After attending several of our folding sessions, often held at the Library, as a volunteer, Lorelei Darnay Murphy has accepted the invitation to join the Advocate staff on a more formal basis.
Lorelei moved from New York to Richardson Road in 1998, with her husband, Tom, and their two daughters, who attended our local public schools.
Lorelei served as an Assistant Girls Scout Troop Leader from 1998 to 2003, and she was president of the PTO at DCS from 2000 to 2003. From 1999 to 2003, she coordinated the DCS ski program, which receives funding from the Dublin Community Foundation.
Lorelei volunteered for various school events both at DCS and South Meadow Middle School, and was involved in fundraising for various DCS events. She also assisted in fundraising for the Peterborough Children’s Choir from 2003 to 2010.
In 2003, she and Tom opened the Goddard School in Nashua, a preschool for children 6 weeks old through Kindergarten.
Today, both their daughters attend UNH: Katie is a senior and Allison is a sophomore.
Welcome to Lorelei, we are thrilled to have her on board.