In 2011, Dublin citizens donated 1001 pounds of food to the food bank.

If people in Dublin would donate one can (or box) per week of food, we’d be helping a lot of people in the community.

So suggests Arthur Flick, of the Dublin Community Church (DCC), who takes all food donations to the Monadnock Area Food Bank, at All Saints Church in Peterborough.

During winter months, the greatest need is protein, and don’t forget peas and carrots, rice and pasta, tomato sauce, macaroni and cheese, soups, instant potatoes; hot and cold cereals, especially oatmeal, are super. Fruits in snack packs or cans, evaporated milk, applesauce, jello, tea, peanut butter and jelly!

The church’s food bank does have refrigerators and freezers if you wish to donate fresh food; think eggs, chicken breasts, cheese slices, bread. Freezers also available. Other handy items needed are toilet paper and bath soap.

If you are concerned about leaving food in the entryway of the DCC, you may call Arthur Flick at 563-8710, and he will pick it up before it freezes. He says, “Just leave a message” if he doesn’t answer. Thanks Arthur!

Donate Food: Canned or Fresh