Join in the Holiday Spirit with Your Dublin Neighbors
The Dublin Recreation Committee invites you to our annual Holiday Night at 6:30 pm on Friday, December 6th. Meet us at the front of the parking lot between the Fire Department and Yankee Publishing (facing Main Street) as we “throw the switch” for the traditional Christmas tree lighting.

Enjoy hot chocolate and cookies as we welcome the start of the holiday season. And for entertainment, the Dublin Christian Academy’s Chorale Choir will perform holiday songs!
Be on the lookout for Santa Claus — he has been known to make an appearance!
For more information, contact Jen Bergeron at or call 563-8308.
DCA Presents “A Christmas Carol”
Dublin Christian Academy will offer Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” the musical, on December 12-13. Except for the account of the birth of Jesus in the Bible, “A Christmas Carol” is the most well known Christmas story in our culture. Our version of the play was adapted by Christian artists and emphasizes some of the spiritual themes of the Dickens’ classic.
There will be two performances of “A Christmas Carol.” The first on Thursday, Dec. 12 at 1:30 pm is the matinee, and on Friday, Dec. 13 is the 7 pm evening performance. Tickets are available online at DCA campus is at 106 Page Road, Dublin. Please call 563-8505 with any questions.
Invitation to Fairwood
We at Fairwood Bible Chapel invite everyone in town (and all your friends and relations) to attend the annual Christmas Dessert Banquet here! Come enjoy an evening of delicious treats, music, and an original play written and directed by Fairwood Bible Institute alumni: think, a bunch of Christmas classics with one far-reaching twist. The event is scheduled for 6:30 Sunday evening, December 15th. We hope you’ll come enjoy a celebration in this beautiful setting. Call 563-9971 with any questions, or if you’d like to RSVP (by Thursday the 12th would be helpful). Secondly, Fairwood Bible Chapel welcomes everyone to a Christmas Eve song service, Tuesday, December 24th at 6:30 pm.
Mountain View Bible Church Offers Singing Events
On Sunday, December 22, at 10 am the Mountain View Bible Church Choir will present its Christmas Cantata entitled The Voices of Christmas. And later that same day, at 6 pm, is a Carol Sing that is open to the public as well. Mountain View Bible Church is located at 81 Page Road, Dublin. You may visit or call 563-8069.
All Welcome at Dublin Community Church
On December 1st, a Giving Tree will hang with gift tags for more than 20 children from the Dublin community. And offered on the same day after worship, is an Ornament Making Workshop and hearty soup luncheon for all children, young and old. On Sunday, December 8th, the children will offer their Annual Christmas Pageant, entitled “Bethlehem Speaks,” with the congregation singing traditional Christmas carols. On Christmas Sunday, December 22nd, come to hear special music from the choir, and the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service begins at 7 pm on December 24th.
Throughout the season, Rev. Mike Scott will preach from his Advent Pulpit Series, “The Carols of Christmas.” More information may be found at or call 563-8139.
For Christmas events farther afield, see this issue “More Christmas Offerings,” toward end of this December entry.
Dublin Public Library
Take the time to enjoy this season by doing something special at least a few times a week, whether sharing a children’s story, coming to the library to make a craft, or baking as a family.
If you have been visiting with family and friends since Thanksgiving, I’m sure you have talked about the short holiday season. That is why the Dublin Public Library has decided to make every minute count.
Hanukkah, Christmas and Kwanzaa are all happening during the month of December as well as the first official day of winter. We will have crafts available all month in the children’s area. Adult craft and idea books, as well as cookbooks, will also be on display.
During Wednesday morning story time on December 4 we will decorate cookies and read Christmas Cookies Bite Size Holiday Lessons by Amy Rosenthal. On December 11 the Animals of Christmas will appear at the library and then Jingle All the Way with sleighs and bells on December 18. Children and parents will do crafts, hear stories and share refreshments as we celebrate this wonderful season. Please join us from 9:30 to 10:30.
New Books
Identical by S. Turow
Just One Evil Act by E. George
Gone by J. Patterson
Orphan Train by C. Baker Kline
Winners by D. Steel
The Goldfinch by D. Tartt
Dogs of Christmas by W. Cameron
Monsters University
The Way Way Back
The Heat
White House Down
Bern Hyman Turns 100
By Karen Tolman
Born in 1913, Bern Hyman lived most of her adult life and raised her three children in Dublin. But, she moved to Nelson shortly after her husband, Tom, died in 1991, to be closer to family. For her, Nelson always seems so “far away” from those that she shared so much of her life with over her many years in Dublin! She misses her home and her friends here.
Approaching 100 years old (on November 29), she’s no longer able to bake her famous cookies or sew her “tailored” suits, or swim (therapy) at the pool in Peterborough, or to drive the roads looking for a quick visit with old friends who might be homebound, or with those she hadn’t seen for a while.
But she is able to enjoy a visit or a card to know that you think of her occasionally. Nelson really isn’t very far away, so do visit, or give a call at 827-3226, or send a card to 246 Tolman Pond Road, Nelson, NH 03457. She would love to hear from you. Meanwhile, here’s to Bern!
Karen Tolman is Bern’s daughter.
Property Tax Update
By Jeannine Dunne
Dublin’s part two property tax bills for 2013 have been mailed and are due on December 12th. If you mail your payment and it is postmarked by this date, it will be considered paid on time and no interest will be charged. The tax rate went up this year, from $22.15 per $1,000 of assessed property value in 2012, to $23.64 per $1,000 in 2013. This means that if your property is assessed at $200,000 (and was assessed at the same amount in 2012), you will owe $298 more for 2013’s total property taxes than you did for 2012.
Have a peaceful and safe holiday season.
Jeannine Dunne is Dublin’s Town Clerk/Tax Collector (563-8859).
Message from Code Enforcement Officer
By Michael Borden
I have been on the job now for about five months and am starting to know my way around town. I am finding that the community is warm and friendly and the town is beautiful both in landscape and property. I have conducted approximately 100 inspections. I keep office hours, and it’s been pretty busy — but we’ll see if things calm a bit as winter rolls in and nature slows down. Thanks to everyone for their help and friendliness.
Mike Borden is the Town’s new Building Inspector / Code Enforcement Officer, appointed last June.
A Message from Tom LaFortune
I would like to take this opportunity to thank so many people for their prayers,
kindness, support and comfort during my recent and unexpected medical situation.
It was certainly an overwhelming occurrence with the outcome nothing short of a miracle.
I was indeed touched by the concern of so many.
Sincere thanks to all,
Tom LaFortune and family
Dublin Highway Department
By Brian Barden
The Dublin Highway Department completed four large projects this summer and fall. First, we installed five 8,000-gal. water tanks between the Post Office and the General Store for the Fire Department. Also this summer we built another 650 feet of the sidewalk along Route 101/Main Street. Next year we plan to complete the sidewalk project.
This fall we replaced the Pierce Rd. culvert and installed a 7’x12′ cement box culvert. We are waiting for 260 feet of guardrail to be installed — hopefully within the next month.
Our last project has been tearing down the old shed and replacing it with a clear span building at the Town Barn on Cobb Meadow Rd.
We took delivery of the new ten-wheeler truck in September. Roger Trempe, a highway department employee, has completed the road scholar program and is now a master road scholar. Now that it is winter, please drive safely.
Brian Barden is the Town Road Agent.
You Are Cordially Invited to Attend an Open House
in Honor of Chief Jim Letourneau
Celebrating the Occasion of his Retirement
as our Police Chief and Serving our Community for the Past 25 Years!
Please join us on January 12th, 2014
at the Dublin Consolidated School from 1 to 5 pm.
Light refreshments will be served.
Recycling Hours for the Holidays
By Tom Kennedy
The Transfer Station will be closed on Wednesday, December 25th, and Wednesday, January 1st, for the holidays but will be open on the following Thursdays, December 26th and January 2nd.
Tom Kennedy runs the Town’s Transfer Station.
Monadnock Rotary Hosts Event for Teens
By Cassie Cleverly
On November 9th, the Monadnock Rotary Club hosted the 2013 Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) at the Sargent Center in Hancock. Fifteen Rotary Clubs from District 7870, which covers most of New Hampshire and Vermont, sponsored 44 teens chosen for their leadership potential to spend the day in three workshops: teambuilding, communication and group dynamics, and strategies for conflict in communication. Although the day was brisk, the teens filled the grounds at the Sargent Center with high spirits and determination to work together. Arriving at 8 am as strangers, they left the Monadnock area at 5 pm as friends and newly connected colleagues. In the photo at left, teens are participating at the Sargent Center in 2013 RYLA.
RYLA is just one of many services the Monadnock Rotary Club provides for our communities. To learn more about this group of community-oriented people, come to one of our weekly breakfast meetings. We meet Tuesday mornings from 7:30 – 8:30 am in the lower level of the Dublin Community Church. Visit for more information.
Cassie Cleverly is a member of the Monadnock Rotary Club.
Name that Center
By Dublin Community Center Board of Trustees
We had so many wonderful names suggested that we couldn’t come to a consensus! The children in first and second grades of the Dublin Consolidated School outdid themselves with creative naming, and lots of folks from town responded with great names too. For now we are still calling the center the Dublin Community Center. Maybe later we’ll have another go at it, or maybe a nickname will develop over time. In the meantime construction is moving right along, and it’s all very exciting. Thank you to all who participated.
Correction to DS Boathouse Article
In the last issue, the Advocate ran an article about the boathouse that now belongs to the Dublin School. Ned Whitney bought the boathouse from the Rosamond Lamb estate; he did not build it. According to the National Register listing, the boathouse was built sometime around 1910. Many thanks to the Dublin Historical Society for pointing this out.
Advocate’s Newest Staffer
By Kim Allis
The Advocate is pleased to have a representative of the younger generation, Brie Morrissey, join our staff. She brings multiple talents: photography, web design, graphic design, and high energy.
Brie grew up on Cold Comfort Farm in Peterborough. She now lives in an off-the-grid house in Dublin, in a household that includes two matching black and white Great Danes named Bella and Layla.
Brie has a small office space in the Granite Block, of Peterborough, where she works on freelance graphic design; portrait, event and wedding photography; and other photography projects — in the very same office her grandfather and architect, Arthur Eldredge, occupied through the ‘50s.
One of Brie’s interests is photographing motor sports, which includes getting covered in mud when covering events that feature gigantic trucks hurtling over barriers and such. She is also very involved with our local snowmobiling organization called Monadnock Trail Breakers (see Brie’s article) and is helping to organize an event called Rock the Hills VT.
Brie has a business administration background and she also spent ten months last year doing an intensive photography program at the prestigious Hallmark School of Photography. The wide range of her photography services can be seen at her website,
Please join us in welcoming her to the staff.
Kim Allis is on the staff of the Advocate.
Dublin Resident Retires from HCS
By Susan Ashworth
Barbara Duckett recently retired as President/CEO at Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services (HCS), a United Way agency.
She headed the nonprofit organization for 13 years, and oversaw substantial growth in the number of patients receiving care in home care, particularly in the hospice program. HCS will host a Holiday Open House on Wednesday, December 4, from 3 to 6 pm at 45 Main Street in Peterborough to acquaint the public with the services that enable people to live independently at home.
For more information about services or positions available at HCS, call 352-2253.
Susan Ashworth is Director of Community Relations at HCS with offices in Keene and Peterborough.
Dublin Planning Board Report
Drop in to see decisions made on behalf of Dublin residents.
By Neil Sandford
Ever wonder what the planning board does? As the secretary I have the opportunity to work with a neat group of people that are serving the townspeople of Dublin. On the first and third Thursday evening each month at Dublin Town Hall the planning board meets to discuss and decide a variety of issues for the people who live in Dublin. Besides reviewing the ordinances to propose changes and improvements each March, they have to approve things like a lot line adjustment between neighbors, a voluntary merger where you want to combine more than one piece of property, a subdivision of property to carve out new building lots, a new sign or driveway permit. One of the bigger responsibilities is to do site plan review for a nonresidential property whose owner wants to change its use. All of these things require an application that is filled out and submitted to the board, who if the law requires, will send out notices to all abutters and hold a public hearing so that everyone that might be affected by the proposal can come and voice their concerns or support. The Planning Board also has the responsibility to update the Master Plan every ten years as well as appoint a sub-committee to make long-term capital improvement recommendations for town property.

At left, seated: Bill Goodwin, Bruce Simpson, Sturdy Thomas.
Presently on the planning board are six members with various expertise and backgrounds who are all interested in planning issues and assuring that things are done fairly and according to the ordinances that the townspeople have adopted over many years. The chairman is Bruce Simpson who is both a lawyer and has done land development. His knowledge and understanding of the law coupled with knowing what developers have to go through makes his work on the board a definite asset to the town. His common-sense approach to issues and his kind manner often set applicants at ease.
Suzan Macy has served on the board for many years and has a real interest in conservation issues. She genuinely cares for the environment and so also serves on the Dublin Conservation Commission. She serves as a link to that board when conservation issues arise.
Bill Goodwin has also served many years and his background in business and management really adds to the smooth functioning of the board. He is genuinely interested in people as well as in what is best for the town and knows how to balance both.
Dave Whitney, an excavation contractor and large equipment operator, understands the importance of proper engineering as well as common-sense solutions for the “little guy.” He seeks to help find simple, straightforward solutions in how the regulations are administered.
Gregg Fletcher whose background is in teaching and running a small business, often asks clarifying questions about the ordinances or the applications that helps everyone to have a better understanding of the issues.
Dale Gabel is the most recent member on the board. He is the chairman of the budget committee so understands town finances. As a retired Coast Guard Admiral he brings a great deal of wisdom to dealing with people and regulations. His common sense approach to keeping things simple and understandable is a benefit to the board and those who make applications. The board also has a representative from the Board of Selectmen, who serves as a liaison to the selectmen as well as has full voting rights on the Planning Board. This position usually rotates and this year Selectman Peter (Sturdy) Thomas is serving in this role. As a former police officer and detective, Sturdy brings a no-nonsense approach to move things along and make prompt and correct decisions.
The primary role of the Planning Board is to oversee growth in Dublin and make sure that it follows Dublin’s guidelines. The Board is not allowed to approve uses unless they are allowed in the ordinance and regulation. If they are not allowed then the applicant must go to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for either a variance or special exception before proceeding. The Planning Board encourages applicants to come to a preliminary hearing to discuss their ideas and plans with the board before developing them into definitive plans. This is called a preliminary hearing and applicants can come and discuss with the board about what provisions would need to be included if a certain plan was developed. Doing this can save the applicant a good deal of time and money (if engineering is involved) and gives the board more time to ponder the proposal and get input from affected townspeople.
All of the Planning Board’s meetings and hearings are open to the public and are posted on the website (, on the Town Hall bulletin board and on the Post Office bulletin board. Anyone who would like to present something to the board or just give input can call me as the secretary at 563-8120 to be put on the agenda. Or just drop by anytime to watch the fun as the board discusses and makes decisions on behalf of the residents of Dublin.
Neil R. Sandford serves Dublin’s Planning Board and Zoning Board of Adjustment as secretary as well as filling the role of Dublin’s Deputy Town Clerk. His primary job is pastor of Fairwood Bible Chapel, Administrator of Fairwood Bible Institute and station manager for WVKJ, Dublin’s only FM radio station.
Grandmother Nancy Miller, Firefighter Extraordinaire
By Ramona Branch
Nancy and Paul Miller are well-known Dubliners, having lived in our fair town for 47 years. Nancy, from Westford, MA, and Paul from Reading, MA, met when they were working at Sargent Camp in Hancock. Both Paul and Nancy were teaching outdoor education to young campers.
Many of us sigh admiringly at the Millers’ pristine gardens as we drive past their home on East Harrisville Road every summer. The abundant vegetable and flower gardens bursting with color are a delight to behold. Not only are the gardens beautiful but they allow the Millers to be self-sufficient as they provide most of the food Paul and Nancy eat throughout the year.
I was mesmerized by how this mother of three and grandmother of six became a firefighter in her retirement years. Nancy says her firefighting journey started when she and Paul took a CPR class sponsored by the Fire Department in 2002. Having tested the waters she was motivated to join the Fire Department and took the first responder class to expand her medical training. The next step in Nancy’s firefighting career included extensive training as she became certified as a Level II Firefighter.
Like many Dublin firefighters, Nancy says she is a “jack of all trades,” assisting in the many and varied tasks involved in fire and rescue calls including directing traffic, operating extrication tools, and working alongside the EMTs who provide patient care.
I asked Nancy how she keeps in shape to do such rigorous, demanding work. “I enjoy physical activity and being outdoors. I’ve always been very active,” she said. “I take long walks everyday – sometimes on Beech Hill,” she added.
Nancy and Paul have three sons. The oldest, Jeff, and his family live in Stow, MA. Scott and Eric are twins. Scott and his family live in Washburn, WI, while Eric and his family live in Fairbanks, AK.
I asked Nancy what her sons thought of her being a firefighter, and she responded, “My boys are all proud of me for stepping out of my comfort zone and serving the community in this way.” Dublin thanks you too, Nancy.
Writer’s Note: This is the seventh in a series about Dublin’s volunteer firefighters.
Ramona Branch is on the staff of the Advocate.
The Nutrition Detective Visits DCP
By Cathy Carabello
Each fall for the past several years — as we explore ways of staying healthy with our preschoolers — we invite a special guest who is best known as the “Nutrition Detective” among the younger population of the Monadnock Region.
Donna Poe, Registered Dietician Nutritionist at the Bond Wellness Center, developed an exceptional, age-appropriate program designed for preschool and elementary-aged children that teaches the benefits of healthy eating through interactive exercises and a huge amount of fun.
Entering the classroom wearing radish earrings, a grape and cherry necklace and a fruity headband immediately screams fun to this visually reliant group of young learners. The premise of the program is that eating good, healthy foods help us to “Grow,” “Glow” and “Go,” a catch phrase that helps the children remember the important benefits as they put an action to each word. The children begin the exercise in a squat position pretending to be tiny babies and slowly stretch to their tiptoes as they “Grow.” A big smile indicating that the healthy foods make them feel good comes next with “Glow” and finally, they run in place as the benefits of the healthy foods gives them good energy to run and jump and play or “Go.”
The Healthy Plate, which has replaced the Food Pyramid that appeared on cereal boxes until recently, is the new model and can be found at Donna used an enlargement of this colorful plate to play a food game that helped the children remember the five basic food groups. Since her visits happened on the heels of Halloween, the question arose about which food group candy would go in. The question led to a great discussion and we learned that sweets are a “sometimes” food to be enjoyed once in a while. They do not even have a place on the healthy food plate.
Donna emphasized the importance of continually trying new foods. Did you know that as babies we have many taste buds that make our early taste sensations more sensitive? As we grow older, we gradually lose our taste buds and this changes our taste preferences. Our taste buds can change as often as weekly throughout our lives so if you tried something and didn’t care for it, try, try again!
We thoroughly enjoyed our visits with the Nutrition Detective and feel very privileged to have access to the free quality education that Donna continues to provide to the Monadnock community.
Cathy Carabello is the director/lead teacher of the Dublin Community Preschool.
News from Dublin Consolidated School
By May Clark
Our students had to break out the warm clothes in November – it got cold in a hurry. We had so much going on it’s hard to count all the activities! Our PE teacher, Paul Landau, organized a terrific Turkey Trot mid-month, which was a ton of fun, and Trotters brought in canned goods for our annual food drive. Our wonderful Mrs. Lorrie fixed up a delicious feast for our kids and their families just before Thanksgiving break. The ConVal Food Service does such a great job with this Holiday Feast. We also had one of our favorite weeks of the year: NHDI Residency week. Lisa Cook, a magical dance teacher, had all our students rockin’ and rollin’, and putting together a fabulous dance show for their families. Then teachers held conferences with parents just before break. We’ve all been busy!
December seems shorter than usual this year, with Thanksgiving so late, but we’ll squeeze in a whole lot of activities. Our PTO will run our annual Holiday Shop, where students can purchase and wrap surprise gifts for their parents and siblings. Watching it happen is priceless, and all the staff look forward to it each year. We will have a presentation from Mr. Steve Lechner, our own science guy, to preview our newly developed, up and coming after-school science club, which will start in January. We’re hoping Mr. Clark will come in and read The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, as is traditional, and Mr. Parshall and our fantastic Fire Department will join together for our Holiday Concert and Santa’s visit here on December 13. The community is invited, so come and see what your Fire Department does for our children, at the same time as you hear the kids’ musical performance. Happy Holidays, everyone!
May Clark is Teaching Principal at the Dublin Consolidated School. She can be reached at 563-8332 or emailed at
District Study Focus
By Fiona Tibbett
Hello fellow Dubliners!
The School Board and the district’s Boards of Selectmen have created a District Study Committee to study how to deliver the highest quality educational services to every student while taking all opportunities to limit current and/or future expenses. As a member of that committee, I have been asked to gather feedback from my community. We have identified three main areas of focus:
Operational Reviews to Increase Efficiency: ConVal is a large district with many moving parts. Operational review will encompass how the district operates facilities, purchases services and avoids increases in future operational costs by making smart investments. This review will be conducted and reviewed by district staff and take into consideration existing strategic plans.
Consolidation of Schools: As with the 2012 Model Study Committee, our committee will continue to look at what makes sense in terms of consolidation and whether any community would consider closing a local school under any conditions. This focus area may involve setting criteria for closure and evaluating schools, conducting public surveys, community listening sessions and providing answers to basic questions related to consolidation.
Increase Enrollment in Schools: While enrollment has leveled off in the elementary schools, overall enrollment has fallen significantly since 1992. The committee could survey parents that remain residents of the district but have left for other schools to better understand their needs, make efforts to highlight and market ConVal’s many strengths, recommend local planning and zoning changes to make housing more affordable and work with private and public partners to enhance our image as a leading educational institution.
While each of these focal areas is part of the committee’s charge from the School Board, local feedback and preference will determine where the committee’s efforts are placed and be reflected in findings and reports. Let me know where you think our focus as a committee should be. You can e-mail ( or call me (603) 566-2823. Please take this opportunity to help us shape the future of ConVal.
Fiona Tibbetts is Dublin’s representative to the ConVal School Board, SAU 1.
Ms. Brown Performs in Musical at KSC
Abbie Brown, of Dublin, played the role of Ilsa in Spring Awakening, a current and edgy rock musical that deals with young people, presented November 13 to 16, by the Keene State College Theatre and Dance and Music departments.
Brown, a sophomore dance performance and choreography major at KSC, had also appeared in campus productions of Choreography Showcase, An Evening of Dance, and The Tempest. The daughter of Milton and Vicki Brown of Dublin, she is a 2010 graduate of ConVal High School, where she performed in three theatre productions.
For more information about the Theatre and Dance Department, visit or call 603-358-2162.
The Wards Come to Town
By Mary Loftis
Tom and Priscilla Ward moved to their second “retirement home” on Pierce Road in August. In 1999, they had left Pennsylvania after Tom retired from a career in health insurance and purchased a large home in Hancock, where they lived for 14 years.

Although they enjoyed the Hancock community, they came to the conclusion that their handsome craftsman-style house was just too big. Their search for a smaller home in the Monadnock Region led them to Pierce Road, where they fell in love with the sunny open-concept architecture and the beautiful yard and perennial beds.
Both of the Wards have New England roots: Tom grew up in Salem, MA, and Priscilla in Bennington, VT. They married after meeting in an operating room in Lynn (MA) Hospital, where both were working. Three of their five grown children live in New England and the other two in the northeast. Living in New Hampshire allows for frequent family visits and the opportunity to watch their seven grandchildren grow up.
Both of the Wards are active volunteers at the Monadnock Community Hospital. Priscilla has worked in the gift shop since 2000 and helps with purchasing the wide array of merchandise for which the shop is known. She also stocks the candy section, which needs constant replenishment! Tom is a roving volunteer and is currently working in the Registration Department.
In addition to her volunteer work, Priscilla is a prolific and accomplished painter and hopes to soon set up a studio space in her new home. Tom has enjoyed working in his new yard, which came complete with a thriving vegetable garden. They told me that they have felt welcomed in Dublin, both by their neighbors and by town employees. They were happy to receive a welcome card from their mail carrier, Margaret Schillemat, and personal updates on the Pierce Road bridge renovation from road agent Brian Barden. Although moving was stressful, even from one town away, Tom and Priscilla Ward say they’re happy to be in our little town!
Mary Loftis is on the staff of the Advocate and volunteers for about a dozen other organizations.
Peter’s Pondering
It’s scary how many things have changed since I’ve been here.
Telephones, for one. My grandparents had one on a wall – no buttons, no dial, and you had to stand up to talk into it. The phone number was 9.
Electric refrigerators were arriving. The first I remember were made by General Electric, and the freezing machinery was on top, looking like a big cylindrical beehive.
Model T Fords were still around. Three foot pedals: I think they were brake, clutch, and second-gear. The accelerator was on the steering column. I don’t know how you got it to go backwards. (Brian?)
Radios were primitive, lots of static, short range, and low fidelity. The more expensive models came in elaborate – and ugly – cabinets.
I don’t like change, but I’m thankful for some of it.
Peter Hewitt retired to Rivermead from Dublin several years ago.
Moose Maple Nursery to Close after Christmas
By Rusty Bastedo
Moose Maple Nursery & Garden Center, located on Brush Brook Road just past the T-Bird Station (Route 137 North), will be selling Christmas trees and wreaths for this Christmas season as usual. But then it will close its doors, and a part of Dublin’s business community will be lost forever.

For 13 years Dubliners and Dublin Advocate readers’ gardens came to rely on Moose Maple’s deliveries of compost and mulch. Eric Jadaszewski supplied landscape design and consulting services, as well as trees, shrubs and perennials, as Moose Maple grew into an invaluable source of all things green.
Eric, transplanted from the rural Florida Panhandle with 30 years’ training in horticulture, came north from South Technical Institute’s Ornamental Horticulture program to be closer to family. A second generation Polish-American, it was logical that Eric investigate moving to western New England, where Polish immigrants had long been a force in Machine Age factories’ production of iron and steel.
Eric attends both Divine Mercy in Peterborough and Our Lady of Czestochowa in Turners Falls, Mass., which is made up largely of Polish-Americans so there is a connection to his ancestral homeland. Eric is a 3rd degree Knight of Columbus and also works for Lighthouse Catholic Media, an Apostolate in Illinois.
The Jadaszewskis acquired 14 acres of land in Dublin, and there they worked hard to establish a nursery business that relied on word-of-mouth advertising and hard work to grow. Their sons, Stefan and Nicholas, are pursuing non-horticulture careers in mental health care. Eric, a metal-smith, is turning to fulltime production of replica steel armor, the types worn by Polish, Russian and Turkish cavalry units in the Late Baroque-Renaissance era. There is considerable demand for his finely tuned armor, and he will continue that work from space rented in Peterborough for his company, Polish Hussar Supply. He has made presentations about his work locally, and even one at our local library a few years ago (see Advocate, March 2011, p. 2.)
There will continue to be a Jadaszewski presence in the Monadnock Region after the final Christmas sales of trees and wreaths, so Dubliners may wish to stop by Moose Maple for a final time this holiday season.
Rusty Bastedo is a former state curator and has served on the board of the Advocate since its founding.
Grace Thaler: 1955-2013
Grace Ashwell Yeomans Thaler, 58, of Beacon Hill and Wellfleet, Massachusetts, died of pancreatic cancer on Sunday, October 27, with her devoted husband, Thomas W. Thaler, at her side. Grace loved being part of the community of Beacon Hill and could be seen walking up and down Charles Street daily; whether going to her office at the Charles Street Meetinghouse or strolling down the street for groceries at Savenor’s or supplies at Charles Street Hardware, Grace was a cheerful, friendly presence in the neighborhood she adored and was unfailingly kind to everyone she met. Those who knew her best recognized that she was the embodiment of her name: she was gracious, lovely, and a lady—albeit a very modern lady who juggled a demanding career with her family obligations and volunteer commitments.
Grace, an independent decorative arts appraiser and consultant, was the daughter of the lateClinton Babcock Yeomans and the late Joan Barrows Yeomans. Grace grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut and summered in Dublin, New Hampshire. She attended Emma Willard School and graduated from Loomis-Chaffee School and Smith College, where she majored in Art History. Her husband, Tom, had attended Amherst at the time Grace was at Smith, but theydid not meet in Western Massachusetts; rather, they were introduced at a Colonial Dames’reception in 1996 by Grace’s father, whom Tom knew from their mutual membership in the Society of Colonial Wars. She and Tom and married a year later at Trinity Church; they celebrated their 16th anniversary two days before Grace’s death.
Before founding her own independent art appraisal business, Grace held leadership positions at Sotheby’s New York and Grogan & Company of Dedham, Massachusetts. At Sotheby’s, she worked in the Oriental Carpet Department and was later Assistant to the Chairman. At Grogan, Grace was Director of Decorative Arts; she was widely known for her expertise in Chinese Export porcelain. She completed the distinguished Attingham Summer School program of study in Britain, in addition to many other professional courses and certificates.
Until she became ill this summer, Grace served on the Board of Governors and the Furnishings Committee of the Shirley-Eustis House Association in Roxbury and on the Board and the Collections Committee at Gore Place. She was active on the Board of the National Society of Colonial Dames in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and was the co-chair of their historic headquarters at 55 Beacon Street in Boston, the William Hickling Prescott House. Grace was to become the next President of the Dames in the Spring of 2014.
She was a Proprietor of the Boston Athenaeum, a past Corporator of the Worcester Art Museum, and a past member of the Board of Managers of The Vincent Club. Grace was a perennial winner of the Vincent Advertising Medal during the last decade in which the Vincent Show took place. Given her always gracious, always polite, always civilized demeanor, fellow members were always in awe of her ability to raise more money than more forceful personalities of the club. Grace was also a member of the Chilton Club, where she was an enthusiastic member of the Restaurant Committee. Grace was passionate about food and cooking, and as a past President of the Smith Club of Cambridge, hosted many gatherings with Julia Child.
Grace’s other affiliations included the Appraisers’ Registry of New England, the French Porcelain Society, and the China Students’ Club of Boston, of which she was a Board member.
Among the things that gave Grace particular pleasure were being part of the close-knit MailingCommittee at the Dames and partaking of the plentiful Wellfleet oysters at 42 Beacon Street.She and Tom had a house in Wellfleet called Tom’s Bluff. Grace was an avid swimmer and was never deterred by choppy surf, just as she was never deterred by any challenge in her life. When Grace and Tom were there they enjoyed quiet weekends gardening, reading, walking, sailing, and cooking. Grace spent the last six weeks of her life there by the sea before returning home to Beacon Hill on October 15. She was happy to return just as the seasons changed and she could savor the scent of wood smoke from a cozy fire.
Grace was the loving sister of Carol Conard of Shelburne, VT and Tyler Madden of Simsbury, CT and a devoted godmother to her nieces Lindsey Johnson Vandal, Victoria Sears Cabot, and Eliza Lucy Thaler. She is also survived by her sisters’ children, Adelaide Blair Johnson, Ian Borgman Johnson, Erin Tyler Madden, and Megan Elizabeth Madden; her husband’s nieces and nephews; and many cousins, all of whom she adored.
A celebration of Grace’s life was held at Trinity Church in the City of Boston, Copley Square, on Friday, November 8 at 2:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the National Society of Colonial Dames in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 55 Beacon Street, Boston, 02108.
Ready for Snow? We Are!
Snowmobile club welcomes new participants.
By Brie Morrissey
Dublin’s snowmobile club, the Monadnock Trail Breakers, has spent the last several months excitedly preparing for winter by cleaning up and clearing many local trails; preparing for upcoming fundraising and community events; and getting in contact with landowners to expand our local trail system.

The Monadnock Trail Breakers are largely responsible for making the recreational use of many local trails possible through the winter months. The Trail Breakers belongs to the NH Snowmobile Association and is very active in the Cheshire and Hillborough county districts, largely by grooming and maintaining trails from Dublin through Peterborough and all the way to Hancock for walkers, runners, hikers, equestrians, skiers, snowshoers, snowmobilers and other winter recreational activities. Currently the club is able to provide these trails for public use through the volunteer efforts of members and is always looking for new members (not only snowmobile enthusiasts) and volunteers to participate in trail improvement and other community activities.
The Monadnock Trail Breakers is a snowmobile club but it encourages recreationists of all ages to join them in their volunteer efforts to keep the trails in great condition for everyone and is always looking to build relationships with landowners and volunteers to create new trails in our area. The Trail Breakers holds monthly meetings at the Dublin Public Library that are open the public. To learn more about The Monadnock Trail Breakers, opportunities like these, to view upcoming events, or to contact the Monadnock Trail Breakers, please visit
Brie Morrissey handles PR for the Monadnock Trail Breakers, and is the newest member of the Advocate staff.
Plaid Friday at Mayfair Farm, and Then Some
On Friday, November 29, from 10 am to 4 pm, Mayfair Farm in Harrisville, will transform into a holiday bazaar as part of Plaid Friday, the national celebration of local and independent businesses. And from 1 to 3 pm, on Nov. 29, photographer Kimberly Peck will be selling and signing copies of her recently released book, “Farm, Food, Life: Photographs & Recipes Inspired by Local Farms.” Peck will also sell notecards, prints and wool potholders made from upcycled materials. The day will include Mayfair’s Christmas hams, as well as Christmas trees and wreaths. All meats, holiday greenery, and gift items will be available throughout December.
The farm store is otherwise open from 8 am to 8 pm daily for similar shopping. At Mayfair’s on-farm store one can find a variety of gift ideas. Look for the Mayfair-made biscotti nestled in a Sarah’s Hat Box of Hancock. Perhaps try handmade goat’s milk soap and lotion or goat’s milk fudge, or pick up Mayfair’s gourmet sausages, from GMO-free pork, beef, lamb, and eggs.
Come to show support for Monadnock Buy Local, a network of locally owned businesses, organizations and citizens working to build a stronger local economy. For information, write to or call 827-3925.
Nowell Sing We Clear at DCC Dec. 6
The Monadnock Folklore Society presents Nowell Sing We Clear, A Pageant of Mid-Winter Carols, on Friday, December 6, at 8 pm at the Dublin Community Church. Admission is $15/$12 (senior, youth or in advance). Nowell Sing We Clear, with its unusual songs, carols, stories, and customs, has toured every year since 1975. Drawn mostly from English-language folk traditions, the songs tell both a version of the events and characters involved in the Christmas story and detail the customs that make up the 12 magical days following the return of the light at the winter solstice. For advance purchase and more information, please visit
Hear Animaterra in Keene or Peterborough
Animaterra’s Winter 2013 Concert, titled “Here in This Place,” is sung by a local women’s chorus that communicates the world’s traditions through music. It will be offered in two locations: Saturday, December 7, at 7:30 pm in the Keene Unitarian Universalist Church, 69 Washington St, Keene; and on Sunday, December 8, at 4 pm in the Union Congregational Church, 33 Concord St., Peterborough. Suggested donation: $10 for adults; $6 senior citizens & children (a portion of the proceeds will be donated to Rise…for baby and family of Keene). Please bring a nonperishable food item for our local community kitchens. For details, visit
Frost Heaves Presents Holiday Hilarity
Frost Heaves, the town so small that even Santa can’t find it, brings Holiday Hilarity to the Peterborough Players on December 13, 14, and 15. Frost Heaves, family friendly and appropriate for all ages, is a musical comedy variety show composed of Dave Nelson of Dublin, Ken Sheldon of Hancock, and Kathy Manfre and Beth Signoretti of Peterborough. Performances are Friday and Saturday, December 13-14 at 7:30 pm, with a 2 pm matinee Sunday December 15, all at the Peterborough Players. Tickets are $18, $15 for the matinee, available at the Toadstool and Steele’s in Peterborough, at the door, online at, or call 525-3391.
Christmas Show at DelRossi’s Trattoria
On Saturday, December 21st, at 8 pm, DelRossi’s Trattoria is hosting a New England folk duo from Portsmouth, NH. David Surette’s mandolin virtuosity and Susie Burke’s entrancing vocals, with special guest, multi-instrumentalist Kent Allyn, will perform Christmas carols and seasonal songs, along with folk and acoustic fare from their standard offerings. This duo presents the seasonal repertoire with warmth, flair and energy based on influences and styles from folk to jazz, Celtic to rock, blues to Broadway and beyond. $15 at the door or visit
Plaid Friday at Mayfair Farm, and Then Some
On Friday, November 29, from 10 am to 4 pm, Mayfair Farm in Harrisville, will transform into a holiday bazaar as part of Plaid Friday, the national celebration of local and independent businesses. And from 1 to 3 pm, on Nov. 29, photographer Kimberly Peck will be selling and signing copies of her recently released book, “Farm, Food, Life: Photographs & Recipes Inspired by Local Farms.” Peck will also sell notecards, prints and wool potholders made from upcycled materials. The day will include Mayfair’s Christmas hams, as well as Christmas trees and wreaths. All meats, holiday greenery, and gift items will be available throughout December.
The farm store is otherwise open from 8 am to 8 pm daily for similar shopping. At Mayfair’s on-farm store one can find a variety of gift ideas. Look for the Mayfair-made biscotti nestled in a Sarah’s Hat Box of Hancock. Perhaps try handmade goat’s milk soap and lotion or goat’s milk fudge, or pick up Mayfair’s gourmet sausages, from GMO-free pork, beef, lamb, and eggs.
Come to show support for Monadnock Buy Local, a network of locally owned businesses, organizations and citizens working to build a stronger local economy. For information, write to or call 827-3925.
Update from the Advocate
It’s been two years since the Advocate went online. Although the whole issue may be found online and in color (and as a blog) at, we ended the online registering process.
If you wish to receive a monthly announcement of when the issue is published online, please email with your email address and name. While we have captured emails of those who already signed up, all future registrants will need to send us an email.