By Mary Loftis—

Three students from Dublin have been awarded $1,000 scholarships by the Dublin Trustees of the Trust Funds. The winners were chosen on the basis of academic record, involvement in community service, and financial need.

Kayla Sandford will be attending Hillsdale College in Michigan this fall, where she plans to study writing. She is a graduate of the Fairwood Bible Institute and has also taken home-study courses. She is a talented violinist and has worked as a Sunday School teacher, yearbook editor and camp counselor. Kayla is the daughter of Neil and Elaine Sandford.

Jamie Cornwell was awarded a scholarship for the second year in a row. She will be a sophomore this fall at the Whittemore School of Business and Economics at UNH. During her first year in college, she was involved in community service projects through the Hubbard Hall Council. Jamie is the daughter of Randal Cornwell and April Brothers.

Stefan Jadaszewski has received a scholarship for each of his four years at UNH. He is majoring in philosophy with a minor in psychology and has a 3.95 grade point average. During summers and vacations he volunteers with Keene’s Samaritans, Inc., an organization aimed at preventing suicide. He has aspirations to pursue a graduate degree to help “those members of our community who are in the greatest social and psychological need.” Stefan is the son of Jeannine Dunne and Eric Jadaszewski.

Mary Loftis is member of the Trustees of the Trust Funds Scholarship Committee.

Trustees of Trust Funds: Scholarships