By Ramona Branch
Dubliners had great weather for town meeting March 12. According to Sherry Miller, town administrator, almost 140 residents were in attendance this year.
Several of the articles passed allowed for the maintenance of town property and the purchase of new town equipment. We voted to replace the roofs on the highway garage, police department, transfer station shed and the Post Office. The town will purchase a used grader for the highway department and a new lawn and garden tractor to be used primarily to maintain the cemetery.
There were three articles that received considerable discussion: the hiring of a part-time police officer, purchasing new playground equipment for the Dublin Consolidated School, and a contribution to the Dublin Community Center. Twenty five thousand dollars was approved for the purchase of new playground equipment for the school; and the Community Center will receive a contribution of $9,000.
Contributions were approved for eight human service agencies that provide needed services to townspeople; and The Dublin Advocate is grateful for the continued support by the town.
We voted to continue the second phase of the traffic-calming project on Rte. 101. The paving of the parking lot on the lower level of the library, archives building, and town hall will make for easier access to these buildings.
After discussing the issue at some length, the addition of a part-time police officer was voted down.
According to Dale Gabel, a member of the Budget Committee, the approved operating budget of $1,936,438, increased to a gross appropriation of $2,654,007 by approved warrant articles, will result in a net appropriation of $1,706,860 after offsets from capital reserves and revenues are applied (a year-to-year increase of approximately one percent over all).
The requested Zoning Adjustments were all passed by voters on March 8.
Ramona Branch is on the staff of The Dublin Advocate.
The Citizen of the Year Award
Tom Wright was posthumously awarded the Citizen of the Year for his service to Dublin…

…over many years:
- Planning Board member: 1972-1977 (secretary for some of that time)
- Zoning Board of Adjustment member and chairman: 1978-1986; 1991-2000
- Dublin Historical Society treasurer: 1990-1993
- Dublin Associates treasurer: 1975-2002
- Dublin Lake Preservation Committee: 1997-2008; Chairman 2000-2008
Information courtesy of the Town of Dublin Archives and the Dublin Historical Society Archives.
A remembrance of Tom Wright, as shared by his son Jock at Tom’s Memorial Service, is included later in this blog.

The following people won at the ballot boxes on March 8: Selectman – Sturdy Thomas (3 years); Supervisor of the Checklist – Judith A. Knapp (6 years); Library Trustees – Celeste Snitko and Gail Bartlett (3 years); Water Commissioner – Arthur H. Susmann (3 years); Budget Committee – Dale G. Gabel and Steve Baldwin (3 years); Cemetery Trustee – Bruce Fox (3 years); Planning Board – Willard Goodwin and Dale G. Gabel; Trustee of Trust Funds – Frederick W. MacMillan; Dublin Representative to the ConVal School Board – Bernd Foecking (3 years).
Public Notice: Town of Dublin
Charcoal Road will be closed March 28 through August 26
Dublin Public Library
April is the month of showers, dreaming of and planning gardens, buying the first pansies. Books to consider spending time with cover gardening, plants, and hiking; also rainy day novels and biographies. April is also the month for diets, menu changes, cookbooks, and the library has some wonderful magazines on these subjects, as well as travel.
Come make a kite at the Dublin Public Library on Wednesday morning, April 6. Maybe the weather will cooperate and we can take our kites outside on the hill. Spring flowers should be blooming for inspiration as we paint watercolor daisies and sweet peas on April 13.
During February school-vacation week, children who came in the library were encouraged to choose an animal and make a three-dimensional display with its habitat. They could display it at the library with a fiction or non-fiction book that referred to the animal.
During April vacation, children will be encouraged to search for earth treasures in their yard. We will supply display materials and books for identification. Let’s see how many different things we can find — and maybe even break February’s record of children visiting the library during a school vacation week! Programs are 9:30 to 10:30 Wednesday mornings with stories, songs, and a snack.
The Abbey by S.J. Martin
Between Now and Forever by B. Freethy
Things We Keep by S. Hepworth
Leonard by W. Shatner
Dead Presidents by B. Carlson
Immortal Irishman by T. Egan
Steel Kiss by J. Deaver
The Peanut Movie
Alvin the Chipmunk
Steve Jobs
The Big Short
Love the Coopers

A Friendly Old Book Sale
The Dublin Library Friends’ Book Sale will begin with member’s night on Thursday, March 31, from 5 to 7:30 pm (everyone else must pay $5) and the public sale on Saturday, April 2, 10 am to noon. We will have the usual pocket mass-market books for 25 cents each, hardbound books also for 25 cents, and trade paperbacks for a dollar apiece. There are a number of picture books, art books, cookbooks and the like, which will be individually priced. Children’s picture books will be 25 cents each.
FDPL Notes
Spring has sprung, and our promised guest will be coming to the library to speak at our Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 23, at 10 am. Dr. Francis deMarneffe has a thrilling tale of youth and daring in his account of fleeing across Belgium in 1940 on a bicycle just ahead of the German Army. Signed copies of his book, Last Boat from Bordeaux, will be available.
Also, please remember that there are museum passes available at the front desk!
Dublin Women’s Club News
By Nancy Campbell
The Women’s Club Board of Directors and Beach Committee gratefully appreciate the many donations, large and small, from the community for our beach restoration project. As of this writing, we are closing in on our goal of $20,000.
We have hired Eastern Slopes Construction, LLC (Chris Raymond). Chris is anxious to start as soon as he can so we can get the beach in shape for the summer. Thank you to all who have donated so far.
The Women’s Club annual meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26, at Del Rossi’s. A social hour begins at 5:30 pm with dinner being served around 6 pm. The cost will still be $32 per person, which includes a selection of Del Rossi’s favorites, along with salad, bread, dessert, coffee or tea. The 9% meals tax and gratuity are included. One doesn’t have to be a Women’s Club member to join us; we welcome guests. Members will receive notification either by USPS mail or email.
Invitations to join the Dublin Women’s Club will be mailed the end of April. Anyone who does not receive an invitation and who wishes to join may contact Treasurer Nancy Campbell (563-8480). Those persons needing financial assistance may also contact Nancy Campbell, or any of the following members: Emily Johnson, Shannon Carpenter, Heather Fletcher, or Connie Cerroni.
Nancy Campbell is Treasurer of the Dublin Women’s Club.
DCF Offering Scholarships
The Dublin Community Foundation (DCF) is accepting scholarship applications from high school seniors who are graduating in 2016 and who are Dublin residents. A limited number of scholarships are set aside for students planning to continue their studies at a college or university, technical or business school.
The deadline for applying is May 15, 2016. Notification of awards will be made by June 15. Applications are available from guidance counselors at ConVal, Dublin Christian Academy, the Dublin School, and Fairwood Bible Institute. DCF also welcomes applications from those Dublin students who have been homeschooled. Applications can also be sent by email upon request.
All completed applications may be returned to DCF by mail (DCF, PO Box 1036, Dublin, NH 03444) or electronically to
Dog Licenses Due April 30
By Jeannine Dunne
Please be sure to renew your dog licenses by the end of April to avoid additional charges. Bring your dog’s current rabies certificate or call ahead to see if the town clerk’s office has a copy supplied by your dog’s veterinarian. As long as you provide a copy of the current rabies certificate, licenses can also be issued by mail. Please include a check and self-addressed envelope. If dogs are not neutered or spayed, licenses are $9.00. For puppies 4 to 7 months old, neutered males and spayed females, licenses are $6.50 each. If the owner is over 65 years old, the first dog’s license is just $2.00.
If you no longer have your dog or if you have any questions, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 563-8859. Thank you!
Jeannine Dunne is the Town Clerk/Tax Collector of Dublin.
Public Notice: Town of Dublin
Effective March 7 – May 1, 2016
All Town roads will be closed to all vehicles over 6 tons.
For exceptions, please contact the Road Agent,
Brian Barden at 398-8546.
Attention 2016 College Graduates
Dubliners want to know about graduates.
To announce your graduation from college or graduate school
in the May issue of the Advocate, please send your photo
(head and shoulders) and a short paragraph about your plans
to before April 15.
Since not everyone is on Facebook, let your neighbors know about your success;
make sure you are entered into the Dublin Archives through these pages.
Thanks, and congratulations.
Dublin’s New Rep to the ConVal School Board
By Mary Loftis
Bernd Foecking, Dublin’s new representative to the ConVal School Board, is looking forward to serving his town (he and his wife and two daughters moved here in 2012) and applying his experience as an educator to the issues of the regional district.

Bernd is Headmaster of Hampshire Country School, a boarding school in Rindge for grades 3 through 12. In that capacity, he has had experience creating and following budgets and serving as a voice for students, especially those with special needs – experience that he expects will be valuable on the ConVal School Board.
Bernd says, “I want to be a voice in our school system that helps to keep all constituencies in mind: the students and their need and right to an excellent education and a positive school experience, the taxpayers and their interest in paying affordable taxes while keeping their property values high, and the teachers who want to work in a supportive district with a competitive salary package and attractive work environment.”
Bernd sees the issue of possible small school consolidation as the biggest challenge currently facing the District. He says that he welcomes joining the ongoing conversation about the financial and educational efficiencies of combining schools versus the value of small community schools.
Bernd has already reached out to Nicole Pease, Principal of Dublin Consolidated School, and looks forward to visiting the school soon after his swearing-in in mid-March. He also looks forward to hearing from his constituents at
Mary Loftis, a former representative to the SAU1 for two terms, is on the staff of the Advocate.
Dubliner Receives Service Award
College student completes a service trip to the Dominican Republic.
According to the Clark University website:
Lauren Mackey, a junior at Clark University, recently returned from El Cidral, Dominican Republic. The Clark Athletic Service Learning Trip (CAST) was partnered with Service for Peace. The group of students were charged with building an addition at the local school. At the end of the week, Lauren was voted “hardest worker” by the local community members who worked alongside her.
“Working with other Clark student-athletes and the Service for Peace team to benefit the community members and specifically the incredibly talented children was an honor. Not only did we learn about the community members and the culture around us, we all learned about each other and ourselves. I will cherish my experience and the strong relationships I have made with my peers and community members for a long time,” Lauren is quoted as saying.
In their limited downtime, they played softball and games with the students of the school and did some sightseeing.
Lauren is studying Environmental Science and Policy, is a member of the Clark field hockey team, and is an outfielder and captain of the softball team. For the full story, visit Clark University at
DCS News: Testing & Reading
By Nicole Pease
After a wildly busy month of March, we hope April will be much quieter. DCS teachers and students will see the end of Smarter Balanced Testing, participate in Read-a-thon, and begin Quarter 4.
Teachers and students worked hard to get ready for the New Hampshire state test, which is replacing the NECAP. All students in grades 3 through 5 will take the test. It includes reading and math and is taken on the computer. We almost had to have students take the tests in the library as we had a sprinkler freeze and burst in late February, spraying water all over the computer lab, including on the computers. Thanks to the Dublin Fire Department’s quick response, as well as Tim Grossi and the ConVal maintenance crew’s hard work, our computer lab has been dried out and repaired from the soaking, and only one computer needed to be replaced! So even though testing might not be the most fun thing to do, we have a lovely space in which to complete it!
On April 1, DCS took a whole-school field trip to the Colonial Theater in Keene to see the Cirque Zuma Zuma, an awe-inspiring blend of acrobatics and musical performances. Later that week, the Annual Read-a-Thon will be taking place for two weeks. It will be a huge challenge to beat last year’s record when students tallied an amazing 77,676 minutes! The Read-a-Thon will kick off with a mascot, and hopefully Super Bookworm will be here as well. It is such fun to see the enthusiasm for reading! Coinciding with Read-a-Thon is Turn-Off-TV Week in which students who want to participate limit all screen time. These exciting events will finish up just before Spring break, which begins on April 18.
Please come by and see all the things happening in our wonderful community school; just give a call first.
Nicole Pease, M.Ed., is Dublin Consolidated School Principal and the Math Coach for SAU1.
Thanks to Town from the DCS PTO
By Mary Armstrong
Thank you, townspeople of Dublin, for your support for our new playground!
The last month included a lot of preparation for Town Meeting, at which we were thrilled to receive the approval of the town’s voters in the form of a $25,000 warrant article.
With this passing, we have been working very hard to raise the last of the money we need to complete this project. With the $19,000 we have already raised, and the money from the town, we have $44,000 of our needed $52,000. Fundraising continues as we work to get grants and raise the needed funds for the remaining $8,000.
Our next step is to evaluate proposals from the three playground companies. We will be deciding on a design and engaging in price negotiations soon. We anticipate completing this project by asking local people to come together in a weekend-long Community Build volunteer day in August, so please be on the lookout for more information about how you can be involved! Please contact DCS at 563-8332 if you would like to contribute money to this project, your time, or expertise.
Mary Armstrong is president of the PTO at DCS and teaches English at Keene High School.
Time to Register Kindergartners for Fall 2016
Contoocook Valley School District announces Kindergarten Registration and Screening scheduled for Tuesday, April 12, 2016, from 8 am to 3 pm at Peterborough Elementary School if your child will be 5 years old by August 25.
All incoming Kindergartners should attend. A child must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Pre-registration is required. To attend the Kindergarten Registration and Screening, please call the Student Services Dept. at 924-7503 ext. 2032 and register for an appointment time.
Skiing Awards Run in the Family
A local skier represented Team NH at the NENSA U16 Nordic Skiing Championships at Gould Academy in Bethel, Maine in March. Lilly Bates, a ninth grader at Dublin School, qualified for the Under 16 New England Championships and the Eastern High School Championships through her strong finish at the NH Coaches Association qualifying race.

She qualified as the third fastest U16 in NH and the seventh fastest high school racer in the state. Lilly helped to pace NH to its very first win at the U16 Championships, with NH finishing ahead of Vermont, Massachusetts, Maine, and New York. On March 19-20, she raced three times for NH at the Eastern High School championships in Ripton, Vermont.
Calvin Bates, Lilly’s brother who is a senior at Dublin School and member of the Dublin XC Ski Club, earned All-American honors at the 2016 Junior National Cross Country Ski Championships in Cable, Wisconsin.

Calvin earned the honor after finishing in sixth place in the 1.3 km Sprint event on the storied trails of Mount Telemark. Calvin, skiing in the U18 age category, was making his second trip to the Junior Nationals after competing in the U16 category in 2014.
While earning a top ten result at Junior Nationals was Calvin’s number one goal heading into the 2015-16 season, he faced tough competition when he made a move to pass a top American sprinter. His semifinal was stacked with very strong sprinters from Alaska, New England, and New York. After a slow start he placed third, which qualified him as the fifth of six skiers heading into the “A” Final. Calvin has his sights set on qualifying for Junior Nationals in the U20 category next year. Calvin is Dublin School’s first-ever All-American skier. He is coached by Kathy Maddock of Dublin XC and by his father, Brad Bates, who coaches the Dublin School team.
Monadnock Rotary Speakers
April 5: Club business meeting led by President Rob Harris.
April 12: “Leadership Has No Gender” is the topic to be addressed by Bob Vecchiotti, PhD, LLC, a Business Advisor and Executive Coach. He will discuss how leadership has evolved to recognize the contributions of women leaders by integrating their skills and abilities into its definition. Corporations thrive when they allow leadership styles of men and women to converge.
April 19: Kevin Mitrano, Executive Director of Brantwood Camp in Peterborough, NH, will talk about Brantwood Camp, which was founded in 1904, and serves children in the New England and New York City areas who could not otherwise afford to attend summer camp.
April 26: Charles D. Whitten, Manager of Juniper Development Group will discuss Renovation and Development of the former Brookstone Property in Peterborough. Whitten has engineered the redevelopment of more than two million square feet of warehouse, industrial, office, research and development, and retail space.
Monadnock Rotary Road Cleanup
The members of Monadnock Rotary Club, which meets every Tuesday at 7:30 am in the lower level of the Dublin Community Church, is organizing a roadside cleanup day on April 30. If you wish to join the crew, meet at Carr’s Store at 8 am and bring gloves and a picker-upper grabbing tool if you have one. Route 101 will thank you.

Monadnock United Way Campaign in Dublin
By Bill Goodwin
The Monadnock United Way campaign for 2015-16 wrapped up in February. It was a challenge, but with a huge effort on the part of many volunteers, the greater campaign raised $2,032,509, which was above goal by $12,597.
Here in Dublin, we raised $8,407 through solicitation of the town businesses. In addition, Dublin residents pledged $8,815 to the “Live United” campaign. Overall, we did very well. I want to thank Molly Taflas from es3 in Keene for making the business calls.
I would also like to thank all of those businesses in town that supported the campaign this year. They include Dublin School, Francis McKenna Woodworking, Gammy Bird Consulting, Hedge House, Morning Star Maple, Niemela Construction, The Friendly Farm — and we must give a special thank you to Yankee Publishing for their stellar effort. Yankee’s employees, along with a company match, raised $7,787.
Last year, the Monadnock United Way agencies and programs were used by roughly 25% of the residents in the Monadnock Region. The MUW campaign is extremely important to the 46 supported agency programs. I hope that those businesses in town that were unable to participate this year will consider doing so next year. We need you. For more information about the Monadnock United Way, please visit
Bill Goodwin was General Campaign Chair in 2012 and ran the Peterborough campaign in 2014 and 2015.

The River Center’s Upcoming Events
Come to the Community Spelling Bee Fundraiser on April 29 at 7 pm.
Join other parents and learn How to Help Your Worried Child, with Bonnie Harris, on Wednesdays, April 13 through May 25, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. Or take a Saturday morning to gain a New Perspective on Your Child’s Behavior, also with Bonnie Harris, on April 30, 9:30 am to 1 pm.
One upcoming job-readiness training includes How to Submit an Online Job Application, Tuesday, April 19, 1 – 2:30 pm; or join other job seekers at our Job Seekers MeetUp every Tuesday, 12 pm – 1 pm.
To register, call The River Center at 924-6800 or email
Tom Wright: A Remembrance
By Jock Wright
At the Memorial Service held to honor my father, Thomas P. Wright, last January 22 in Peterborough, I shared the following and wish to share it now with any Dubliners who may not have been able to make that service.
I thought I might share some moments from our history to highlight some of the quirky, humorous things that made my father who he was; they reflect the fabric that made him the unique person we will all miss. I’m sure he will forgive me for having a little bit of fun at his expense. Here is a partial list of things that I remember most:
The Bentley – Dad inherited this large blue car from his father, coolest vehicle I had ever seen, and it had electric windows, which was a big deal back then. Problem was, it was not the most practical car for Dublin, NH, but it was an awesome, beautiful machine.
The Burning Barrel – My father thought it was very practical to burn our rubbish in the backyard in a large metal 50-gallon drum, don’t all people do that? Not sure the EPA would approve of this today. I should also apologize to our neighbors for the smog pollution it created.
The Scotch Box – My father was especially excited about this contraption when he bought it. It was a charcoal grill about the size of a toolbox that could be sealed after use to recycle your briquettes. Problem was, the meat was always underdone and my stepmother, Story, would be forced to finish the grilling under the broiler while muttering under her breath. But he was determined to revolutionize grilling with his thrifty briquette recycler.

Deviled Ham Sandwiches – Dad loved to ski at Killington in Vermont and when he would take the children to ski with him he had to fix lunch. For lunch he would bring a loaf of bread, a can of deviled ham, and a bag of Fritos. Lunch was to be eaten only outside in the frozen parking lot at the base of the #1 Poma lift — my toes hurt just thinking about this — we could only dream of those French Fries in the main lodge.
The Big Elm Tree – My father took it upon himself to cut down a large Elm tree that had Dutch Elm Disease. After getting the chainsaw stuck, he thought the most prudent thing would be to tie one end of a rope to the tree and the other end to the bumper of our VW Squareback. As he pulled on the mighty elm, it fell — problem was, it fell directly on top of the car in which he was driving — luckily, the only damage sustained was to the vehicle.
Brown Horses – As you all know, Story was an avid equestrian and loved her horses, some might say more than people. One day while having lunch at a local diner, my father started a conversation with the attractive waitress and the subject turned to horses. My father told her that we owned horses and she, being a horse lover, became quite excited and asked him what kind of horses we had. My father paused and answered, “Brown.” She just shook her head and walked away.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull – My father was not much of a reader. He read the newspapers daily, but let’s just say he was not the type of person you would find curled up in front of the fire with a good book. One book that rested on his bedside table for many years was Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. It was published in 1970 and rose to the top of NYT bestseller list for 38 weeks in 1972. It’s the story of a rebellious seagull that is bored with being an ordinary seagull and his desire is to learn and fly just a bit faster and higher than his fellow seagulls.
Well, I found the “Tom Wright” special edition, and before I read an excerpt from the book I thought I might point out some of the book’s finer qualities: It’s a small and pretty thin book, at least 50% of the book is pictures, and the print is large. But here is an excerpt from the book worth noting: “Heaven is not a place, and it is not a time. Heaven is being perfect. And that isn’t flying a thousand miles an hour, or a million, or flying at the speed of light. Because any number is a limit, and perfection doesn’t have limits. Perfect speed, my son, is being there…”
Godspeed Dad — we are going to miss you!
Jock Wright is one of Tom’s three grown children, and lives in Wilton, CT. Tom’s other grown children are Spencer, who lives in Santa Fe; and Georgia, who lives in Fairfax, CA. When Tom and Story were married, their families merged: Will Wear and his wife Laura (Amherst, MA) have just bought a house in town; and Katherine (Wear) lives in Wakefield, MA, with her husband Christian van Wely.
In Addition to Tom Wright’s Service to Dublin
(continued from p. 1 Citizen of the Year)
Tom is a descendant of Thomas Morse, the first permanent settler in Dublin.
Tom also worked on the early Transportation Committee, collaborating with the
Southwest Region Planning Commission, to help determine this region’s needs
for transportation. He resigned after a 10-year plan was completed.
He was also involved with the Historical Society of Cheshire County.
Information courtesy of the Town of Dublin Archives and
the Dublin Historical Society Archives.
[For an earlier profile of Tom and Story Wright in The Dublin Advocate, see June 2013, p. 8.]
A Remembrance of Robert Weis
By Peter Weis
If a child has any role in choosing his parents, Robert Weis could not have done better. He was raised to be kind and generous – almost to a fault, if that is possible. Let a single story illustrate this. I recall in the earliest days of his collecting one-cylinder gas engines, when the Dublin Engine Show was still held on the common between the fire station and the Yankee Publishing building, he saw a Maytag washing machine engine for sale, with no price on it. When told it was $5.00, he said, “I couldn’t possibly give you less than ten for it.”

When he grew up, not only did he develop a warm and friendly persona with a smile to match, but he had the good fortune to have parents who retired to Cricket Hill Farm in Dublin in 1950. One cannot imagine a more fertile ground on which Bob could cultivate his interests in collecting and restoring antique automobiles and farm machinery. Though he began a 31-year teaching career 40 miles away at Northfield Mount Hermon School, his heart was always at Cricket Hill. Slowly he filled the outbuildings there with his restorations, and when one filled, he built another, or added on.
Beginning in the early 1970s he slowly changed his deep allegiance from the Ford Model T to Abenaque, Sandwich, and International Harvester engines and John Deere tractors. His collection of Fordsons marked the transition, and he always kept a warm spot in his heart for the Model T.
When the success of the Dublin Engine Show caused it to outgrow its first two locations, Bob immediately offered his field as a permanent location for the annual September festivities. There it has grown for four decades now.
Bob looked forward to his 65th birthday with as much interest as anyone ever has, because it meant retirement to Dublin. He had had a splendid teaching career, to be sure, as beloved at NMH as he was already becoming in Dublin, but he and his dear wife Mary could at last truly come home. Friendships that had grown over time now flourished. He developed and maintained a civic interest in town affairs.
As the years passed, knowing that “you can’t take it with you,” his generosity showed itself again, as he parted with tractors and engines, not for the highest price, but to places where he knew that they would be appreciated and loved, as he had loved and appreciated them.
I speak for my siblings when I say that in choosing a father, we could not have done better.
Peter Weis is the archivist at NMH and lives in Northfield, Massachusetts.
Bob Weis’ Service to Dublin
- Trustee of Trust Funds: 2004-2009
- Hydrant Committee: 2002-2006
- Trustee of the Historical Society: 1999-2002
- Ballot Clerk: 1996-1997
- Budget Committee: 1994-1998; Co-Chair: 1994-1995
The Weises donated about 45 acres of land on and near Mud Pond
in 1992 under the Land Conservation Investment Program to the Town.
There were also several other donors in the initiative that was led by Bruce McClellan.
Bob also graciously allowed the use of his field across from his house for the
Gas Engine Meet since 1975. In 2012, Bob sold the property to
Dave and Marsha Whitney.
Information courtesy of the Town of Dublin Archives and
the Dublin Historical Society Archives.
Photojournalist at Hub in April
Photographer Michael Miller of Harrisville is the featured artist at the Dublin Community Center for the month of April. After serving in the Army, where Michael became the photographer for special events, he enrolled at Boston University, from which he graduated with a degree in photojournalism.
Michael and his wife Genevieve moved from Maine to New Mexico and ultimately back to New Hampshire. Along the way, Michael worked as a carpenter as well as a photographer and switched from the darkroom to digital photography.
Michael characterizes himself as a “rural” photographer, focusing on landscapes, waterscapes, and nature. Michael has shown his work in the annual autumn Art Tour as well as Art in the Park in Keene.
All are invited to a reception for the artist at the Dublin Community Center on Saturday, April 2, from 4 to 6 pm.
Spring Zumba Begins April 4
Deb Giaimo’s Zumba Fitness at the Dub Hub will start its new eight-week Spring Session on Monday, April 4, and will continue through May 22. There will be no Zumba on Memorial Day, May 29.
Deb’s Zumba classes meet every Monday from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the Hub. The cost for the 8 classes is $35 with an alternative 4-class pass available for $28. Anyone new to Deb’s Zumba classes is invited to try a class for free. Participants may wear loose, comfortable clothes and supportive shoes with minimal tread in order to move around the floor without sticking. Please bring the shoes that you will wear for Zumba (street shoes should not be worn on the floor) and enter through the door at the back of the building. Be sure to bring water. For more information, call Deb at 563-8648.
Seeking New Volunteers
By Bridgit McFall
We are implementing “Reading across the Ages,” a reading program that will pair up local seniors with local children for an after-school reading program. If you know of any seniors who may be interested in this, please let us know so that we may contact them.
We also welcome all who are interested to become part of the Community Center’s new Program Committee to attend our next meeting on Friday, April 15, at 9 am at the DubHub.
Bridgit McFall is coordinating many events at the Dublin Community Center. She can be reached at or call 563-8080.
Earth Day Film at the Hub April 16
By Nancy Nolan
The Dublin Community Center is hosting a special Earth Day event. We will show the film “Sea Change,” which explores the issue of ocean acidification. The movie tells the story of a retired history teacher who embarks on a worldwide quest to discover what is happening to the world’s oceans. He speaks to oceanographers, marine biologists, and climatologists who are studying the effects of climate change on the planet’s oceans and sea life. A special guest, Jahdiel Torres Caba, a graduate student at Antioch University, will also speak about his experiences this past December during the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21). The admission is free and it is open to all ages. The event takes place on Saturday, April 16, from 3 to 5 pm. There will be time for discussion following the film.
Nancy Nolan is a member of the Dublin Community Center board.
Spice Up Life at the Hub
Learn how spices can be incorporated into your everyday for a healthier, more flavorful life. On April 22, from 7 to 9 pm, Melissa Spencer, owner of Attar Herbs and Spices in Harrisville, will present on spices history, folklore, and the culinary and medicinal properties of spices. Attar, which means the essence of plant or flower, has been providing herbs, spices, botanicals and essential oils since 1969.
DCA Offers Benefit Performance at the Hub
Dublin Christian Academy’s high school students will be performing “Spoon River Anthology” this year. Typically the usual fare tends toward lighter comedy; however Spoon River mixes music and drama to explore the thoughts of different individuals. The performance mixes some funny and tragic stories of life’s lessons. This year we are adding an extra performance to be presented at the Dublin Community Center, which will be on Saturday, April 23, at 7 pm. All proceeds from this performance will be donated to the Community Center.
The Dublin Community Center, with its recently renovated space, hosts many community events, and we are excited to have this opportunity to connect with our local community.
Dublin Christian Academy is located on 106 Page Road in Dublin; call 563-8505 ext. 15 or visit
Paintings by David Nelson at Claremont Opera House
An exhibit of paintings by Dublin artist David Nelson is at the Claremont Opera House atrium March 10 through April 29, 10 am to 4 pm. Nelson’s large, colorful abstract paintings examine life’s balance of control and freedom, intellect and intuition, choice and chance. Nelson says, “My favorite definition of art calls it ‘visual philosophy.’ Great artwork explores the questions of what it means to be human—what it means to be alive.”
More of Nelson’s work can be seen at For details, contact the Claremont Opera House at 603-542-0064 or
MFS Presents Traditional Irish and Scottish Music
On the campus of Dublin School April 8.
By Larry Ames
Join us for an exciting evening of piping and strings featuring two duos well versed in the traditional music of Ireland and Scotland. Will Woodson and Eric McDonald will join forces with Joey Abarta and Nathan Gourley on Friday, April 8, for an 8 pm concert at the Fountain Arts Building on the campus of the Dublin School in Dublin, NH. Admission is $12/$9 (senior, youth, or in advance). Park at William North Rd. (North campus entrance)
Will Woodson and Eric McDonald are two of the finest young proponents of traditional Scottish music today.
Joey Abarta and Nathan Gourley are two fine young musicians living and collaborating in the Boston area.
Larry Ames is a member of the Monadnock Folklore Society ( He can be reached at
Jazz Sunday at DCC
April 10 is Jazz Sunday as well as Barbara Summers Day at the Dublin Community Church. All are welcome to come and enjoy the music of Scott Mullett and his band at 10 am as we join in the celebration of Barbara’s 30-year tenure as organist and music director.
Make Your Puppet for the Parade
The Children and the Arts Festival is offering Puppet Making Workshops for our 2016 theme, “Tell Me a Story.” Workshops are on two Saturdays: April 9 and 23 from 9 am to 12 noon at the Unitarian Church in Peterborough. Come and learn to make a puppet — large or small. You will walk away with a completed “head” and the knowledge to finish your puppet at home.
Bring with you: 5 or 6 paper bags, a few large pieces of cardboard, marker, masking tape, plastic table cloth to cover table, bowl to use for paste (with lid recommended), box cutter/utility knife, and a small stack of newspaper.
Workshops are by donation only. RSVP is required. Please contact Terry Reeves at 924-9361.
The annual festival, held in downtown Peterborough on Saturday, May 21, will feature local performers, especially children and teens, and artists. For more information, email or visit
Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery Student Exhibit
Beginning April 16 through May 7, Emerging Art, KSC Art Student Exhibition will show works by senior BFA and BA students. Public opening: April 15, 5–8 pm.
Color Studies: Notes on White Space will be continuing through May 15 at the Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery on the campus of Keene State College (229 Main St., Keene, NH). Call 358-2720, email, or visit for hours.
Honor the Salamander Crossing Brigades
As the earth thaws and spring rains drench New Hampshire, thousands of salamanders, frogs, and toads make their way to vernal pools to breed. Many are killed when their journeys take them across busy roads. Each spring, the Harris Center for Conservation Education and Ashuelot Valley Environmental Observatory (AVEO) train volunteers to serve on Salamander Crossing Brigades at amphibian road crossings throughout the Monadnock Region. For details, visit For current details on the salamander forecast, go to Links courtesy of the Harris Center’s email newsletter.
Frost Heaves Erupts in Peterborough April 8-9
The award-winning comedy show Frost Heaves makes its last regular appearance at the Peterborough Players Theatre on April 8 and 9 at 7:30 pm, with a matinee April 9 at 2 pm.
The Frost Heaves Players have a very special show planned for their final outing, including the Yankee Roadshow, where hopeful locals bring their junk to be snickered at; Museums for Men, an educational experience just for guys; Frost Heaves Fairy Tales presents a Yankee version of Cinderella; Yankee Pop Songs, classic oldies redone with a New England twist; and more.
The Frost Heaves Players are Dave Nelson of Dublin, Ken Sheldon of Hancock, Beth Signoretti of Peterborough, and Kimberly Miller of Jaffrey. They are joined by the Speed Bumps band, just back from a smash performance at the Road Kill Cookoff in East Milfoil. This will be the final live performance at the Peterborough Players, says Fred, although Frost Heaves will continue as a touring show, or possibly a radio show or a movie.
Performances of Frost Heaves are April 8 and 9 at 7:30 pm, with a matinee at 2 pm on April 9. Tickets are available at the Toadstool and Steele’s in Peterborough, online at, at the door, or by calling 603-525-3391.
A Woodcock Watch
On Saturday, April 16, join Tom Warren to observe the captivating courtship flight
of the American Woodcock. Meet at 7 pm in Dublin (exact location to be determined).
If weather interferes, the rain date is set for the following day, which is Sunday, April 17.
Cosponsored by the Harris Center for Conservation Education with NH Audubon.
Please RSVP to Tom Warren at (603) 563-7190
or email
The Great Horned Owl
By Tom Warren
With the greatest range of any American owl, this large, powerful owl has adapted to live everywhere but the Arctic. Great Horned Owls have many adaptations including the following:
- Large eyes with many rods for night vision. Their eyes admit 2.7 times more light than our eyes.
- They can focus their eyes 10 times faster than humans so they can make quick flight adjustments to avoid collisions.
- Asymmetric ear openings that permit sound to be perceived in as little as 3/100,000ths of a second from ear to ear, which allows them to locate sound with great accuracy, even the noise of a mouse under the snow.
- Large facial discs to gather and concentrate sound waves to ears like a parabolic antenna.
- Females are larger and 40% heavier than the males.
- Very soft feathers to permit soundless flight.
Most Great Horned Owls here in Dublin are permanent residents. They prefer White Pine forests with large fields nearby.
Preferred food includes rabbits, mice, voles, skunks, hares as well as birds, and sometimes a Red-tailed Hawk. They prefer nocturnal animals and do most of their hunting at night.
They have a distinctive hoot, deeper for males. Male and female will communicate with hooting duets while the female is incubating eggs.
They nest early, laying eggs in late February here in Dublin. The male selects territory that includes the nest site. They use old nests of hawks, crows, ravens, and herons. Few nests are reused because they disintegrate during breeding season.
Usually two eggs are laid, sometimes more, depending on availability of prey. Young hatch in 33 days and leave the nest in 45 days, usually by late May in Dublin. Fledged owls remain with parents into early October. In years of low hare populations, some eggs do not hatch.
Great Horned Owls can live to be 28 years old in the wild.
Here in Dublin, territories include Windmill Hill Road and the Dublin Golf Course as well as the forest above Audrey’s Café on Route 101.
Tom Warren is Dublin’s resident ornithologist, and serves as a trustee of both the Harris Center and the Audubon Society.