2010, and in the years since, Window Master has seen growth in this area. Because of their size and quantity of windows, 20th century college administration and library buildings often lose energy at a greater rate than do smaller homes. Facilities managers at a number of such institutions have recommended Window Master to other institutions.
Two years ago the State of New Hampshire contracted with Window Master to “convert” the windows of the Doloff Building in Concord, a late 19th century building of immense size. This project led to updating the windows at the NH State House. Other substantial projects include the Cambridge Library, the Mass General Hospital (original building), and many Beacon Street condominiums.
African mahogany and quarter-sawn oak, both “tight-grain” woods, are used for much of the window fabrication, and the company now has the additional capacity to replicate the old sash. They have a paint steam stripper that makes removal of old paints and putty possible. Window Master also provides high quality in house finish painting.
David Voorhis is expanding his staff, hiring workers familiar with traditional carpentry. A new business venture, Dublin Sash Systems, is available via the Internet for homeowners across the country who wish to upgrade their windows themselves. And there is talk about expanding the reach of the company beyond Vermont and Connecticut to central and northern New York State. The future looks bright for a Dublin company that “started small” more than 20 years ago! For further information, readers may call (603) 563-7788, or contact david@nullwindowmasternh.com; www.windowmasternh.com; www.jamblinersusa.com.
Russell Bastedo was formerly New Hampshire State Curator from 1997 to 2009. He has served on the staff of the Advocate since 1999.
Land Trust Celebrates 25th Anniversary
By Katrina Farmer
The Monadnock Conservancy, a local land trust for southwestern New Hampshire, was founded here in Dublin 25 years ago. Betsey Harris, Abe Wolfe and Bruce McClellan established the organization to protect priority lands owned by people interested in voluntarily donating a conservation easement.
The first easement was donated in 1991 by Betsey and John Harris, to protect Stonewall Farm on Page Road in Dublin. Today, the Conservancy has protected 18,000 acres in 28 towns around the Monadnock Region.
Please join us at our 25th Anniversary Annual Celebration at the Peterborough Town House on Saturday, August 23, from 9 am to noon. Optional field trips follow the program in the early afternoon.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Pat Payne at info@nullMonadnockConservancy.org or call 357-0600.
Katrina Farmer, a Dublin resident, is communications manager for the Monadnock Conservancy.
DCA Praises Friendly Farm
By Kevin Moody
2014 marks the 50th anniversary of two local institutions: Dublin Christian Academy and the Friendly Farm. The faculty, staff and students would like to publically congratulate the Friendly Farm on this historic 50-year milestone!
Over the years, many children from DCA have enjoyed your animals and the Friendly Farm experience, and you have created five decades of happy memories for countless others.
In the early days of DCA, the students had a “pet” deer that eventually needed a home, and the Friendly Farm was kind enough to care for her for awhile.
Thank you, Friendly Farm, for your commitment to our community. Not many local organizations share such a milestone. We look forward to celebrating many more years together!
Kevin Moody is Head of School at DCA.
Monadnock Rotary Announces Speakers in August
By Erika Rogers
In August, four speakers will attend the Monadnock Rotary breakfast meetings on Tuesdays starting at 7:30 am in the Vestry of The Dublin Community Church. Everyone interested is invited to attend these Rotary meetings, which end promptly at 8:30 am, free of charge. Please join us.
August 5: Seth Brenzel, Walden School
August 12: NH Children’s Trust
August 19: Anton Elbers, Local Food Movement
August 26: Richard Whitney
Erika Rogers is the Director of Development at Dublin School.
Remembering Granny D
By Mary Loftis
In 1999 Dublin’s Doris “Granny D” Haddock walked 3,200 miles from Los Angeles to Washington, DC, to champion the need for campaign finance reform. This amazing feat was accomplished in her 90th year — and in the remaining decade of her life she continued her crusade to restore the integrity of our democracy and mounted an effective campaign for the United States Senate. Doris, who died at age 100 in 2010, is truly one of the most esteemed citizens in the history of our little town!
Now plans are underway for a Granny D Memorial Walk at 9 am on Saturday, August 23, beginning near Doris’ home on Cobb Meadow Road and concluding at the center of Hancock. The route, which follows Cherry Hill Road, Jaquith Road and Old Dublin Road, coincides with one of Doris’ “practice walks” on which she trained for her cross-country trek. Walkers will arrive in the center of Hancock in time to visit the weekly farmer’s market and share lunch and ice cream on the green. A shuttle will be available for the return trip to Dublin.
The memorial walk is planned to follow a Friday evening (August 22, 8 pm) address by Lawrence Lessig, Harvard University Law Professor, at the Amos Fortune Forum. Mr. Lessig’s speech is entitled “Achieving Equal Citizenship: The Struggle to Restore Our Republic,” and he recently created a crowd-funded PAC to help elect candidates to Congress who will pass campaign finance reform. As an academic and an activist, he is continuing Doris’ work. This will undoubtedly be discussed as we walk the six miles from Dublin to Hancock. Mostly, though, we will be remembering Doris, who with her warmth, humor and determination demonstrated to the world what she called “the power of one.”
For information about the Granny D Memorial Walk, call Carol Wyndham at 924-3037.
Mary Loftis is on the staff of the Advocate.
Amos Fortune Forum in August
The 68th season of the Amos Fortune Forum continues in August on Fridays from 8 pm to 9 pm at the old Meetinghouse in Jaffrey Center, two miles on Route 124 west of downtown Jaffrey. There is no fee.
August 1: Dayton Duncan will speak on his book, “Seed of the Future: Yosemite and the National Park Idea.” While we now take national parks for granted, until 1864, a country’s most remarkable landscapes had always been exclusive. Noted author and documentary filmmaker Dayton Duncan will explore how Yosemite set the national park idea in motion.
August 8: Jane A. Difley, President/Forester of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF) will present “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow in New Hampshire’s Forests.” She will look back to the founding of SPNHF in 1901 with the passage of the Weeks Act, which made possible the creation of the White Mountain National Forest. She will relate how the Forest Society has since effected the perpetuation of New Hampshire’s forests across what is today the second-most forested state in the country. She will examine New Hampshire’s strong conservation ethic — one that will be needed going forward.
August 15: Kristen Gresh, the Estrellita and Yousuf Karsh Assistant Curator of Photographs at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, will relate She Who Tells a Story: “Women Photographers from Iran and the Arab World.” The photographs are all taken by women with roots in Iran and the Arab world and provide insight into major political and social issues of a part of the world that is both historically misrepresented and often misunderstood.
August 22: Lawrence Lessig will speak on “Achieving Equal Citizenship: The Struggle to Restore Our Republic.” He will explore how recent efforts are mobilizing citizens to form a movement capable of restoring the Republic that the framers intended. Lessig is the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership at Harvard Law School, director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University, and founder of Rootstrikers, a network of activists leading the fight against government corruption. He has authored numerous books, including Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Our Congress—and a Plan to Stop It.
Visit amosfortune.com for details.
At the Peterborough Players in August
By Fred Leventhal
The Peterborough Players will perform two classic works of the British stage during the month of August. Somerset Maugham’s The Circle, recently voted one of the 100 greatest plays of the 20th century by the National Theatre, opens on August 6 and runs until August 17.
With a large cast, including Lisa Bostnar, Anderson Matthews, Michael Page, Karron Graves, and Tom Frey, this sophisticated comedy of manners, set in a stately country home, finds Lady Kitty, who had run off with her husband’s best friend 30 years earlier, returning to England to discover her daughter-in-law in a similar predicament.
The Voysey Inheritance by Harley Granville-Barker, first performed in 1905, will be presented at the Players from August 20 to 31. Gus Kaikkonen, who directed a revival of the play at the Mint Theatre in New York in 1999 to critical acclaim, reprises his production with several of the same actors, including George Morfogen (last seen in Peterborough in Freud’s Last Session), Lisa Bostnar, and Kraig Swartz.
Clive Barnes of the New York Times called it a “perfectly splendid production” of a masterpiece. The play about financial improprieties in a family law firm anticipates the Bernie Madoff scandal by 100 years.
The Players’ Second Company will perform Kaikkonen’s vivid adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women August 23-30. First produced in Peterborough in 2005, Little Women, which blends period music with original songs, can be enjoyed by both adults and children.
Fred Leventhal, a Dublin resident, is a Trustee of the Peterborough Players.
Summer Music at the Dublin Community Church
By Barbara Summers
All summer, special music accompanies 9 am worship services at the Dublin Community Church. All are always welcome to attend. On August 3, Richard and Holly Sanders, of Peterborough, will play clarinet and flute. On August 10, the Church welcomes back Lili Hanft on harp. On August 17, Scott Mullet and the Jazz quintet will delight the congregation. August 24 brings the Hancock Village Bell Ringers, led by Sarah Hale of Hancock. On August 31st, Olga Litvantsova joins us on violin.
Barbara Summers is the director of music at the Dublin Community Church.
Upcoming Events & Programs
The River Center, a family and community resource center in Peterborough serving the eastern Monadnock Region with parenting support, economic opportunity programs and community connections, offers a Safe Sitter course at the Dublin Community Center on August 19 from 8:45 am to 4:30 pm. Cost is $75.
On August 25th from 10 am – 4 pm salons will be donating time for Free Haircuts for School Age Children at The River Center, 46 Concord St., Peterborough.
Registration is open for The River Center parenting programs that begin in September. Programs provide professional and peer support, parenting education, social and community connections, referrals and an early childhood enrichment program to all parents.
Parenting programs by Bonnie Harris, M.S. Ed, are held on Tuesdays (parents of children ages 6 and up) and Thursdays (parents of mixed ages) from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Call to check when childcare is available.
Parenting programs (for parents of children ages 0-5) from Wendy Hill, M.S., happen on Wednesdays from 9:30 – 11. Kellie Tourgee’s programs for parents of mixed ages are in Jaffrey from 9:30 to 11:30 am at the United Church of Jaffrey.
To register, call 603-924-6800 or visit info@nullrivercenter.us.
Funding for The River Center is provided in part by the Monadnock United Way, the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, and through the donations of local businesses, organizations and individuals.
Jack Donnelly on Costa Rican Culture
By Margaret Gurney
Jack Donnelly, who lives in Costa Rica when not in Dublin, has come full circle. He got his undergraduate degree in cultural anthropology from Universidad de Las Américas in Mexico City in 1969 and then served in the Peace Corps in Guatemala from 1969 to 1971. The seeds had already been sown for a lifelong fascination with Central and South American culture, language and folklore, all of which are the subjects of his recent book, Costa Rica: Folk Culture, Traditions, and Cuisine.
Donnelly retired four years ago, after a career in education administration (he earned his M.Ed. at Antioch University-New England in 1972 and did his graduate internship at Dublin School), having served as assistant superintendent at Fall Mountain School District. Donnelly also taught Spanish at Franklin Pierce in recent years.
When he served as a field manager for the Centers for Disease Control survey group, Donnelly traveled around the U.S. For a while he had an income tax business — in all, he is a well-rounded gentleman.
After Donnelly got his residency papers in Costa Rica, bought a condo and got settled, he was invited to write articles for a local English-speaking bimonthly magazine, where he delved into such things as cuisine, festivals, and practices and beliefs of local folklore.
Each article became a separate chapter, and all are now incorporated into his book. They can be read in any order, Donnelly explained and, including four chapters on cuisine, others on superstitions, customs, they represent information “not available anywhere in English or really Spanish, for that matter.”
Donnelly now lives just north of San Jose and has done enough research to become informed about tourism there: which is the best season to visit based on interests and where to find what you want to see. In sum, he says he has “become an excellent tour guide.” Donnelly points out that “Costa Rica is the second most popular tourist destination for Americans in the hemisphere, after Mexico, and in particular, eco-tourism. For example, birding tours are very well attended.” He is a member of the Birding Club of Costa Rica, but acknowledges that some people prefer to visit volcanoes!
So for now, Donnelly’s plan is to promote his book. He has been invited by the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture to participate in presentations at a fair of 60,000 people in August and will continue to publish other articles on folk culture, cuisine, and, places of interest in Costa Rica.
Costa Rica: Folk Culture, Traditions, and Cuisine is a compilation of articles he wrote over a period of time, with the range reflecting his diverse interests, and steeped in his understanding of cultural anthropology. In it, he acknowledges his high school Spanish teacher, long since deceased, for giving him the gift of Spanish in the first place. The book is for sale at the Toadstool, online, or you can borrow it from the library right here in his other hometown.
Margaret Gurney is editor of the Advocate.
Requiem for the Pigeon
By Tom Warren
September 1, 2014, marks 100 years since the extinction of the Passenger Pigeon when Martha, the last of her species, died in The Cincinnati Zoo.
Some of the earliest explorers in North America, Cartier and Champlain commented on taking “a goodly quantity” in 1605. And a goodly quantity there was, as estimates of their population range as high as seven billion birds.

Tree limbs would collapse from the weight of the birds as they gathered in unimaginable numbers to eat mast (nuts of forest trees, the preferred food of these birds), fruit and insects and later corn. When settlers arrived they removed the trees (which grew the food supply and nesting sites) to convert forests farmlands and then planted corn.
A flock observed in 1860 was more than 300 miles in length and probably contained some 3.7 billion pigeons. Alexander Wilson (1810) and John James Audubon (1813) observed similar flights.
How could the most common bird in the world go from billions to extinction in only 200 years? From 1860 to 1914 billions were lost. From Audubon and Wilson’s time (200 years) these were some seven billion birds.
It was a combination of nesting habits, the Industrial Revolution and human ignorance. The birds nested in areas where the previous fall produced great mast. Some nesting areas covered 850 square miles and some trees held 600 nests.
In the 19th century, settlers moved west, and by clearing the forests for farmland they destroyed huge populations of mature trees, which produced mast for the pigeons. The railroad and telegraph were also the beginning of the end of the Passenger Pigeon. The telegraph allowed hunters to quickly locate nest sites where they then slaughtered millions of pigeons and shipped them east to markets in major cities to be used for target shooting, bait traps and human consumption. One net could capture 35,000 birds.
By the 1890s the flocks had become very small and were no longer of value to market hunters. In 1898 the last bird was killed in the wild. By 1912 only a few birds remained in captivity. In less than 40 years, mankind had reduced a species that numbered in the billions to zero.
The famous ornithologist, William Beebe, wrote in 1906 “when the last individual of a race of living beings breathes no more, another heaven and another earth must pass before such a one can be again.”
Tom Warren is a Trustee of the Harris Center for Conservation Education and New Hampshire Audubon.
Farm to Table Right in Town
By John Sandri
Farmer John’s Plot will be hosting a farm-to-table dinner on August 23rd as a fundraiser to support our farm’s nonprofit mission. The dinner will be a multi-course meal made with organic produce, meats, eggs and maple syrup from our farm. There will also be local wines to taste, live music and a tour of our CSA gardens.
The event will take place at one of our donated farm sites in the beautiful Stonlea Barn.
Tickets are now on sale and are $79 per person. This fundraiser supports our Future Farmer Program, which trains college students in the work of running a sustainable farm. It also supports organic produce donations to The River Center in Peterborough, an effort that helps make the local food movement more accessible to low-income families.
Please come out and support local agriculture. For tickets and information, contact Farmer John at 603-289-5927 or via email at farmerjohnsplot@nullgmail.com. When you stop by our farm stand at 26 Chesham Road in Dublin, you can also purchase tickets there.
John Sandri is the founder and director of the nonprofit Farmer John’s Plot.
Art at Jaffrey Civic Center
The Jaffrey Civic Center is pleased to host the solo exhibit of works by Keene artist Bob Askey in the 2nd floor Cunningham Gallery from July 18 through August 16th. Wallace Tripp will be a special guest artist with the exhibit.
More than 150 pieces of art in various media including oils, watercolor, colored pencil, mixed media, pen and ink, graphite and etchings will be on display. Bob Askey will be in the gallery during all open hours to conduct art demonstrations and lead art discussions.
Wallace Tripp might well have been the state’s best-known artist 30 years ago. He published nine picture books and illustrated more than 35 more picture books for other authors and publishers. The lovable animal characters he created experienced nationwide distribution as the stars of Pawprints, his greeting card company. After 20 years of great success he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and a brilliant career was over. Samples of Wallace Tripp’s books, cards and illustrations will be on display as an important part of this exhibit.
The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main St., Jaffrey, next to Library, with parking in back. Admission is always free. For information, call 603-532-6527 or e-mail jaffreycntr@nullaol.com.
Living History Event in Hillsborough
Meet George Washington, go to school with Laura Ingalls Wilder, make butter, watch the cannons roar and pan for gold, or watch reenactments of the French and Indian or Civil War.
Still only $10 for adults, $8 – Seniors, and $5 children 6 to 17, 5 & under free all for Saturday, August 16 and Sunday, August 17 in Hillsborough, NH; www.LivingHistoryEventNH.com or 603-478-0809, LivingHistoryEvent@nullgmail.com.
HCS Offers Walk-in Hours in Peterborough
Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services (HCS) welcomes residents of Dublin to “Walk-in Wednesdays” on the first Wednesday of every month from 3 to 5 pm. Our staff members specialize in home care, geriatric care management and hospice and can speak with you about your specific concerns, for free and off-the-record. Walk-in Wednesdays will be held at the HCS office, 45 Main Street, Suite 316, in Peterborough. So come August 6 or September 3. Those who are not able to stop by may call 532-8353 for information anytime. Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services is a Monadnock United Way agency serving Peterborough and surrounding towns for more than 30 years.
CASA Volunteers Make a Difference
Nobody longs for a safe and loving family more than a child in foster care. As a CASA volunteer, you will be the consistent adult in these children’s lives, protecting their right to be treated with the dignity that every child deserves.
Volunteers get to know the child by talking with everyone in that child’s life: parents and relatives, foster parents, teachers, medical professionals, social workers and more. This information will inform judges and others of what the child needs and what will be the best permanent home for them.
You do not have to be a lawyer or social worker to volunteer. You will be thoroughly trained and well supported by professional staff to help you through each case. You must pass a background check, participate in a 40-hour pre-service training course and agree to stay with a case until it is closed (on average, two years).
CASA volunteers attend all court hearings on the case and monitor its progress. They spend an average of 8-12 flexible hours a month per case and work with the courts closest to where they live. There is a need for more volunteers in every New Hampshire community. For more information, visit www.casanh.org, call 800-626-0622, or email speakup@nullcasanh.org.
Photography Contest and Auction
Enter your photos to win in any or all of the three categories: wildlife, wild plants and land/waterscapes. Up to five photos can be submitted by amateur photographers only. Youth (under 18) and Adults (over 18) will be judged separately. All winning photos will be donated to the silent auction that will benefit the Massabesic Audubon Center. Winning photos will be on display from October 1 to December 8, 2014. Call the center for complete rules (603-668-2045) or email mac@nullnhaudubon.org for more information. Rules and entry forms at www.nhaudubon.org. Deadlines for entries: September 2.
Audubon’s Nature Café in Auburn, NH
NH’s Wild History: 350 Years of Wildlife – August 8; 7-8:30 pm, $5.
Enjoy a virtual journey through New Hampshire’s past, focusing on changes in the land and how wildlife populations have responded over time since the state was settled. Speaker Chris Bogard of the UNH Extension “Speaking for Nature” speakers bureau, will discuss why changes in NH’s habitat are behind the decline of many of our rarest species today, why others are more abundant than before, and what you can do to help. Massabesic Audubon Center, 26 Audubon Way, Auburn, NH 03032; 603-668-2045.