MESA 2012 Annual Meeting

By Jean Leventhal

The Monadnock Eastern Slope Association (MESA) held its annual meeting on Sunday, August 19, 2012. This year 44 members and their guests enjoyed glorious late summer weather at Carol Gebhardt’s home with magnificent views of Mt. Monadnock and the surrounding countryside. The meeting began with a potluck supper featuring a wide array of harvest dishes. A brief business meeting followed, and the evening ended with an informative talk by Steve Hooper of Rabbit Ear Films.

President Scott Swanson led the business meeting and began by summarizing MESA’s history. Treasurer Jean Leventhal gave the membership count and financial report. President Swanson announced the proposal by the Board of Elizabeth Langby as President, and asked for nominations from the floor for Secretary; none were made.

Jean Leventhal, treasurer, and Louise Werden, vice-president, continue in their posts and the slate of officers was approved unanimously. Sarah Franklin proposed a toast to outgoing President Scott Swanson, thanking him for his many years of service as president and secretary.

After the business portion of the meeting, Scott Swanson introduced the speaker, Steve Hooper, a staff photographer and videographer at the Keene Sentinel and Executive Producer for Rabbit Ear Films, which is making a documentary film of Mount Monadnock, called “Monadnock – The Mountain that Stands Alone” (see Advocate, Nov. 2010, p. 10 for earlier coverage; and next story below).

Mr. Hooper outlined three themes of the 90-minute film: the majesty of Mt. Monadnock; how it has been portrayed in poetry, painting and photography; and how the mountain endures. He reported on successful fundraising efforts but also encouraged further contributions to fund the project. After Mr. Hooper’s introductory remarks, MESA members moved inside to view an 11-minute preview of the film.

The target date for completion of the film is spring 2013. Mr. Hooper hopes the premiere will be in a local theater. Those interested in further information about this project may consult the production company’s website,

To join MESA and be on the list for our next annual meeting in August 2013, please go to

Jean Leventhal is treasurer of MESA.


Film about Monadnock Gains Ground

By Steve Hooper

Dear Friends,

I want to take the opportunity to thank all those folks, foundations and organizations that have helped our film group these past couple years. We truly appreciate your support.

“Monadnock, the Mountain that Stands Alone,” a feature-length HD documentary with history and personal stories along with beautiful imagery and music written and composed in New Hampshire, is in its final stage of production. Photo by Steve Hooper

Our group, Rabbit Ear Films, has survived some turbulent winds of economic weather. We have completed Phase One-Research and Phase Two-Production and are now in the third and final phase of our film project—Post-Production — the costliest segment.

And yet we have a talented film editor, Dan White, an Associate Editor at Florentine Films, one of the top film documentary companies in the world, who shares with all of us the passion to get this film done on as tight a budget as possible and still meet PBS specs (the cost of this phase in my earlier film was $90,000). How many film projects are blessed with such a generous gesture?

To finish the film in our Post Production Phase, we are seeking $29,000. This will cover professional music composition, all the complex editing requirements and more than 100 hours of editing by film editor Dan White. Completion date is set for May 2013.

This project has maintained high standards with a very small group of dedicated volunteers getting us through Phase One and Phase Two. Now, it is necessary to budget moneys for required professional talent. Films demand certain special skills that we volunteers at Rabbit Ear Films do not have.

Visit us at and at to keep informed about our project and to get info about how to donate.

Please help us reach the summit and finish a film that will be a legacy of rich history for schools, historical societies and citizens of New Hampshire and beyond. Thank you.

Steve Hooper is Executive Producer of “Monadnock-The Mountain That Stands Alone” and Board Chair of Rabbit Ear Films. He has been staff photographer of the Keene Sentinel since 1988. He was the featured speaker at MESA Annual Meeting in 2012.


Town of Dublin—Trick or Treat Night
Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2012: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 pm
per Dublin Police Dept., 563-8411


Dublin Public Library

Story Time: October introduces Wild Times at the Dublin Public Library. We’re looking for children to help spot bats and owls that might be hiding in the library. We’ll learn about wild cats and decorate small pumpkins with cat faces. Only friendly ghosts will visit during story time and please dress in something different (maybe pajamas?) for our Story Time party on October 31.

Photo by Sally Shonk

All programs begin on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 and will be offered October 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31. A different craft will be offered each week and refreshments will be served. Books that we will be reading include Bats at the Library, In the Wild and Kitten’s First Full Moon.

New Books:

The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Steadman
Paris, A Love Story
by K. Marton
The Gentry Stories of the English
by A. Nicholson
by R. Rash
by J. Patterson
Fifty Shades of Grey
E.L. James (set)
The Kingmaker’s Daughter
by P. Gregory
A Hundred Flowers
by G. Tsukiyama


News from the Friends of the DPL: Exploring Robert Frost & Willa Cather

By Catherine Boeckmann

On Saturday, October 20 at 10 am, there will be a second book-group gathering at the Dublin Public Library to discuss two short readings, “Mending Wall” by Robert Frost and “Neighbour Rosicky” by Willa Cather.

This is part of the year-long book discussion series titled “Recasting Monadnock Classics,” focusing on classics by authors and artists who have lived in or visited the Monadnock Region and were inspired by their time here.

A few of the participants who attended the first series of “Recasting Monadnock’s Classics” gathered on September 15. Next readings available at library now.

To participate in the series, simply pick up the readings at the library desk. We’ll offer refreshments from the Dublin General Store and a low-key casual setting with discussion led by a moderator, all thanks to a grant from the NH Humanities Council. Open to the public and free to all. Sponsored by the Friends of the Dublin Public Library. Thank you to all of our Friends who make this possible!

Catherine Boeckmann is secretary of the Board of the Friends of the Dublin Public Library.

Student Community-Service Ideas: The Friends of the Dublin Public Library frequently needs help for its events. In fact, the Halloween Party on October 27th at 10 am is a great place to start racking up the hours. Help is needed with setting up crafts, manning the tables, cleaning up, and general chaos control. Heidi Thomas is the volunteer coordinator for the Friends and can be reached at 563-8034. Sign up today!

Calling All Books: It’s not too soon to think about donating unwanted books to the Dublin Public Library for the Annual Book Sale in February. Please drop them off during Library hours or give Kim Allis a call at 563-8691 for pick-up.


Absentee Ballots for the November Election

By Jeannine Dunne

The 2012 New Hampshire General Election will be held on Tuesday, November 6th. Here in Dublin, the polls open at 8 am and close at 7 pm. If you will not be able to get to the polling place on voting day, you may be eligible to vote by absentee ballot. New Hampshire law requires that you vote in person at the polling place for your town unless you declare one of the following absences:

a)            You will be absent on the day of the election from the town where you are domiciled;
b)            You cannot appear in public on Election Day because of observance of a religious commitment;
c)            You are unable to vote in person due to a disability; or,
d)            You cannot appear at anytime during polling hours at your polling place because an employment obligation requires you to remain physically at work or to be in transit to or from work from the time the polls open until after the time the polls close.

You can get the application for an absentee ballot (or the Federal Post Card Application for overseas voters if you will be out of the country) from the Town Clerk’s office, or you can print one from the Town’s website at You may also get one from the Secretary of State’s website at

If you want to have the ballot mailed to you and/or you will be mailing it back, please allow plenty of time for it to get back to the Town Clerk by Election Day.

If you will not be returning your absentee ballot by mail, it must be returned in person by 5 pm on the day before the election. The Town Clerk’s office will be open only until 5 pm on the day before the election (which is a Monday) and will be closed on the day of the election.

Peter Shonk, who just celebrated his 94th birthday, wasn’t one to miss voting on September 11th. Here he is flanked by Selectman Sturdy Thomas and Chief Letourneau.

If you are not yet registered to vote, please come to the Town Clerk’s office to register before you apply for an absentee ballot. Voter registration will be closed ten days before the election. (But those who are voting in person can register to vote on Election Day. Please bring a photo ID.)

If you need more information, call the Town Clerk’s office at 563-8859, and if you are not eligible to vote by absentee ballot, please do vote in person on Election Day at your polling place, which is on the top floor of the Town Hall.

Jeannine Dunne has served as Dublin’s Town Clerk and Tax Collector since 2008.

Boat Registrations: Starting in October, the Dublin Town Clerk’s office will process boat registrations and renewals. Boats may be registered at any time of year, but each boat registration expires on December 31st of the year on the decal.

Any boat operated on the public waters of New Hampshire that has a motor, or any sailboat 12 feet long or longer must be registered. Like vehicle registrations, there is a State fee and a Town fee. Town clerks may register boats used for private passenger use only. Boats for commercial use, municipalities, state agencies and rentals must be done at the Concord DMV.

To renew a boat registration you must wait until you get the renewal notice from the State in the mail. This year they are expected to be mailed in October. If you wish to have another person renew a boat registration on your behalf, you must provide him/her with the current boat renewal notification notice signed by you, the owner. The person renewing must show a photo ID.

To register a boat for the first time, an owner of the boat must bring in a piece of government issued identification and proof of ownership of the boat. Proof of ownership could be a bill of sale, a previous registration signed over to the new owner, a title, or a receipt of purchase from a major retail store. Boats currently registered in another state are welcome in New Hampshire for up to 30 consecutive days, but after that an out of state resident must register the boat in New Hampshire.

For more information, please contact the Town Clerk’s office at 563-8859.


The Need for a Community Center

By Nancy Cayford

“The Community Center could offer Dublin Students a quiet place to do homework, with working computers, access to Internet, and adult supervision and help. Most important, it would not have noise, distractions and the temptations of TV and Facebook.” —Tim Clark, retired ConVal teacher

There is a trend in this country: towns and cities are building community centers. Once they are built, they grow by leaps and bounds, engendering strengthened community connections. Centers bring people together for shared experiences of culture, art, classes, support groups and health services. Dublin is small but covers a wide area. Folks have to drive to another town for most services. Imagine, for instance, that we could have our own children’s theater. There would be no more driving to Peterborough, Keene, Jaffrey or Wilton for four-times-a-week rehearsals.

We are into Phase II of our project, and work on the septic system will soon be happening. Many potential donors have visited the site, and you are welcome to call for a tour. Any one of our board members will be happy to show you around.

It truly takes a village to complete such a huge project. It would be wonderful to have 100% of our town’s residents participate, by whatever means they have.

Please join us to make this dream a reality.

Community Center Board of Directors: Nancy Cayford, Vira Elder, Bruce Fox, Nancy Jackson, Susan Peters, Bruce Simpson and David Wolpe.


DHS Meeting News

The Dublin Historical Society held its annual meeting on the evening of August 23 at Jack and Arria Sands’ barn. President Henry James announced that Archivist John Harris had given notice of his wish to retire next spring, and that Lisa Foote had agreed to be his replacement. Lisa has been volunteering at the Archives this year, and is well qualified for the job.

Lisa was elected, and Ian Aldrich was re-elected, to three-year terms on the DHS Board of Trustees. Henry James, Sarah Bauhan and Bill Goodwin were re-elected president, vice-president and treasurer for the ensuing year.

After the business meeting, Henry introduced Kevin Gardner, who gave a highly entertaining and instructive talk on when, why and how stonewalls were built.

Kevin Gardner demonstrates building a mini-stonewall as he speaks. Photo by Sharron Monaghan

Throughout his talk, Kevin built a miniature stonewall on the table in front of him, illustrating the various techniques of construction. Kevin’s ability to speak fluently while keeping his hands busy with his building project had his audience spellbound.


Perpetual Care, Extraordinaire

By Jeanne Sterling

Cemeteries are known for offering “Perpetual Care” for the gravesites. Basically, that covers mowing the grass forever, which only makes sense as to what a hodge-podge mess it would be if those without Perpetual Care were skipped over by the blade!

Our quaint little cemetery, overlooking the beautiful lake, has welcomed travelers for centuries. Its personality changes with the seasons, each bringing a new appearance to the landscape.

I was recently informed of a little-known fact. Cles Staples and Mike Edick have been doing some extraordinary repairs to many of the tombstones. During the lull between seasonal chores there, they estimate more than 100 have been straightened, brushed and shored up in the last five years. It all started with the ‘frost heave’ effect on the Adams stone located on the relatively new area of Carriage Lane. The tipping stood out among all the others. With crowbars, jacks, blocking and brute strength, the stones have been set upright once more. Sometimes a brushing removes the grit and growth on the stones; however, many are far too fragile to accept much more than a gentle hand. Each stone is unique unto itself. The structure, composition materials, positioning and assembly of the monuments determine the time and procedures necessary to complete the task.

Perpetual: continuous, everlasting and eternal.
Wait, Emma tombstone: Before (above) and After (below)

I walked the grounds with Cles recently and was amazed at the diversity of the estimated 2000 headstones in our Dublin Cemetery. His enthusiasm in describing details of the craftsmanship was contagious. I found myself seeking out patterns for which I needed an explanation. The largest stone belongs to the Dexter Derby family circa 1810. Some speak volumes of the departed, while others are simply stated. An entire family history can be interpreted from one plot alone. In one area, the father’s stone stands strong and tall, while mother’s stone has eerily leaned over onto the slim edge of his, searching out comfort in the grief of their loss of four babies all under the age of two. Maybe Cles and Mike should leave this family be.

Jeanne Sterling is advertising coordinator for the Advocate and writes for it frequently.


It’s Here: The 2013 Old Farmer’s Almanac

The 2013 Old Farmer’s Almanac, published by Yankee Publishing of Dublin since 1792, is now available, and continues in its tradition of offering useful and humorous features found nowhere else.

Get the lowdown on the perils of parenting; the deepest, darkest secret of chickens; and great recipes… as well as exposes on:

• Just who is the American farmer? Using fascinating figures and statistics, The Old Farmer’s Almanac puts a face on today’s farmer.
• Homemade first aid. Learn tried-and-true homemade remedies for seasonal ailments ranging from chapped lips and bee stings to grill burns.
• 56 kitchen tricks and time-savers.
• How to keep Fluffy and Fido fit.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac would not be complete without its famous 80 percent–accurate weather forecasts: It predicts temperatures will be much colder than last year from Texas and the Dakotas eastward, while the Great Salt Lake and the areas from El Paso to Detroit to Virginia Beach should brace for heavy snowfall. The good news: Areas suffering from drought during summer 2012 should receive enough winter precipitation to bring improvement.

You can friend the Old Farmer’s Almanac on Facebook, follow it on Twitter, pin it on Pinterest, and visit it at


News from the Dublin Consolidated School

By May Clark

What a wonderful start to the school year we’ve had at DCS! Our children and staff are glad to be back, our classrooms look wonderful, and lots of great learning is under way. We have already had our first all-school field trip, to Brooks Side Farm in Hancock, home of the Cornucopia Project. We visited the gardens and the animals, including two new donkeys. We moved the sheep fence for Kin Schilling, a cooperative effort that was wonderful to see. We have also finished our first rounds of testing for the year in Aimsweb and NWEA (Northeast Evaluation Association). The state test, NECAP, is up next in October, for children in grades 3 through 5.

On the 20th of September we hosted a curriculum/assessment night for parents, where they could learn more about the curricula that the ConVal community has developed over the past few years, as well as the various assessments that all children in the district now experience. It’s important for parents to understand why we do all the assessing, and what we do with the information we gain from it. Early in October, parents will return with their children for our Open House, where the kids can show their families what they have been doing in school so far.

DCS is a busy, happy place. We love visitors – please just call 563-8332 or email first (

May Clark is teaching principal at DCS.

Buy Season Passes to Ski Crotched Mountain: Get your passes through DCS — spread the word!

If you are planning on buying a season pass to ski or ride this winter at Crotched Mountain, please consider doing this at a discounted rate through the Dublin Consolidated School.

Since our school is a club at Crotched Mountain, all the purchases of tickets/passes/rental equipment through the DCS Club brings a 7% commission directly to Dublin’s own wonderful elementary school. This money goes to help us fund our afternoon learn to ski program and other PTO activities for our children.

It is easy: Go to and click on “Groups and Clubs.” Click on “School Program,” then “School Member Login.” When you see the Club sign in box, our Club Name is: Dublin Consolidated School. Our Password is: DCSMember. Then click on “Go shopping.” You will have to create or login to your personal sign in to complete your purchase.

The deadline for purchasing discounted passes through the school is October 15, 2012. Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please contact Lara Scheinblum at 831-0654 or

The Cornucopia Project at DCS

By Mary Loftis

Kin Schilling is the Pied Piper of vegetables. When I visited the garden behind Dublin Consolidated School on a recent sunny morning, a group of fifth graders bounded out of the school behind her to demonstrate for me proper potato-digging and carrot-pulling techniques. The joy and pride were palpable as the kids jumped around like Golden Retriever puppies and showed off their bounty.

This will be the fifth year that the nonprofit Cornucopia Project has brought food growing to our school children. The kids plan the garden, which is planted in six raised beds behind the school, plant the seeds, tend the plants – and harvest the vegetables to contribute to their school lunches. In addition, this year DCS will host a National Food Day celebration for the community in October. This celebration of healthy food will feature soups made with vegetables from the garden and prepared by the kids.

So how does gardening fit into the school day? How does it improve reading and math and science skills? To me, the answer is that gardening ties everything together. The kids plan their gardens, measuring and plotting where garlic cloves will be planted, for instance. They monitor the growth of the seeds. They learn about sustainability and the science of composting and nutrient-rich soil. They harvest “their” vegetables, which end up in nutritious school lunches.

As a result of gardening at school, kids are encouraging their families to start vegetable gardens at home. Kin said that 43 backyard gardens have been started because of Cornucopia. In addition, she said, the kids have become more adventurous eaters, savoring the delight of “real” food. In this era of concern about childhood obesity and inactivity, vegetable gardening seems like a joyous, “organic” complement to the academic side of school.

At the end of my visit, the fifth graders grabbed up their potatoes and carrots in both fists and headed back into the building to deliver them to Lorrie Lewandowski, who would incorporate them into the lunch menu.

Mary Loftis is Dublin’s representative to the ConVal School Board, SAU 1.


Elden Nielsen, A Remembrance

By Teresa Imhoff

Elden Nielsen, a long-time Dublin resident, died on August 31st. When I drove by the Yankee bulletin board and saw his name, I had some feelings of regret for not having seen him much at all in this last year.

I didn’t know Elden all that well, having met him and his wife Marge just a few short years ago at the Lenten Lunches at Dublin Community Church, but he certainly touched my life and the lives of others in the community in a quiet way. When Marge and Elden were still living at home, some church members brought them meals once or twice a week. We were always welcomed into their home with open arms and occasionally Elden would get Marge to play a song on the piano and beam with pride as we listened together.

Elden grew up in Minnesota and found his way to Dublin enjoying family, music, and the community. He loved music and directed the music programs at area churches, including Emmanuel Church and the Community Church. Elden was an active member of the Monadnock Organists Association, and taught music for many years at the Amherst Middle School.

I, however, met Elden much later in his life and those jobs he held were important to him only in a peripheral way. What I most remember about Elden was his absolute devotion to his beloved wife Marge and his family. His house in Dublin and his room at Summerhill were filled with photo collages of Marge and Elden at more vibrant times in their life, and he was most proud to show me pages of albums he was putting together as a tribute to all they did together…travel, music, and their grandchildren.

Elden was kind, humble, talented, funny, and a man who lived his life with faith in God and humanity. His battle with cancer never made him bitter, and watching his wife suffer from Alzheimer’s disease only made him that much more compassionate. Though I never knew Elden as the teacher that he was in his younger days, I will remember what he taught me about living a life with grace, humor, humility, and faith.

Teresa Imhoff lives in Dublin and works at Dublin School.


News from DCA

By Kevin Moody

As the leaves begin to turn, we are reminded of the beautiful seasons of life through God’s creation. Dublin Christian Academy is happy to have a new group of students for the 2012-2013 school year.

Join us in extending a special welcome to our international students, who have traveled from South Korea, China and Mexico to attend DCA this year.

Please mark your calendars for two upcoming events in October. Our Homecoming Day will be held on Saturday, October 6. This is a great time to catch up with our alumni as they compete in soccer and volleyball games against our current varsity teams. In addition, each class will be providing a delicious selection of food and concessions. Please plan to come over and visit our campus for a fun family day!

Also, on October 13, from 8 to 1 pm, we will be sponsoring another Tag Sale. Last Spring’s Tag Sale was a huge success, due to the great response from many in the community. Grab a friend and a cup of coffee, and check out the steals and deals! All proceeds will go to Dublin Christian Academy.

We look forward to your visit.

Mr. Kevin Moody is president of the Dublin Christian Academy, located on Page Road, in Dublin.


The Monarch’s Migration

By Tom Warren

To avoid our northern winter, this most unusual butterfly makes a 4,300-mile flight to Central Mexico that takes 90 days. The generation that makes this flight lives seven times longer than its previous generation with only one purpose, to reproduce.

What we know as the Monarch Butterfly is named after a prince of Holland who later became King of England, William of Orange. In Holland it is called the King Billy, in other places, The Wanderer and here The Milkweed Butterfly.

Monarchs lay a single egg on the upper leaves of Milkweed plants. The white egg turns black as the caterpillar develops in 5-8 days. The caterpillar has alternating yellow and white bands on a black background. It progresses through five larval molts in only two weeks, growing more than 3,000 times its hatching weight. The caterpillar especially loves the warm, direct sunlight of our August days.

The caterpillar leaves its host milkweed plant and moves to another twig or plant to begin its pupal stage lasting 10-15 days, after which the Monarch Butterfly appears.

The use of noxious chemicals in the milkweed host plant and their storage in the body of the Monarch Butterfly are shown by the brilliant orange and black colors. Predators know they don’t taste good.

The fuel for the migratory flight to Central Mexico is the sugar from nectar in flowers, which is converted into lipids or fat. During their roost of four to five months in Central Mexico they barely move.

They begin in March and fly north to Texas, an important stop both north and south. They find milkweeds and a new generation is born. The monarchs we see here in Dublin were born in the mideastern states while their parents were born in Texas. The ones we see are called tertiary migrants.

The onset of migration is “wired” during the caterpillar stage, with use of an internal time-compensated compass to determine position and flight direction. Their eyes use ultraviolet sensitivity.

Most of the butterflies arrive on November 1-2, the Mexican holiday known as the “Day of the Dead.” This is significant, as the natives believe the butterflies are spirits of departed relatives returning for their annual visit.

Tom Warren, a Dublin resident, is a Trustee of the Harris Center for Conservation Education and New Hampshire Audubon.


In Memory
Michael V. Walker
August 1938—September 2012
He loved Dublin and served it well.


Peter’s Pondering

By Peter Hewitt

Has it bugged any of you that our elected officials — from selectmen to president — spend so darned much time, money and energy getting themselves elected — and re-elected?

Time that could be spent running our towns, counties, states, and country more efficiently. Money that could help finance charities and social programs. And energy across the board.

Our congressmen and women start planning their re-election campaign shortly after they’re sworn into office.

I would favor legislation that would limit the number of days a campaign can consume, as well as the number of dollars that can be spent.

And possibly, a term in the House could be extended from two to four years.

Peter Hewitt is a former resident who retired to RiverMead with several other Dublin residents.


Update from Farmer John’s Plot

Farmer John’s Plot is just completing construction of its new farmstand this October. It will be operated on the honor system like its current outdoor stand, but will also give us the space to sell their own organic produce, eggs, pickles, and meats along with raw milk, breads, cheeses, meats and produce from other local farms. The store will be open 7 days a week, 8 am to 8 pm, 365 ¼ days a year.

Farmer John’s is currently on track to open its new farmstand at 26 Chesham Road in Dublin.

The farmstand’s building, just north of Route 101 next to Audrey’s Restaurant on the road to Chesham and Harrsiville, is constructed using a variety of green building techniques including passive solar heating, rammed straw / clay insulation, and a living roof. The clay was dug from the ground on the farm and mixed with straw before being rammed between boards that were cut and milled on site at the farm. Check out their living roof (next summer) when it blooms with sedum!

Pastels on Exhibit by Maryann Mullett

If you missed the first-time solo exhibit of 35 pastel paintings by Maryann Mullett of Dublin of her life and surroundings in nature last summer in Jaffrey, you can now see them in Peterborough.

During October, Maryann is hanging 20 to 25 of her paintings in the Art Corner at the Peterborough Library. The hours at the Peterborough Library are from 10 am to 6 pm on Monday, Wednesday, Friday; from 10 am to 8 pm on Tuesday and Thursday; and on Saturdays from 10 am to 4 pm.

Maryann won honorable mention this year for her painting, “Fiddleheads,” when she exhibited at the Keene Art Walk. Her artwork was also displayed at the Hancock Library.

In November and December, Maryann will be exhibiting at The River Center “with many new pieces.” Watch the Advocate for the opening reception.


Fall Rummage Sale at the DCC

Rummage Sale: Friday, October 12th: 1-6 pm
Yard Sale & Rummage Sale: Saturday, October 13th: 10-1 pm

Time to think trees changing color, cool mornings, warm clothes and holidays! At the Dublin Community Church’s Fall Rummage Sale all those things can be found. Trees outside the church turning orange; Saturday morning yard sale with cool temperatures; sweaters, mittens, scarves, hats, winter coats and jackets, boots, warm sox, turtlenecks and flannel shirts.

Plus wonderful gift items in housewares and the Boutique. The yard sale is like opening a treasure chest! Anything can be found there. If you have questions, please call 563-7475.


Speakers at Rotary, Open to All

The Monadnock Rotary Club meets every Tuesday at 7:30 am at the Dublin Community Church. Please join us for breakfast.

On October 2, Jeff Oja of the Dublin Community Foundation will present. On the 9th of October, attendees will hear from Tracy Smith of Tracie’s Farm, a CSA. On the 23rd, Phil Gammons of the Baha’i Historical Society will speak. Speakers on the other two Tuesdays in October will be announced.

The Monadnock Rotary Club is based in Dublin and is dedicated to community service. The Club’s primary interests are youth development and health advocacy for people of all ages in the Monadnock region and around the world. The Club is part of Rotary International, a worldwide service organization of more than 1.2 million members.

For questions or details, please call Ruth Clark 924-9505.


Caring for a Loved One with Dementia?

Get the support you need.

Beginning Saturday, October 13, Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services (HCS) — in partnership with Pheasant Wood Care & Rehabilitation Center and Monadnock Community Hospital — will offer a series of Caregiving Workshops for individuals taking care of loved ones with a dementia-related illness.

The free workshop series will be held on Saturdays, October 13, 20, 27 and November 3, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. at Monadnock Community Hospital, Conference Room 1 in Peterborough.

The workshop series will feature local healthcare providers addressing clinical aspects of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias; identifying and organizing support and resources needed for your loved one; vital communication skills; and managing and coping with challenging behaviors.

The workshop series is free, but reservations are necessary by Monday, October 8. Call Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services, a United Way agency at 532-8353, ext. 226 and ask for Lynn Robbins, community liaison, for more information and reservations.



Dave Whitney and Pete Thomas would never miss a Gas Engine Meet, held every September at Cricket Hill Farm.


New Pastor at Mountain View Bible Church

By Dean Setzler

Mountain View Bible Church would like to introduce our new pastor, Pastor Dan Pelletier, and his family to the town. Pastor Dan, his wife Chris, and their daughter, Hope, moved from San Francisco to Dublin in late June and started serving at the church in July.

Dan and Chris are excited about serving in the church and becoming part of the community. In fact, they arrived in Dublin just in time to watch the Dublin fireworks from the town cemetery with many other town residents, and Dan even attended the town meeting in March on one of several visits to Mountain View.

Originally from Illinois, Dan and his family have been involved in church, Christian schools, radio, and camp ministries for nearly 30 years and have served all across the globe. He has served in churches in Kansas, Indiana and North Carolina, spending 13 years in a large church and school ministry in Guam. After Dan’s seminary training at Heart of America Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, he served as camp director of a Christian camp in California and most recently as an associate pastor in San Francisco for three years.

Chris is involved in helping out with various ministries at the MVBC, including assisting with the ladies’ ministries at the church. Hope began the fall as a freshman at Dublin Christian Academy where she is also part of the school’s volleyball team.

For more information, please visit or email Pastor Pelletier at

Dean Setzler serves as a deacon at Mountain View Bible Church and is a teacher and elementary supervisor at Dublin Christian Academy.


Crafts in the Making

Erin Moore and Rosalind Hanchett, two young mothers, have always been interested in finding ways to save money, respect the environment and take care of their families. Over the years they have spent many hours yard saling, thrifting and making things from scratch.

For just about two years now they have been selling their crafts at local art fairs and festivals. Erin uses recycled wool sweaters to create colorful, fun, hair and clothing accessories for women and children. Rosalind uses recycled white clothing, wax and dye to make unique, also colorful batiked clothing for men, women and children.

“We inspire each other and get our creative juices flowing,” Erin exclaims. “We can now look at almost anything used or previously loved and think of a way to make it new, or useful again.”

Erin and Rosalind will be making fantastic clothing and accessories until their resources are spent, “which will hopefully be never!” Got any whites or wool?

Be on the look for Erin, Rosalind and babies in tow at your local craft fairs this holiday season. To contact them before that, email or


Need a Good Laugh? Frost Heaves returns with Foliage Follies.

Frost Heaves, the comedy show that has been called “funnier than most of the political ads you will see this season,” returns on October 6, 7 and 13 at the Peterborough Players.

“We’re beginning our fifth season, which just goes to show you really can fool most of the people most of the time,” says Fred Marple, unofficial spokesman for the mythical town of Frost Heaves, the “most under-appreciated town in New Hampshire.”

Frost Heaves features Dave Nelson of Dublin, Ken Sheldon of Hancock, Beth Signoretti of Peterborough, and Liz Wright of Peterborough and Allentown, PA.

Winner of a Best of New Hampshire award, Frost Heaves has been featured on NH Chronicle, on radio, and in the pages of Yankee Magazine and New Hampshire Magazine.

This time around, the Frost Heaves Players will poke fun at foliage season, the town dump, sports talk for non-sports fans, dogs versus cats, duct tape, and of course the campaign season.

At every Frost Heaves performance, the Speed Bumps band plays oldies and writes an original “Song on the Spot” based on audience suggestions, among the most popular parts of the show. “We’ve written dozens of these songs, many of which we can even remember the next day,” says Marple.

Performances of Frost Heaves are October 5, 6 and 13 at 7:30 p.m., with a matinee on October 6 at 2 pm, all at the Peterborough Players in Peterborough, NH. Tickets are $15, available online at, at local venues, or by calling 603-525-3391.

Visit to sample the nonsense from previous shows.


October 2012