So Many Ways to Ring In the Holiday
Traditional Tree Lighting in Dublin — Chief Vanderbilt and the Fire Department will turn the lights on the Dublin Christmas Tree between the Fire Station and Yankee on Friday, December 4, at 6 pm. Expect a special surprise visit from the fellow from the North Pole.
Christmas Dessert Banquet at Fairwood — Fairwood Bible Chapel and the staff and students of Fairwood Bible Institute invite you to join us Sunday, December 13, at 6:30 pm for a delightful evening celebrating the Christmas season with music, entertainment, and amazing desserts, in a beautiful, festive setting. There’s something for everyone to enjoy, so come and celebrate the season with a feast for the senses and the soul! Please call 563-8492 by December 10 to RSVP.
DCC’s Christmas Season — Come to celebrate the joy of the season at the Dublin Community Church. During the Sundays of Advent, the pulpit series will use poetry from Dickinson, Byron, Levertov, Sandburg, and Frost to explore the deeper meanings for our lives of hope, peace, love, and joy.
Then, on December 22, the choir will sing the choral rendition of Robert Frost’s poem, “Choose Something Like a Star” to culminate the series.
On Sunday, November 29, you can start the holidays by joining us for a luncheon followed by a time when children will be making ornaments to decorate the tree. On December 13, come see our children perform their Children’s Christmas Pageant.
Our traditional Christmas Eve Candlelight Service begins at 7 pm on the 24th. All are welcome to join us as we together feel the warmth of that holy night so long ago.
Christmas Vespers at Dublin Christian Academy — This season the Dublin Christian Academy has two offerings: on December 10, the 7th to 9th grade play will be “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in the Black Forest.” It will be held in the DCA Auditorium at 7 pm and donations are accepted at the door.
On December 17 is our annual Christmas Vespers, a K through 12th grade student production at 2 pm, also in the DCA Auditorium. Admission is free.
Dublin Christian Academy is located at 106 Page Road in Dublin. You can call 563-8505 or visit
Breakfast with Santa and His Elves — On Saturday, December 12, Santa will come to the Dublin Community Center to have breakfast — and you can join him! We’ll sing and Santa will read a story. Each child will receive a small gift. Some elves are coming too!
Cost is $10 a person or $40 for large families. Choose one of two seatings: 8:30-10 am or 10:30-12 noon and to reserve your seats, call 563-8021 or send a check to Dublin Community Center, PO Box 249, Dublin, NH 03444. (You can also order seats on the website with PayPal: (events).
Cheshiremen Celebrate Christmas — Christmas Harmony Celebration, a performance for the whole family, will be presented by the Keene Cheshiremen Barbershop Chorus on Saturday, December 19, at 4 to 6 pm. Refreshments will be served.
United Church of Christ – Keene, 23 Central Square, Keene. Tickets are $8 in advance (at Toadstool Bookshop or any Cheshireman) and $10 at the door. Children under 12 free.
Cookies with Mrs. Claus, a Special Event — The Dublin Public Library will be hosting a visit from Mrs. Claus, and we invite you to come and listen to stories about the activities that go on at the North Pole.
Baking gingerbread cookies is one of those activities, but Mrs. Claus likes to take a break and spend time with children of all ages to share a couple of her favorite books. Her expected arrival is Saturday, December 12, with a snow date of December 19.
The library will offer a craft as well as refreshments. Her visit will begin promptly at 10 am and end at 12 noon. So we can prepare adequately, we ask that you preregister for this event. Come sign-up or call 563-8658; or send your information to
Dublin Public Library
The Dublin Public Library’s Wednesday morning family time offers stories, crafts, and refreshments from 9:30 to 10:30 am. Come spend an hour each Wednesday in December and you will find the stress of the season melt away.
Listen to the tone of different bells and you will feel the magic of a sleigh ride. Have you decorated your tree? Hanging a new ornament that you made with your children will create lasting memories. We will decorate a gift bag and talk about the idea of giving. Help the elves on the 23rd as we finish up the last minute things. Join us December 2, 9, 16, and 23. Bring your children in to decorate a calendar for 2016 on December 30.
December finds everyone in a rush so take a moment to stop into the library and share holiday books with your children, do some coloring at the children’s table, and find a book for yourself to get you into a holiday mood. Feeling creative? The library has great cookbooks, craft, and decorating books. Check out the wonderful selection of books on display.
Rogue Lawyer by J. Grisham
Career of Evil by R. Galbraith
Doctored by S. Jauhar
The Lake House by K. Morton
Golden Age by J. Smiley
A Banquet of Consequences by E. George
Pacific by S. Winchester
Avenue of Mysteries by J. Irving
FDPL Notes
Don’t forget the library has museum passes for six museums.
The library book group is moving out of non-fiction with the next book, “The Wandering Star” by JMG Le Clézio. The meeting to discuss it will be on December 17 at 6:30 pm. Please join us; just pick up a copy of the book at the front desk.
Our Annual Meeting in January is hosting a special guest, Francis DeMarneffe, who will tell a thrilling World War II tale of his escape from his home in Brussels as the Germans were closing in when he was just 16 years old.
Ongoing Exhibits at the Thorne
Two exhibits at the Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery run through December 6. Jules Olitski~Lakes Mountain Seas: In honor of the Thorne’s 50th anniversary the gallery presents works reflecting the theme of land and seascapes the artist revisited throughout his career.
Angus McCullough~Float: Recent works from the VT-based artist’s Dirt, Moisture, Theft series.
The Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery, which opens every day at noon, is located on Wyman Way, Keene State College, Keene, NH 03435-3501;;; 603-358-2720.
Absentee Ballots for Upcoming Elections
By Jeannine Dunne
There will be at least four elections here in Dublin in 2016, starting with the Presidential Primary. The date for the Primary had not yet been set at the time of this writing.
October 30th was the last day that registered voters were able to change their party affiliation prior to the Primary. If you will not be able to get to the polling place on voting day, you may be eligible to vote by absentee ballot. If so, there are some new laws regarding absentee ballots this year that you should know about.
Prior to the 2016 elections, the law has said that an absentee ballot needed to be mailed back to the Town Clerk’s office or, if it was handed in, it needed to be returned only by the voter who filled out the ballot.
With the new election laws, absentee ballots may now be returned by a parent, sibling, spouse, or child of the voter but that person will need to show a photo ID and fill out a form before the Town Clerk or Deputy Town Clerk can accept the absentee ballot.
An absentee ballot returned this way can be returned up until 5 pm on Election Day. If the ballots are returned by the absentee voters themselves, they need to be returned by 5 pm on the day before the election.
In any case, if the ballot is not mailed, it needs to be handed only to the Town Clerk or to the Deputy Town Clerk.
If you have any questions about this or anything else having to do with absentee ballots, please call the Town Clerk’s office at 563-8859.
Jeannine Dunne is Town Clerk/Tax Collector. She can be reached at PO Box 62, Dublin, NH 03444 or call (603) 563-8859; fax (603) 563-9221.
Halloween Treat without Tricks
By Hank Campbell
On October 31, 18 students and two faculty members from Dublin School paid a visit to the Dublin Cemetery.
Many years ago, small stones that marked the foot of people’s graves were removed to facilitate mowing. Theses footstones were stored in the stone enclosure marking the site of the Town’s First Meetinghouse. This area was almost impossible to mow or keep neat.
Brooks Johnson, a Cemetery Trustee and Director of Athletics at Dublin School, suggested that a work party from the School, as a community service project, could help move the stones to a different location. The students came with wheelbarrows and their muscles to move all the stones. With many hands, the project took only about an hour.
Before they left to go back to school, Simon McFall, the Dean of Students, had another project for them to do. The students had to find the gravesites of Paul and Nancy Lehmann, the founders of Dublin School; Charles Gillespie, one of the original teachers at Dublin School; Chris Horgan, former Head of School; and John Pierce, a former parent, in whose memory the “Sunspot,” an outdoor classroom, was dedicated just this past fall.
Many thanks to the students and the faculty of Dublin School for their time and effort on behalf of the Dublin Cemetery.
Hank Campbell is Dublin’s Cemetery Superintendent.
Dublin’s Tax Rate Set
In the Keene Sentinel November 1, tax rates were listed for Greenfield ($27.76 per $1000, up 4.2%), Hancock ($22.19 per $1000, down 0.9%), Jaffrey ($33.22 per $1000, up 12.8%), Marlborough ($28.31 per $1000, down 1.4%), Rindge $27.89 per $1000, up 7.1%), Stoddard ($16.23 per $1000, up 2%), Sullivan ($26.72, up 3.2%), Surry ($24.82 per $1000, up 3.5%), and Westmoreland ($21.81 per $1000, up 0.1%).
Although Dublin’s tax rate was not yet listed, Sherry Miller, Town Administrator, explained that “Dublin’s tax rate is $26.50, down six cents from last year. This will be a $12 savings per year for a property assessed at $200,000.” Good news for all.
A Local Poetry Reading
A poet from Marlborough, Rebecca Kaiser Gibson, will read from her new collection of poetry, “Opinel,” at Del Rossi’s Trattoria on Route 137 in Dublin on December 6 at 3 pm.
Described as “sharply observed, intensely felt, and alive with crisp images and surprising diction….” (Fred Marchant), this book of poetry is published by Bauhan Publishing; Henry James designed the cover. Rebecca teaches poetry at Tufts University.
DS Offers Cross-Country Ski Club
To build a culture of cross-country skiing in the Monadnock Region.
By Board of Dublin XC
A number of skiing enthusiasts in the Monadnock Region have created a new independent cross-country ski club called Dublin XC. While Dublin School has supported regional cross-country skiing efforts over the last eight years, Dublin Head of School Brad Bates and other local skiers thought it was important to create a more independent club that would be a benefit to the region.
Dublin XC will have a youth club associated with the New England Bill Koch Ski League, which will be run by Holly Macy; a year-round junior development and racing team led by Kathy Maddock; and a masters team for athletes beyond their high-school years led by Michael Ames.
Brad Bates will serve as president of the club and will be joined by others who are dedicated to making the club happen.
Dublin XC hopes to unite skiers in a 60-mile radius of the Dublin Nordic Center into a club that can help develop the wonderful sport of Nordic skiing in this area. The Monadnock Region has some of the highest trails in New England (topping out at 1800 ft), great snow, outdoor-oriented people, and a central location that will draw people from a number of cross-country hotbeds like Boston, MA, and Putney, VT. The founders of Dublin XC were pleasantly surprised by how many people literally came out of the woods when they started their Tuesday night race series last winter and they want to see if they can continue to grow the group of skiers in the area by supporting youth programs. Dublin XC hopes to host races, coaches’ clinics, waxing demonstrations, and fun tours. The goal is to build a true culture of cross-country skiing in the Monadnock Region.
Dublin XC is particularly excited about its founding coach, Kathy Maddock, who has had an impressive skiing and coaching career that continues to this day. A former Dartmouth skier and World Cup athlete, Kathy brings expertise, passion, patience, and knowledge to our club. Thanks to her connections, Dublin XC is partnering with the top cross-country ski club in the nation, The Cambridge Sports Union. There is a spirit of collaboration in Nordic skiing that is hard to find in any other sport or activity.
Club Vice President Lindsey Masterson has developed a website ( and a Facebook page ( The website offers information on programs and how to become a member. Other founding members include Carl Werowinski, Holly Macy, Lisa Bates, and Michael Ames.
What’s New at DCS in December
By Nicole Pease
November went by so quickly! While it included only three weeks of school, the less-filled calendar was a welcome change, not to say that it was quiet by any stretch.
Students and staff enjoyed an acrobatic week, through the Circus Residency that occurred November 16 through 20. With support from the Dublin Community Foundation, students tumbled, juggled, and danced their way to the Thanksgiving Break! After an evening performance to cap off the week, I imagine many students spent much of their break recuperating!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays as it is about family, friends, and feasting. We hope you and yours had a special Thanksgiving!
Now it is time to focus on the holiday season. DCS will hold its annual Holiday Concert on December 11, from 6-7 pm, and we have it on good authority that the Dublin Fire Department will guide a particular sleigh to our own stage at the end of the concert! Please be sure to stop by and enjoy the event; it surely is a treat for all the kids, especially the littlest ones.
Nicole Pease, M.Ed., is Dublin Consolidated School Principal and the Math Coach for SAU1.
Mousetrap Minutiae — The United States Patent and Trademark Office holds more than 4,000 mousetraps patents — distinguishing the mousetrap as the most frequently invented device.
The Library as Beacon
Adele Knight has devoted much of her life to libraries, most notably ours.
By Margaret Gurney
Adele Knight is gracefully taking her leave as Permanent Trustee of the Dublin Public Library after almost 30 years of service. Over three decades she has made sure that the library grew and changed with the times, both in its physical plant and its contents and offerings.
On October 31, the Library Trustees (Celeste Snitko, Gail Bartlett, Rusty Bastedo, Jane Holmes, Connie Cerroni, Bethe Walker, and Bill Goodwin) presented Adele with a plaque showing past and present views of the DPL, which demonstrated both their respect and appreciation.
It was in 1988 that Adele was appointed as a member of the Library Planning Committee, which was responsible for conducting an in-depth assessment of the DPL. The report determined the need for expansion and new programming, resulting in the successful building addition that we have all come to know and love and introduced computers and electronic, digital content for all ages.
Adele became a Library Trustee in 1992. In 1995, she became Chairperson of the Library Expansion Committee, and by 2000 she was a Permanent Trustee.
In her own words from a letter addressed to Dublin residents in 1995, Adele says, “I believe that the Dublin Public Library is one of the Town’s greatest assets…Trustees continually monitor the community’s needs and assess improvements that would enhance services and provide for future needs. For example, computerization, building expansion, and the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) have recently been addressed. I support each of these endeavors.” She concludes that letter by saying, “Your vote for me would be very much appreciated.” Well, Adele, we did vote for you, and our library is so much the better for having done so.
In August 2006, Anne Anable (1933-2009), a former selectman and frequent writer for the Advocate, wrote a profile of Adele, describing her roots in Connecticut and then meeting Gordon Knight, a Dublin native, with whom she has made her life and family. Anne mentioned that in addition to Adele’s service to the library, she was supervisor of the voting checklist for more than 30 years, and a volunteer for SCORE. Anne concluded, “Dublin is fortunate to have a dedicated community servant in Adele Knight.”
But that’s not all. Adele has served as President of the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association, and is still a Director on that board. In that capacity, she wrote an article in the December 2012 Advocate in which she reminisced, “Libraries and books have always been a mainstay of my life. My first memories of a library are of a small one-room library in a little town in Connecticut. My brother and I would make a weekly six-mile round trip on our bikes to get our books. We would always engage in a friendly conversation while there.”
In “My Bookshelves,” her article in the Advocate (12-2012), Adele was laying the groundwork for the topic of eReaders, and the like: “Many people love their e-Readers, but others claim they do not want to give up the feel of a book in their hands. I prefer having traditional books in my hands too and continue to check them out at the library. However, I personally think having a supply of unread books in any form, along with the many books I have already read, is like having money in the bank. It is there when you need it. Regardless of the ways by which I fill my bookshelves, the library continues to be a dominant beacon that leads me to books, DVDs, services, programs, and answers to questions.”
We are indeed fortunate and grateful to have had Adele at the helm of our small library all these years. Thank you, Adele, for your vision and service to this town.
Margaret Gurney is editor of the Advocate.
Update from the Conservation Commission
By Miriam Carter
The Conservation Commission completed the spraying of the knotweed throughout town in early October. In years past, volunteers used backpack sprayers. This year a new approach was taken: Vegetation Services used its large tank sprayer, which enabled us to address the large patches of knotweed found at the old pit on Cobb Meadow Road and on some private properties as well. It was a very efficient approach to a big problem.
The plant continues to be impressive with a height of more than 10 feet in well-established sites. Though the size and scale of the knotweed patches are at times daunting, the program has been and will continue to be successful. At year-end review it is satisfying to see the results of the Conservation Commission’s efforts over the past years. Happily, the management of this issue can be put to rest for a long winter’s nap.
As for the Town Barn planting project, it was rewarding to complete Phase 1 of the tree-planting project at the Highway Barn this fall. Thanks once again to all those who helped (see Advocate, Nov. 2105, p. 7).
Fortunately the funds that are left over can address Phase 2 of the planting project next year. That money will be used to buy more trees to plant along the border of the property. This additional effort will help in creating a visual barrier from the road just west of the entrance to the Highway Department. Something to look forward to!
Miriam Carter is chair of the Dublin Conservation Commission.
Tote Bags: Back by Popular Demand
By Jill Lawler
To help raise funds to support our erosion control efforts at the Women’s Club Beach, the Dublin Women’s Club is selling “Dublin, NH” tote bags decorated with an outline of the mountain.
The bags are medium-weight canvas with an outside pocket and come with contrasting handles and bottom in navy blue, dark green, or red. They measure approximately 12” wide, 13” high and 6” deep. Totes cost $22 apiece.
These make great Christmas gifts for Dublin residents or former residents who might want to show off a place that is special to them.
They can be picked up from JoAnn Hopkins at Dublin Consolidated School or arrange for a pickup by contacting or Nancy Campbell at 563-8480.
Jill Lawler is the chair of the Dublin Women’s Club Beach Committee.
Christmas Carols Quiz
By Barbara Summers
There is something special about Christmas Carols, each one is different, each one has a history.
Each country has its own original Christmas carols reflecting their history and culture. The English love their greens; the Scandinavians have Bethlehem covered with snow. Most carols are centuries old.
This Christmas, the Dublin Community Church Choir will be singing various carols from around the world, at the Lessons and Carols service on Christmas Eve.
See if you can match the description of the carol on Column II on the right, with the carol or song on the left. Put your letter in front of the number in Col. 1.
1.”O Come, O Come Emmanuel” A. Text by an Irish poet, Tate, 16th C
2.”Go Tell it on a Mountain” B. Written during the Depression
3.”O Holy Night” C. Thought to be the oldest Carol, 9th C
4.”Lo, How a Rose ‘ere Blooming” D. By the Miller’s during the Korean War
5.” Let There Be Peace on Earth” E. Written for a Mystery Play, 15th C
6.”We Wish You a Merry Christmas” F. By a French Composer, of Jewish ancestry
7.”Coventry Carol” G. Origin in the plantations of the South
8.”While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night” H. Originally sung by troubadours, 16th C
9.”We Need a Little Christmas” I. Sung by English Catholics, “underground”
- “Twelve Days of Christmas” J. By a German composer, Jewish ancestry
Answers (only found online, right here):
1-C; 2-G; 3-F; 4-J; 5-D; 6-H; 7-E; 8-A; 9-B; 10-I
Source: Stories behind Christmas, Ace Collins
News from the Monadnock Center
By Jill Lawler
Dublin residents, can you answer the following question: What world religion considers the house in this photo a sacred site and why?
This could be one of the questions you may be asked to answer in a new exhibit called Monadnock Trivia at the Monadnock Center for History and Culture that will open in January. Individuals and groups in area towns were asked to submit questions that represent their particular locale, and the team at the center is working to find artifacts and images to accompany the questions.
According to the Center’s Executive Director Michelle Stahl, “Monadnock Trivia will be a unique way to explore the region’s past. Visitors will actually ‘play’ the exhibit while learning about the region’s rich and varied history. I am looking forward to seeing visitors and schoolchildren connecting with the past in a new and fun way.” Monadnock Trivia will open January 15 and be on display through May 2016.
The photo is of the Baha’i Center (formerly the Dublin Inn), and is famous because Abdu’l Baha, son of the Baha’i religion’s prophet Bahaullah, stayed there when visiting Dublin in 1912 (see the full story in the Advocate, Aug. 2014, p. 6).
Jill Lawler, a retired schoolteacher, is on the staff of the Advocate.
Hundred Nights Shelter: 2nd Annual Holiday Auction
Join us on Saturday, December 12, for a combination live and silent Holiday auction at the Dining Hall of the United Church of Christ in Keene, at the head of Central Square.
A preview of available items and registration will begin at 8 am. Live bidding will begin at 9 am! Proceeds will go toward providing warmth and shelter for those who need it most in the Keene area. There will be a list on of all available auction items Bidding opens where silent auction ends.
Auctioneer John Pappas, from the Gallery at Knotty Pine Auction Service, West Swanzey, NH, will preside over the live portion of the event. Refreshments will be available to purchase during the event.
Please call Mindy Cambiar at 352-5197 with any questions.
Holiday Shopping Right in Town
By Barbara Summers
Are you looking for ideas for Christmas or holiday gifts? Try shopping locally. You’ll be surprised at all that is available, right here in Dublin or from our friends and neighbors online.
Harvest Thyme Gift Barn, on Dooe Road, is an unusual gift shop with locally made gifts: pottery, scarves, mittens, jewelry, wooden products, soaps, and more. They feature their Harvest Thyme herb mixes (the Galloping Garlic a favorite), which they will ship for your convenience. You may also enjoy a display of the lovely pastels by owner Maryann Mullett. Open 9-5 until the end of December (
The Hedge House, on Route 101, is offering discounts on many items such as Fenton earrings, beads, and Yankee Candles. Their Fenton glass inventory is impressive. Their lovely, colorful glass ornaments are made with ash from Mount St. Helens. Their beads are handcrafted, hand-painted jewels for every taste. They also feature pewter ornaments. They have a lovely selection of greeting cards, by “It Takes Two,” a mother and daughter team. (All items are made in the U.S.) Linda and Ben Bensinger have been operating the Hedge House for 34 years.
Morning Star Maple, also on 101, features many maple products, all made on the premises. They also offer local honey, seasonal gifts, adorable stuffed animals (check the owls), pottery, greeting or postcards with photos of Dublin, and more. During December they offer an array of gift baskets from $15 and up. Shipping is an added plus. Watch for their signs for homemade fudge and pies (
Wilderness Creations, on 101, is a treasure trove of custom-made rustic furniture, Adirondack chairs (large and small), and other unique items such as candlesticks made from stones from the Portsmouth area, candles, and wall hangings. Owner Mark Nicholson will customize furniture to your taste (
Yankee Magazine has a great little store right in front of the Yankee building in the village on 101. Go to see a wide selection of books for all ages, cookbooks, puzzles, almanacs (including a kids’ almanac), posters, and books by Edie Clark. Closed for the lunch hour. You can also shop online, where they display a larger inventory ( (Note: Dublin residents may bring a copy of this article and receive a 15% discount.)
Artwork from Dublin’s artists: Check out the seven Dublin artists who participated in the Art Tour (see recap in Advocate, Nov. 2015). You might wish to contact Edie Tuttle, Susan Barker, Dave Nelson, Jane Simpson, Maryann Mullett, Rebecca Welch or Paul Tuller. And we have local craftspeople like feltmaker Miriam Carter (
Also, Soosen Dunholter of Peterborough, the artist of the month at the Hub, has created a series of small watercolors featuring Dublin sites and scenes (Opening is December 5, 4:30 to 6:30 pm).
Still in a quandary? Purchase a gift certificate and bring a smile to someone’s face! We have hair stylists at Amaryllis Beauty Salon, Prism, and She’s So Fine Hair Design. We have lovely food offerings from Audrey’s Family Restaurant, Del Rossi’s Trattoria, and Dublin General Store. We have convenience items and more food at Carr’s Store, where gift cards, gloves from Peru, and jewelry are popular. Also, you can think about purchasing a season pass for the family at the Friendly Farm. Don’t forget all kinds of organic foodstuffs from Farmer John’s Plot, just off Route 101 at the west end of town. In addition, he offers local baked goods designed just for the holidays, including breads and a variety of home-baked pies.
All these wonderful gifts are possible right in town for all your special people this holiday season.
Barbara Summers is a Dubliner and the Minister of Music at the Dublin Community Church.
(Note: For other local businesses, see
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Now that the Contoocook Valley Transportation Company (CVTC) is known as a transportation alternative for those needing a ride, and will take over that job from the American Red Cross effective January 1, consider if you’d like to become a volunteer driver.
You can give a ride to someone in your own town, or choose to go beyond. You can sign up online at your own convenience. Last year, CVTC provided more than 600 trips to the hospital alone, all for people who simply needed a ride.
CVTC drivers get our neighbors to the doctor, the pharmacy, or the grocery store, all in this region, five days a week.
Let CVTC answer your questions about mileage reimbursement, training, insurance, and scheduling. Call 1-877-428-2882.
A Christmas Story from the Archives

Hildreth Allison (1896-1990), son of Henry and Florence Mason Allison, was an unofficial but highly regarded historian of Dublin at the turn of the last century, and he was thoughtful enough to recount how holidays were celebrated in town for posterity. In “So Well Remembered,” his unpublished manuscript (1960), we have a hearty description from about 1905. Here are some excerpts:
“Christmas was the best time of all. My first tree that I remember was placed in the large front bedroom on the upper story of my grandparents’ house, and I still recollect how wonderful it looked, … I recall the scare I got one year when I unlocked a box at the back of the tree and a jumping jack leaped up at me.”
“The annual celebration at the town hall brought out townspeople from all sections. There were usually two trees, whose heights appeared enormous … John E. Baldwin was sometimes the Santa Claus, and he must have roasted, appearing as he did in a buffalo coat… he gave a little talk reciting incidents concerning his trip down from the North Pole; and after going offstage…, there was heard the jingle of sleigh bells as his reindeer undertook the beginning of his homeward flight.”
“It was the custom to canvas the houses up and down the village street for funds to buy candy for the Christmas celebration. … Several times I was one of those soliciting funds, and almost everyone was willing to contribute a quarter. In later years, too, I became the Christmas Santa Claus…”

Ten Years Ago: An article in the January 2005 Advocate about the Town Hall:
“We Need Your Input
On January 8th Dublin residents will find a survey in their mailboxes asking for their input regarding the use and preservation of the Top Floor of the Town Hall. This survey comes from the Friends of the Top Floor, whose mission is to preserve Dublin’s Town Hall and restore it to its traditional role as a community gathering place. Built by the noted Boston architects Roche and Tilden, the Town Hall joined the list of significant American buildings when it was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in June 1980.
Since 1882 the Dublin Town Hall has been the heartbeat of our village. Today, we gather there to vote, participate in meetings, and generally “take care of business.” Many long-time residents fondly recall the Firemen’s Ball, square dances, cultural evenings, town meetings and dinners, all held on the Top Floor. It was also the original site for both the town’s library and high school.
With your help and guidance the Friends of the Top Floor would like to restore it to its rightful place in village life and prevent this part of our Town Hall from becoming obsolete.
The survey you will receive is a vital step in discovering your interest in this project. Your input in identifying possible uses of the Top Floor will guide us as we move forward.
Please take a moment to fill out the survey and drop it in the designated box at the Post Office, Carr’s Store, the General Store, the Library or the Town Hall by January 15, 2005. Thank you!”
Solar Forum at Dub Hub
By Nancy Nolan
Interested in solar electricity? You are invited to a free forum sponsored by the Dublin Community Center on Sunday, December 6, at 2 pm to learn about solar for your home or business, energy-efficient heating and cooling, and updates on State policies for alternative energy.
Greg Blake, owner of SouthPack Solar in Peterborough; Kim Bergeron, owner of KE Mechanical Systems of Dublin; and State Representative Marjorie Shepardson of Marlborough will comprise the panel.
If you have considered installing solar panels but have questions about their cost or if you’ve seen air-source heat pumps and wondered if they’re a good alternative to oil heat in New Hampshire, this is an opportunity to have your questions answered by local experts.
Rep. Shepardson, a member of the House Science, Technology and Energy Committee, can answer your questions about policies for alternative energy in New Hampshire. The forum is free and open to all.
For more information, go to In the event of snow, cancellation will be posted on Facebook.
Nancy Nolan is on the board of the Dublin Community Center.
December Art at the Hub
The art of Soosen Dunholter of Peterborough will be featured at the Dublin Community Center during December, with an opening on Saturday, December 5, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Light refreshments will be served.
Soosen is a mixed media artist and printmaker who finds sources of inspiration in her walks as well as from her overseas travel. She captures the essence of these places in her colorful, sophisticated yet whimsical style. This past summer Soosen focused on the sites and scenes around Dublin to create a series of cheerful watercolors especially for this show.
In her artist’s statement, Soosen compares her work to the traditional Japanese poetry form of Haiku: “My hope is for people to experience a sense of calm, contemplation, and connection when they see my work.”
HCS Wellness Clinic at the Hub
Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services (HCS) is offering a Nurse Is In wellness clinic at the Dublin Community Center on Tuesday, December 15, from 12 to 1 pm. The HCS wellness nurse will check blood pressures and be available to answer questions about home care and any health concerns you may have. This screening is open to residents of all area towns and is offered free of charge. No appointments necessary. Nurse Is In clinics are sponsored by Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services, a Monadnock United Way agency. For a complete list of clinics or for more information, visit or call 352-2253.
Remembering Frank E. White
By Margaret Gurney
Frank White (1945-2015) lived in Dublin all his life.
According to Elaine White, his wife of 24 years, Frank’s great grandmother was a member of the Mohawk tribe that lived in Quebec’s Three Rivers Reservation. His grandmother was born on that reservation, and Frank’s family migrated through Vermont and settled in Keene, along with several other families.
Frank’s parents, William and Lillian, met in Keene. William was a full-blooded Mohawk, and Lillian had Irish roots. They moved to Cobb Meadow Road to raise their family in the 1940s.
Frank felt strongly that the town should keep taxes low and not succumb to the whims of outsiders who wanted the quaintness of a small town but with added amenities that might be considered unnecessary. He therefore ran for Selectman several times, and a number of people in town agreed with him, although not enough to vote him into office. He also served on the Budget Committee.
Frank was a veteran. He served in the US Army from 1963 to 1965. But he was not sent to Vietnam, as his brother was already serving there. Frank mustered in Fort Sills, Oklahoma.
A lifelong member of the American Legion (both as a son of an American Legion member and as an AL riders member), Frank was also a member of the VFW, Red Knights (firefighters), and the Monadnock Harley Group HOG Chapter.
Some of Elaine’s happiest memories center around traveling to Maine and Massachusetts in their camper with six dogs and a cockatoo to visit Powwows, where they would don traditional regalia to dance in a circle. At these events Elaine could sell her Native American crafts (beaded earrings and leathercraft). “They were the best times we had together,” Elaine recalled, “we could relax, and we made friends that we’ve kept over many years.”
One such friend, a Mohawk sachem named Peter Searching Owl from Washington, NH, was able to visit with Frank just before his passing.
“Frank died three weeks to the day after being diagnosed with liver cancer, which had spread from his lungs,” recalled Elaine, but in that short time, they had time to make preparations, the Sons of the American Legion and the American Legion Riders planned a breakfast in his honor, and both Elaine and Frank benefited from the good caregivers of Hospice.
Although Frank did not live long enough to make it to the breakfast, “it was still a blessing,” says Elaine, “more than 70 people came.”
Frank received military honors at his graveside service, held October 24. “It was cold,” Elaine explains, “but 30 bikes and hundreds of people were there. It was a great tribute to him from all the friends he made during his life, he had so many. I’ve gotten so many cards and flowers.”
Elaine says of Frank: “He was the most honest man I ever met in my life.” The visits, cards and flowers all “confirm what I knew in my heart, that he was such a good person and had lots of friends.”
Margaret Gurney is editor of the Advocate.
Monadnock United Way Campaign
By Bill Goodwin
The Monadnock United Way provides significant funding for about 45 human service agencies and programs in the Monadnock Region. Our goal for the 2015-16 campaign is to raise $2,019,912 through personal donations and support provided by the businesses in the area. By the end of October, we have raised $1,154,394, or 57% of our goal.
Some of the larger agencies that service our area are Home Healthcare Hospice & Community Services (HCS), Monadnock Family Services (MFS), The River Center, Southwestern Community Services (SCS), MAPS Counseling Services, Hundred Nights Shelter, and Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention.
These organizations provide necessary services for many thousands of our residents. In Dublin, more than 300 services were used during the first six months of 2015. If you were one of those who rely on these programs, think what would happen if the agency or programs were suddenly not available to you. This is why the campaign is so important for all of us.
We need your financial support. You can mail your tax-deductible donation to the Monadnock United Way, 23 Center St., Keene, NH 03431 or call 352-4209 for assistance.
For more information about the Monadnock United Way, we invite you to go to If you click on the “Campaign” tab at the top of the site and then click on “Real Needs, Real Impact,” you will see the many ways that the United Way impacts the people of the Monadnock Region.
Bill Goodwin is Division Chair for the Peterborough campaign this year.
Two Exhibits at Jaffrey Civic Center
By Regina Vorce
The Jaffrey Civic Center announces the final exhibit for the year. Photography and 138 works in many mediums comprise our largest grouping of artwork for the year. Both 2D and 3D representations are from artists primarily of the area. The show runs until December 18.
Since some of the artists’ works are for sale, there is an opportunity to shop for a special gift.
The Civic Center also announces a photography exhibit titled 5-a-Day by Amanda Bastoni, which will run through December 24. An opening reception will be held on Friday, December 4, from 5 to 7 pm.
Amanda Bastoni is a MacDowell fellow who lives in Peterborough with her son and husband within three miles from ConVal Regional High School where Amanda is the photo/video teacher. Amanda has a BA in counseling psychology from Keene State and a MFA in creative writing from Antioch University. Her images and writings have appeared in various newspapers and literary magazines including The Knot, Guideposts Magazine, The Oklahoma Review, Chicken Soup for the Soul Horse Lovers edition, and The Boston Globe.
Regina G. Vorce is the new Executive Director at the Jaffrey Civic Center, 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, NH 03452;; email:; or call 532-6527 for hours.
The Winter Finch Forecast: 2015-2016
Load up your feeders with seed.
By Tom Warren
As last week’s warm temperatures are replaced by chilly November days, we look forward to the annual winter visits of winter finches and non-finch species from Canada. Such birds include Redpolls, Crossbills, Pine Grosbeaks, and Evening Grosbeaks.

Distinguished Canadian field ornithologist, Ron Pittaway, prepares an annual winter finch forecast based on data gathered by naturalists in Ontario and Quebec on the abundance of cone crops and fruiting trees like mountain ash and crabapples and seeds of birch trees.
Birds like the White-Winged Crossbills and Pine Siskins, whose favorite foods are the seeds of spruce cones, may be observed in larger numbers here in Dublin. Redpolls will be seen in larger numbers because birch seeds in the north are below average.
We should also see Pine Grosbeaks because the mountain ash berry crop is lower than normal in northern Ontario. Also, Evening Grosbeaks may be seen in greater numbers due to a larger outbreak of spruce budworms in Quebec last summer.
Looking at individual species, the following is what we may see this winter:
Red Crossbill: There will be a small number of these birds of which there are at least 10 types based on their call notes. To us, they all look alike.
White-Winged Crossbill: This bird moves across the far northern boreal forest from British Columbia to Quebec based on the abundance of spruce cone crops. Cone crops are low in Ontario so we should see more of this species.
Common Redpoll: With birdseed crops low in Ontario, expect to see more redpolls. [In October] in Tadoussac, Quebec, a flight of 125,000 redpolls was observed, the largest flight ever recorded in the New World. Load up your thistle (nyjer) feeders. Some redpolls are coming from as far away as Greenland. Redpolls show up at feeders in great numbers just before snowstorms.
Hoary Redpoll: A rare pale white redpoll, seen in mixed flocks of Common Redpolls.
Pine Siskin: Another finch that prefers nyjer seed. May be seen as the spruce come crop is high in northern New England.
Evening Grosbeak: Due to outbreaks of spruce budworms in Quebec, we may see more of this bird. They prefer black oil sunflower seed. One farmer in Saskatchewan who grew his crop for the market saved one ton of sunflowers for his local Evening Grosbeaks.
Pine Grosbeak: A pretty bird, they prefer mountain ash berries and crabapples. On the coldest days they have a sweet warbling call as they feed.
Bohemian Waxwing: As mountain ash berry crops are below average in Ontario, we may see more of this cousin of the Cedar Waxwing. Waxwings have the largest livers in the bird family owing to thousands of years of eating fermented crabapples and other berries. They can often be found lying on the ground under crabapple trees. They are not dead, just merely inebriated from too much fermented fruit!
Ron Pittaway’s forecast is proving quite accurate. Katrina Fenton, raptor biologist at Pack Monadnock, has already reported sightings as of mid-November of Redpolls, Crossbills, Pine Siskins, and Bohemian Waxwings.
Tom Warren is Dublin’s resident ornithologist, and serves as a trustee of both the Harris Center and the Audubon Society.
Upcoming Events at the River Center
Computer Trainings will meet you where you are and teach you the basics. Free program at the Jaffrey Public Library: The Basics of Microsoft Word, December 8, 5:30 to 6:30 pm. New Ipswich Public Library: Introduction to Computers, January 13, 2 to 3:30 pm.
Safe Sitter Babysitting Training at the Jaffrey Recreation Department: January 18, 9 am to 4 pm (Martin Luther King Day). Space is limited. Scholarships available.
Ongoing Events:
Money Coaching on Mondays, 11 am to 1 pm: Meet with one of our Money Coaching Specialists to learn creative ways to budget and save money. Drop-in or make an appointment. Free.
Employment Resource Center open Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9 am to 2 pm: Schedule an appointment with our Employment Specialist for help with your job search. Free.
Job Seekers MeetUp on Tuesdays, 12 am to 1 pm: Job Seekers gather in weekly discussions designed to provide support, new ideas, and resources to those coping with unemployment or underemployment. This is an open group; no registration necessary. Free.
Parenting Groups:
Tuesdays, Ages Tweens & Teens, facilitated by Bonnie Harris; no childcare.
Wednesdays, Ages Birth to 6yrs, facilitated by Wendy Hill; childcare available.
Fridays, Jaffrey Parent Group, Facilitated by Kelli Tourgee; childcare available.
Farm to Table, Thursdays, 9:30 am – 11:30 am: Field trips and cooking fun with fresh local produce for parents and children. Free program, a $5 donation encouraged.
Contact The River Center, 46 Concord St., Peterborough, NH 03458; 603-924-6800;