Articles on the 2013 Town Warrant
By Ramona Branch—
Selectmen have almost doubled the number of articles on the Town Warrant this year in order to give citizens greater input on town priorities. We will decide on 21 articles — two by ballot vote (town positions and state compliance for the ZBA on March 12) and the rest at Town Meeting on March 16. The proposed operating budget for 2013 is $1,841,671.
Warrant articles that the town will vote on include:
1. Selection of officers (see details on page 3, &/or below)
2. Change wording to zoning ordinance to comply with state requirements
3. Committee reports and any necessary approvals
4. Elect all officers including Measurer of Wood and Bark and Memorial Day Committee
5. Operating budget $1,841,671
6. Purchase of 10-wheel dump truck $202,445
7. Purchase of a police cruiser $39,223
8. Purchase and install salt barn at highway department $14,779
9. Replace fire station addition roof $12,000
10. Approve 600 feet of sidewalk along Route 101 $32,275
11. Pave Town Hall/Library parking lot $25,000
12. General maintenance to the Post Office entrance $5,700
13. Replace tapered column on vandalized lot at town cemetery $1,914
14. Change Recycle Center Fund wording to allow capital improvement expenses
15. Expand brush storage and burning area at Transfer Station $20,000
16. Install fire cistern between Post Office and Dublin General Store $101,383
17. Capital Reserve Funds contributions $402,000
18. Publication of The Dublin Advocate $4,400
19. Non-profit health agencies contributions $6,246
20. Expendable Trust Funds contributions $9,500
21. Cemetery Trust Funds contributions (4)
Polls will be open for voting by ballot on Tuesday, March 12, from 8 am until 7 pm at the Dublin Town Hall, top floor. Elevator access is at the rear of the building.
Town Meeting is Saturday, March 16, at 9 am at the Dublin Consolidated School.
Ramona Branch is a freelance writer and editor and is on the staff of The Dublin Advocate.

Dublin Women’s Club Pre-Town Meeting
Become acquainted with the issues before Town Meeting.
Don’t forget the Dublin Women’s Club sponsored annual pre-town meeting forum on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 (snow date is Wednesday, March 6th) at 7 pm in the downstairs meeting room of the Town Hall.
Selectmen, Budget Committee representatives and department heads will be available to answer questions on the 2013 budget and warrant.
Refreshments and a short Women’s Club meeting will also be held.
Each year this event provides a valuable opportunity for townspeople to become acquainted with the issues before Town Meeting. We hope you will attend this meeting.
Dublin Public Library
On March 6, during Wednesday morning story time at the DPL, we will use flashlights and try the art of hand shadows. March 13 is all things green as we learn about frogs, grasshoppers, turtles and, of course, St. Patrick’s Day. What better way to celebrate the month of March than with a parade? Make an instrument, join our band and march around the library on March 20. Rabbits, chicks, and lambs…do you know which one hatches from an egg? Join us March 27 and find out. Books, crafts and refreshments offered every week. Program begins at 9:30 am.
Green is the color for March! Check out the books on display with green covers – a wonderful variety. Dreaming of spring flowers and gardens? Make your dreams a reality by checking out the great gardening books in the library collection. Time to get in shape! We have books on diet, workouts, hikes to take…all can be found here at Dublin Public Library.
Lost Art of Mixing by E. Bauermeister
Touch & Go by L. Gardner
Francona by T. Francona
Bright Island by M. Robinson
Saturday Night Widows by B. Aikman
Until the End of Time by D. Steel
Giong by L. Bramblett
Out of Warranty by H. Smith
Standing in Another Man’s Grave by I. Rankin
Spring Reading Program: Following Nature’s Lead
By Catherine Boeckmann
Join the Friends of the DPL for the spring portion of our program, following the lead of those naturalists, conservationists, and outdoor enthusiasts who have found the Monadnock Region a haven for their passion!
Dimensions of that lively relationship to nature can be traced to Thoreau, who made long, lush journal entries of his days hiking Mt. Monadnock in the mid 19th century. In March and April, we will continue to enjoy readings by Thoreau as well as a selection of regional authors and poets—plus, enjoy glimpses of art from the region.

On Saturday, March 9, theme selections cover Water: Henry David Thoreau – “Spring” from Walden; and from Annie Dillard, “Sojourner” from Teaching a Stone to Talk: Expeditions and Encounters.
Our next offering is on Saturday, April 20, readings cover Mountain: Henry David Thoreau – Selection from Journals (tbd); also classic and contemporary poets inspired by Mt. Monadnock—Emerson, Dickinson, Mary Oliver, Pat Fargnoli, Galway Kinnell.
Join one or both of these conversations about our changing relationship to the natural world. Readings are always ready at the library counter one month prior to gathering.
All events are held 10 a.m. – noon, Dublin Public Library. Refreshments and coffee served. Funded by the New Hampshire Humanities Council in collaboration with the Friends of the Dublin Public Library.
Catherine Boeckmann is secretary for the FDPL.
Dublin’s 2013 Easter Egg Hunt
By Jennifer Bergeron
The Dublin Recreation Committee invites you to hop on over to the Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 23rd at 10 am at the Dublin Public Library. (Please note we begin promptly at 10 am!)
All Dublin children are invited to participate. Please enter the Library through the lower level entrance and gather in the multipurpose room prior to 10 am. Then get ready to search! Don’t forget to bring your own baskets or bags for the goodies you collect. Come join us for a fun morning! Easter Egg Hunt sponsored by the Dublin Recreation Committee.
For more information, contact Jennifer Bergeron at 563-8308 or jberge@nullmyfairpoint.net.
Individuals Running for Town Offices
The following individuals are to be voted on by ballot on Tuesday, March 12, from 8 am until 7 pm at the Dublin Town Hall. Elevator access is at the rear of the building.
Selectman – 1 position, 3 years: Peter “Sturdy” Thomas
Library Trustee – 2 positions, 3 years: Elizabeth Walker, Gail Bartlett
Water Commissioner – 1 position, 3 years: Arthur H. Susmann
ConVal School District Member – 1 position, 3 years: No announced candidate
Budget Committee – 2 positions, 3 years: Thomas Warren, Dale Gabel
Cemetery Trustee – 1 position, 3 years: Bruce A. Fox
Planning Board – 2 positions, 3 years: Willard Goodwin
Planning Board – 1 position, 2 years: No announced candidate
Trustee of Trust Funds – 1 position, 3 years: Frederick W. MacMillan
The Town of Dublin thanks John Albano for volunteering to machine all
of our old street sign brackets. They now accommodate the new style
street signs. This has eliminated the need to purchase new brackets.
Thank you, John. —Brian Barden, Road Agent
Dog Licenses Due by April 30th
By Jeannine Dunne
Dogs that are over three months old must be licensed each year by April 30th. You can come in any time before that, as we have the tags ready. This year they are blue and shaped like a dog’s head. Please bring your dog’s current rabies certificate or call ahead to see if the Town Clerk’s office has a copy from your veterinarian. As long as we have a copy of the current rabies certificate, licenses can be done by mail if you send a check and self-addressed envelope.
If dogs are not neutered or spayed, licenses are $9.00. For puppies 3 to 7 months old, neutered males and spayed females, licenses are $6.50 each. If the owner is over 65 years old, the first dog’s license is just $2.00. If you no longer have your dog or if you have any questions, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 563-8859. Thank you!
Jeannine Dunne is the Town Clerk/Tax Collector of Dublin. She can be reached at 563-8859.

Neil Sandford, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector.
Damp Trees
On January 30, the first big thaw, several people’s homes lost power around 3:30 pm when a damp tree felled the lines on New Harrisville Rd. Those affected included the elementary school, the General Store, and those on Windmill Mill Rd.
Sparking lines were the reason for three fire whistles.
Brian Barden, standing next to Dublin’s PSNH Lineman Tom Edick at the 4 corners of New Harrisville and Cobb Meadow Roads on that day, laughed and said, “When I took this job, I told selectmen we’d have to cut down all trees within 75 ft. of the roads to prevent this kind of thing from happening.”
The General Store had its generator going, and power was restored in a timely fashion. Thanks to all involved.
News from the Dublin Consolidated School
By May Clark
February is such a short month! The teachers begin to feel that the days are sliding by too fast, and the kids eagerly await vacation! We had our first official Blizzard Bag day this month – a snow day where children complete previously prepared assignments. Teachers are available online for questions and coaching. The idea is to keep some continuity of instruction during the interruption of school, and the state allows us to count the day for children, so they don’t have to make it up at the end of the year. Sound unlikely? Actually, it worked really well. We had 90% participation, and many students emailed or phoned their teachers with questions, and returned the completed work to school.
Research has been a major process at DCS in February. The third graders have been hard at work becoming experts on New Hampshire mammals, and fourth and fifth graders are just beginning their research on the Revolutionary War. We are all learning the benefits of our new Destiny library program, which is providing terrific information about resources in other district schools, as well as a safe and comprehensive searching tool for students to explore reliable websites.
We also made it through School District Meeting Part 1, the deliberative session on the district warrant. The meeting was long, and issues were complex, but it was democracy at work, and now the warrant is ready for the community’s vote on March 12. I hope everyone exercises his or her right to vote – these decisions are extremely important for the future of our schools and our children.
March will bring us signs of spring! We’ll get back to work with our Cornucopia partners to start seeds indoors, as well as plan the gardens for planting later in April and May. The fifth graders will take part in a contra dancing project with South Meadow fifth graders, and incorporate their “move-up” day at the end of the month. We’re looking forward to a long series of uninterrupted instruction this month!
May Clark is teaching principle at DCS.
Looking Ahead to Voting Day
By Mary Loftis
The Deliberative Session, District Meeting Part 1, which took place on February 6 at SMS, involved some confusion and acrimony – but one thing was clear at 11:30 pm when the meeting ended: the people in the ConVal District care about their schools and are willing to devote resources to them, even in hard times.
As I wrote last month, the School Board has agonized over the budget this year, since the State shifted obligatory costs to the towns ($762,000 less in Adequacy Aid; $650,000 less in NH Retirement System contributions). Out of necessity, we cut personnel and important programs, from special ed and regular ed paraprofessionals to an iPad initiative at the middle schools, to name but a few.
The Selectmen’s Advisory Committee felt that we weren’t being frugal enough. They proposed an amendment to our budget, which would have cut another million dollars. The voters at the Deliberative Session rejected this cut, which would have interrupted the curriculum renewal cycle, eliminated the Arts Enrichment Program, prevented much-needed maintenance on the District’s 11 buildings and cut essential staff. Now, the Board is hoping for the same support on voting day, March 12.
As I “retire” from the School Board, the future of the District is still in limbo. Voters said “no” to allowing future Boards to close a school – even though enrollment is almost sure to decline for the foreseeable future. The conundrum is that the small elementary schools, so important to the nine towns, are expensive to run and educationally inefficient. There is widespread skepticism about closing a middle school as well. We generally acknowledge a problem with the District’s organization, and we can’t seem to decide on a solution.
Someone at the Deliberative Session asked the Board what people are getting in return for all this tax money that funds the schools, how much “bang for the buck.” Here’s one example: there’s a new, positive culture at ConVal High School. Grades and test scores are up; disciplinary referrals are down. These changes have been acknowledged on a State level. ConVal was just named one of two finalists for New Hampshire High School of the Year by the Education Excellence Awards Committee. Now that’s great news!
Mary Loftis’ term as rep to SAU 1 ends momentarily; her replacement is as yet unknown.
A Loss to Our Town
By Mary Loftis
The fire that destroyed Hidaway Farm on Burpee Road on February 6 was a tragedy on many levels: the young couple who rented the property, Jade Nguyen and Kevin Michaud, lost their beloved dogs and cats and well as their possessions; Scott Swanson, who with his siblings owned the farm, lost the site where he had spent magical summers throughout his childhood; and the town of Dublin lost an historic property dating back to 1784.

The cause of the fire will never be determined. By the time firefighters arrived around 10 pm, the farmhouse and adjoining barn had burned to the ground, leaving only a brick chimney.
Scott, an architect with offices on Grove Street in Peterborough, recently spoke to me about his family’s farm and what the property had meant to him throughout his life. He began, however, by expressing compassion for Jade and Kevin, who lost their pets, as well as relief that there was no human injury or loss of life. Beginning when he was four year old, Scott spent every summer at Hidaway Farm, named at some point in its long history because it was “hid way up on the mountain.” His parents had bought the property in 1969 and made what they called “the yearly migration” to Dublin from their home in Connecticut and later Ohio. Scott recalled that the kids ran wild around the farm, helping their father with the garden and peach orchard that the previous owner, Bea Shepherd, had established. Scott, an architect even as a child, built little houses in the rocks around the property. There was so much to do on that 30-acre site that the family often wouldn’t leave the premises for days on end.
The farmhouse that burned to the ground last month was believed to be the second-oldest dwelling in Dublin. Henry David Thoreau probably passed it while on a walking trip to Mt. Monadnock in 1852. According to William Morgan in “Monadnock Summer, the Architectural Legacy of Dublin, New Hampshire,” it was an example of the New England vernacular house type, the Cape. Although the property, home to Dubliners for 224 years, had been modernized by the Swanson family in the mid-1980s, it was largely unchanged on the exterior, still an unpretentious red farmhouse. Its loss is both personal and historic.
Mary Loftis is on the staff of the Advocate.
Super Spaghetti Supper at Dublin Community Church
The youth of the Dublin Community Church are hosting the Second Annual Super Spaghetti Supper on Saturday, March 2nd, serving from 5 to 7 pm. (The snow date is Saturday, April 6th, serving from 5 to 7 pm.)
This community meal of delicious homemade spaghetti, meatballs, garlic bread, salad and yummy desserts is free to one and all! Donations of both non-perishable food items and cash to help support area food banks will be accepted.
The kids of the church have been having discussions surrounding food insecurity. Not everyone in New Hampshire knows when they will have their next meal. For one in nine residents of the state, this food insecurity is a daily problem that can lead to hunger, malnutrition and disease. These are not just homeless people; a lot of these people work, have homes. But many of them have medical problems and very little means to pay.
Please come enjoy this warm food made with love and engage in friendly conversation with your neighbors – and support our children’s efforts to “feed them” (Mark 6:37). They are looking to exceed last year’s donation of $350.38 and two huge boxes of food!
Spring is coming and so is the Dublin Community Church Rummage Sale
on May 3 and 4. So as you are sorting through those spring clothes
think donations to the rummage sale. Just drop them off in one of two
bays so labeled at the Church. Thank you.
Community Center Continues Fund-Raising
The board of the Community Center is pleased to announce that they have received another major gift of $10,000 toward the construction of the future Center from a local family. Shown here is the east side of the building’s proposed renovation, as designed by Scott Swanson.
If you would like to join us in this amazing project, please contact Development Chair, Nancy Jackson at 563-7945.
Center Board members: Nancy Cayford, Vira Elder, Bruce Fox, Nancy Jackson, Susan Peters, Bruce Simpson, and David Wolpe.
Winter Bible Conference 2013 at DCA
By Kevin Moody
We had many visiting students from around New England join us Feb. 6 & 7 at Dublin Christian Academy for our Winter Bible Conference. Although the three-day conference started peacefully enough, we ended the week with plenty of snow from the Blizzard of 2013! We unfortunately had to suspend our last day of activities due to the storm, but the kids still had a wonderful time. Three teams competed in various games and challenges and will return to pick up where they left off on Saturday, March 9 (9 am-5 pm), for the conclusion of Winter Bible Conference 2013. Students in grades 7-12 are still welcome to jump in—please call the office and register your teenagers for March 9!
On Friday, March 8, DCA will be hosting our spring Open House from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Students grades K-12 will open their classrooms to the public. They have been busy working on great projects and artwork for family and visitors from the community to enjoy. The evening will also feature music and drama presentations, slide shows and refreshments for all who can join us. This is a perfect time for prospective students and their families to visit our campus. Please mark your calendars and plan to be with us for open house on Friday, March 8.
Mr. Kevin Moody is President/Administrator of Dublin Christian Academy.
Cobb Meadow School Open House
By Rebecca Hackler
Cobb Meadow School, a Dublin-based Waldorf preschool and kindergarten, invites all families to an open house on Friday, March 15, from 9:30-11 am (and April 12 – same times.) Join in for circle time, snack and outdoor play and visit the lead teacher, Anne Branzell-Spiegler. Children are welcome and everyone is encouraged to dress for the weather to enjoy some time outside. The open house is free; please call Anne to pre-register at (603) 563-7755.
Cobb Meadow School, a not-for-profit organization, is enrolling children ages 3 to 6 years old for the 2013-2014 school year. Children may attend three, four or five mornings a week, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; aftercare hours are also available.
Established in 1992 to provide the greater Peterborough area with Waldorf-inspired educational opportunities for nursery and kindergarten age children, Cobb Meadow School provides a nourishing and satisfying early school experience for the young child. Enrollment is open to children who will be three in September, and ongoing enrollment is available throughout the school year for children who will turn three after September, space permitting.
Cobb Meadow School, established in 1992 by Jim and Libby Haddock in their home in Dublin, is a full member of the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America.
Cobb Meadow School is located at 275 Cobb Meadow Road (crossroad is East Harrisville Road), Dublin, NH. For more information call (603) 563-7755 or email info@nullcobbmeadowschool.org. Visit Cobb Meadow School online at www.cobbmeadowschool.org.
Rebecca Hackler, board secretary of Cobb Meadow School, lives in Peterborough.
Monadnock United Way Campaign in Dublin
By Bill Goodwin
The Monadnock United Way campaign for 2012-13 completed January 31st of this year. The results are as follows: We raised in excess of $2,026,000, which is about 88% of our goal of $2,303,009. Here in Dublin, we raised $6,745 (79% of the Dublin goal), thanks to the efforts of Barbara Summers and her team of Judy Knapp, Margaret Flick, Margaret Gurney, Nancy Jackson and Rosemary Weidner.
The economic climate was particularly difficult this year because of the uncertainty created by the “fiscal cliff” in Washington. I would like to thank all of those businesses in town that supported the campaign this year. They are as follows, in alpha order: AVA Restoration Services, Countryhouse Corner, Dave’s Chassis & Body Work, Dublin Health & Benefit Group, Dublin School, Farmer John’s Plot, Francis McKenna Woodworking, Friendly Farm, Gammy Bird Consulting, Greg Pease Builders, Harvest Thyme Herbs, Hedge House, Life Safety Fire Protection, MEI Search Consultants, Moose Maple Nursery, Morning Star Maple, Niemela Design, Peter Pap Oriental Rugs, She’s So Fine Hair Design, Simpson Landscape Co., Steve’s Sport Shop, Windmill Hill Cabinets & Design and Yankee Publishing (employees and company match).
MUW agency programs were used 309 times by Dublin residents and over 61,500 times by residents in the Monadnock region in 2011. About 90% of the funds received go toward MUW agency programming. The United Way campaign is extremely important to the 46 supported agency programs. If you are one of those who rely on these programs, think what would happen if the agency or programs were all of a sudden not available to you. This is why our campaign is so important for the Monadnock region. I hope that those businesses in town that were unable to participate this year will consider doing so next year. We need you.
For more information about the Monadnock United Way, we invite you to go to their website at www.MUW.org.
Bill Goodwin was General Campaign Chair for the Monadnock United Way campaign for 2012-13.
Monadnock Rotary Gifts in 2012
By Ruth Clark
The Monadnock Rotary Club (MRC) — whose mission is youth development and health advocacy for people of all ages in the Monadnock Region and around the world — donated to many worthy causes in 2012.
At the Monadnock Rotary Holiday Party this year there was a lot to celebrate. The Monadnock Wellness Festival was a major success for the Club in 2012. Proceeds of the festival were awarded at the holiday party to Monadnock Healthy Teeth to Toes, which has been a beneficiary of the Wellness Festival for years; HCS Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services; and the Monadnock Area Food Pantry.
The Club also celebrated the success of The Local Food Grower’s Tour, which is dedicated to raising the consciousness in the community of food growers in the Monadnock Region. To benefit from the proceeds of the tour is the Cornucopia project, which is dedicated to teaching sustainable and nourishing life practices to children and young adults by connecting them to the land and the Monadnock Food Coop, a cooperatively owned food store located in Keene that will focus on providing a diverse selection of local, organic, and natural foods to the Monadnock Region.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA), a program the Club runs during November, is targeted at local youth. Proceeds will be earmarked to support an international project. Lastly, the Club had a great opportunity this year to participate in the Pumpkin Festival of Keene by counting pumpkins, which assisted in winning the national competition. As a result, the Pumpkin Festival donated $3000 to the ConVal Scholarship Fund in memory of David Reilly, who was an active member of the Club for a long time.
The MRC is always looking for community involvement in our service projects and fundraisers. You are invited to join us for breakfast at the Dublin Community Church on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 to learn more about the club.
Ruth Clark is publicity coordinator for the MRC. You may contact her at 924-9505 or ruthrd@nullinbox.com.
Bird Vision
By Tom Warren
In birds, the dominant sense is vision.Bird’s eyes are very large relative to their skulls.They have to turn their heads frequently to align their field of view.
Birds can see two to three times more sharply than we can.Some hawks can see a mouse a mile away.
Color vision is enhanced by pigmented oil droplets.The birds we see in the daytime have up to five times the cones per square millimeter than the human eye has.Birds can differentiate colors in the daytime.They can discern red, green, blue and ultraviolet.Humans can discern red, green and blue.
Birds active at night have many more rods, which do not support color vision, but are sensitive to dim light.Owls cannot see colors.
Birds migrate at night by using polarized light for orientation at sunset, the North Star (whose position is constant) and a magnet compass, which allows them to orient to the earth’s magnetic field.
They also use the sun’s compass so that they know the sun at 7 am is in the east, a few degrees above the horizon.To fly north the sun must be on the bird’s right.
Birds can see into the ultraviolet and ultraviolet range, which we cannot detect.
Under ultraviolet light some areas of a bird’s plumage appear brightly patterned, which makes them look different to other birds.Different plumage patterns help to attract females and drive away predators.
Tom Warren, a Dublin resident, is a Trustee of the Harris Center for Conservation Education and New Hampshire Audubon. This material was prepared for a lecture he gave at Audubon in Massachusetts.
Local Band Plays at the Currier
Off the Cuff, a local acoustic quartet, including Harry Lowenthal from Dublin, will be performing at the Currier Museum of Art Jazz Brunch, Sunday, March 10th, from 11 am to 2 pm.
The brunch features live jazz music in the Winter Garden Café. Brunch menu consists of made-to-order omelets and made-to-order pancakes with fun mix-ins, fresh pastries, seasonal fruit, sausage, bacon, smoked salmon and more.
Reservations are recommended but not required ($15 for adults; $7 for kids 10 and under; $8 for continental only). To make a reservation, or if your group is more than eight people, please contact the Currier’s Event Department at 669.6144 x110.
The band will also play in June and August, second Sundays.
The Dublin Community Church will host the annual Lenten Lunches on
Wednesdays through all of March from 12 to 1 pm. This is a wonderful
opportunity to share homemade soups and bread with your neighbors.
It is also possible to request Take-Out for people at home or work.
The free-will donations go to local Food Banks. Come and join us.
Peter’s Pondering
There was a piece in The New York Times recently written by the head of one of our monster banks. The pitch was that the economics of size result in greater benefits to the customer.
For me, a retired trust officer, there are two problems with corporate size. The first is that a bank that is locally owned and managed knows the community better and can respond more effectively to its needs.
The second, which applies to business in general, is that an employee, regardless of level, likes to feel that he or she is within sight of management, and possibly plays a tiny role in how the company is run. That can’t happen if headquarters is in Chicago.
Peter Hewitt is a former resident of Dublin who retired to RiverMead along with several other Dublin residents.
Dublin School Offers Winter Chats by the Fire
Dublin School welcomes the community to join us to discuss “Wind Energy – Which Way are We Blowing?” on Tuesday, March 19th, from 7:30-8:30 pm in the School House on the campus of Dublin School.
Wind Energy is becoming a popular topic of conversation today. More and more of us are finding ourselves teasing apart the benefits and drawbacks of increasing this type of renewable energy. Our facilitators will talk about this important and fascinating topic; and we want you to be part of the conversation whether you are for or against wind energy.
Please contact Erika Rogers at erogers@nulldublinschool.org or 563-1230 for details.
The Committee for Community Discussions: Lisa Foote, Dorine Ryner, Erika Rogers, and Lucy Shonk.
Dublin School’s Next Exhibit
By Earl Schofield
The next exhibit in the Putnam Gallery will be photographic works by Chehalis Hegner. “A New Re-Visioning in the Garden of Eden,” Past work & Present photographs, will open March 29th and run through May 10th. There will be a reception open to the public on March 29th 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.
Chehalis Hegner was born in Chicago in 1961. At age five her family moved to a farm an hour northwest of the city. Her early life was highly impacted by ‘60s and ‘70s culture, and included working on her parent’s large-scale organic gardening projects and tending the family tree farm.
About her art, Hegner writes: “Photography is meaningful to me because it allows me to be a witness. While our society structures life as a fragmented experience, making pictures addresses a basic need of mine to work toward a state of unity.”
In 2012 Chehalis Hegner received the Gijon Mili Photography Prize (Kosovo). She has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in the U.S and Europe; in galleries including The Photographic Resource Center (Boston), The Art Institute of Boston, Maryland Art Place (Baltimore), St. Gauden’s National Historical Site (Cornish, NH), The Cultural Center (Varigotti, Italy), The Interlochen Arts Academy (MI), and the National Gallery of Art in Kosovo. She received her MFA in Visual Arts at the Art Institute of Boston in 2005, and is a full faculty at the art department at the University of Massachusetts.
The L.P. Runyon/Jordana Korsen exhibit runs until March 6th.
Earl Schofield is an art teacher at Dublin School.
Local Pastel Artist at SAC
Maryann Mullett will have two new paintings in the Pastel Society New Hampshire Exhibit, which opens March 1st at the Sharon Arts Exhibition Gallery (30 Grove St., Peterborough) and runs through April 27th.
“Two Birch” inspired by early morning sunshine on two birch trees along Rte. 137, Mud Pond, Dublin. The other is of her cat, Monte.
Maryann’s next exhibit will be at Sunflowers Cafe in Jaffrey in May.
For details, visit the Sharon Arts Center at www.sharonarts.org or call 924-7676.
New Show at the MCH New Art Gallery at Monadnock Community Hospital
Monadnock Community Hospital invites all to the MCH Healing Arts Gallery for ‘Serendipity,’ a juried art exhibit that opened January 31 featuring Maryann Mullett, Anne Murray, Chris Reid, Gordon Ripley, and Earl Schofield. The show will be on display until April 26. The MCH Healing Arts Gallery is adjacent to the Sarah Hogate Bacon Emergency Dept. For more information, please visit MonadnockHospital.org
WinterFest 2013
Judging by the crowd and smiles, it was a great success.
By Jen Bergeron
Mother Nature finally cooperated! After not having WinterFest last year due to lack of snow and then having to reschedule this year’s event a week later because of too much snow, WinterFest 2013 was held on Saturday, February 16th, at Dublin Consolidated School. This year we had 15 Box Sled Racers participating.
After three heats, the final box sled results were Avery Moore, age 5 of Dublin and Mia Schwab, age 6 of Greenfield in first; in second: Jason Bergeron (9), Austin Knight (8) and Griffin Filaski (9), all of Dublin; and in third were Amanda Bergeron (5) and Drake Bay (7) of Greenfield.
In the creative sled category, winners were “Tardis Police Box” by Woody Stockwell of Dublin in first; in second was “The Pencil,” by Gabrielle Oja of Dublin; and in third: #33 built by Jacob Carter of Dublin. Three Honorable Mentions in the creative sled category went to Avery Moore with “Moore Cents,” Ryan Seaver’s “Lightning McQueen,” and Emma Carpenter’s “Emma Express.” Congratulations to all racers!
The Dublin Recreation Committee thanks everyone who helped make this event possible.

Special thanks to John Albano (our music man), the Monadnock Trailbreakers Snowmobile Club (great tow rides), Tom Knight (bonfire), the staff at DCS, and the wonderful volunteers from Dublin School. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Jen Bergeron serves on Dublin’s Recreation Committee.
Watch Out for Frost Heaves!
Frost Heaves, the comedy show that’s sappier than most of the local maple syrup, returns with a program of Spring silliness, March 22 and 23, at the Peterborough Players Theatre.
The nonsense this time includes a new cooking show called “The Yankee Chef,” the return of the Police Log (actual items from the local paper), and such popular regular features as the news from Frost Heaves, Life’s Little Mystery Theatre, and the Song on the Spot, in which the band writes a brand-new, original song based on audience suggestions.
The Frost Heaves Players include Dave Nelson of Dublin, Ken Sheldon of Hancock, and Kathy Manfre and Beth Signoretti of Peterborough. Ms. Manfre was recently honored as Best Actress by the 2012 New Hampshire Theatre Awards.
The Speed Bumps band plays oldies and provides musical support for the troupe. “These guys have years of experience, some of it musical,” says Marple.
Performances of Frost Heaves are March 22 and 23 at 7:30 p.m. and March 23 at 2 pm. Tickets are $15, available at the Toadstool and Steele’s in Peterborough, Rousseau’s Music in Jaffrey, online at frostheaves.com, at the door, or by calling 525-3391. Frost Heaves is family-friendly.
See the Winter Farmers Market
By Mary Loftis
If you haven’t yet visited the Peterborough Winter Farmers Market, organized by Andrea Kierstead of Dublin, you’re in for a treat!
There were, in fact, many treats to be had when I went the day before Valentine’s Day. Many of them were edible: beautiful pastries and bread made by Andrea and other bakers, farm-made Greek yogurt and cheese, fresh eggs, lamb cuts and sausages. In addition, one could buy handmade soap, yarn and knitted goods such as sweaters, hats and scarves. Just looking at all this bounty is enough to chase the winter blues away! I stocked up on foodstuffs, while trying to avoid the sweets, but Andrea gave me a heart-shaped cookie to nibble on the ride home.
The market is open every Wednesday from 3 to 6 pm at the Peterborough Community Center (formerly the Armory) on Elm Street.
Mary Loftis is on the staff of the Advocate.
Programs and Volunteer Opportunities at Hospice at HCS
By Susan Ashworth
Sudden Loss Support Group: Hospice at HCS is offering a grief support group for anyone who has experienced the sudden or traumatic loss of a loved one. The group starts on March 13, and continues on Wednesdays from 4 pm to 5:30 pm through April 17 at HCS, 312 Marlboro St. in Keene. Registration is necessary. Call Lynn Anne Palmer at 352-2253 to register or for more information. This support group is open to the public and is offered free of charge as a community service.
Also, Spring Training for Hospice at HCS Volunteers: Hospice at HCS is offering a volunteer training program starting in March for those who are interested in becoming volunteers. The training will begin on March 19 and continue on Tuesday afternoons from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm through May 21. Volunteers are members of the hospice care team, providing support to the patient and to family members. After completing the training, volunteers assist hospice patients with interests such as writing letters, reading, playing board games, scrap booking, or may accompany a patient to a community event or to visit friends; volunteers also provide respite to family members. Hospice volunteers are especially needed during the day, but time can be very flexible and work around work and travel commitments. The training program is offered free of charge, but class size is limited and pre-registration is required. To register, contact Lorraine Bishop, Hospice at HCS Volunteer Coordinator at 352-2253 or lbishop@nullHCSservices.org. Care is provided wherever a person calls home – their own home or in an assisted living facility or nursing home.
Susan Ashworth is Director of Community Relations at Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services in Keene with offices in Peterborough. She can be reached at sashworth@nullHCSservices.org or call 352-2253.
NH Nature in NH Wildlife Journal
Exciting trail-cam images of four lynx kittens in Pittsburg, NH, last year raised the intriguing possibility that Canada lynx, after being absent from New Hampshire for more than 50 years, may be poised to once again be part of the North Country landscape. Read about this elusive predator, and what biologists are doing to document its presence, in the January/February 2013 issue of New Hampshire Wildlife Journal, the state’s magazine dedicated to fish and wildlife conservation and outdoor recreation.
Also check out the new hi-tech tools of the modern ice-fishing revolution. While traditional tip-ups and bob houses still have a devoted following, new electronics and portable shelters are changing the ice fishing experience.
Another feature highlights how citizens in Bath, NH, took action for wildlife by creating their own Natural Resources Inventory. After documenting the town’s wetlands, soil, wildlife habitat – even discovering healthy wild brook trout in a dozen high-elevation streams – townspeople have a renewed appreciation for what makes a healthy environment and how the community can work together to protect it. Visit http://www.wildnh.com.
Sharon Arts Offers Mixed Media Classes & Workshops
By Alexandra Wall
A variety of classes and workshops in mixed media to be held at the Sharon Arts Center School of Art & Craft, 457 Rt. 123, Sharon, began in February and run through May.
On Sat., Feb. 23 and Sun., Feb. 24 from 10 am to 4 pm, artist Julie Puttgen will teach a “Book Arts” workshop that will introduce students to two sewing forms: long-stitch and a decorative open-spine binding. No book arts experience is required, and book-lovers and bookmakers at all levels are welcome.
Artist Nancy Lefko will offer a one-day workshop titled “Vintage Vignettes” on Sat., Mar. 16 from 10 am to 2 pm. This workshop will explore ways in which collage and mixed media can transform a canvas into a tribute to a special someone, to a life well lived. Also, from Mar. 20 to April 3 Lefko will teach a 3-week class in “Mixed Media Art Journals,” to be held on Wednesdays from 10 am to 1 pm. All levels of experience are welcome.
For tuition and other information, as well as to register, see www.sharonarts.org, email register@nullsharonarts.org, or call (603) 924-7256.
Alexandra Wall is SAC’s School Director and can be reached at alex@nullsharonarts.org or by calling 924.7256 x 3.