By Dale Gabel —

The Town of Dublin Budget Committee began its difficult task in April 2011. Numerous meetings were held throughout the year to review the Town’s expenditure performance against its approved 2011 budget, to interview and question Town Department Heads and Committee Chairs about their proposed 2012 budgets, and to develop a draft 2012 operating budget for consideration and approval at Town Meeting in March 2012.

The Budget Committee’s efforts during the January – February 2012 timeframe will be concentrated on finalizing an aggregate operating budget to be given a first public airing at a Budget Hearing on February 14th.

Budget Committee meetings are normally held on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm in the Town Hall and are open to the public. Actual meeting dates are posted in Town Hall, and minutes of previous meetings are posted on the bulletin board in Town Hall and on the Town’s website.

Dale Gabel (RADM D.G. Gabel, U.S. Coast Guard (Retired)) is Chairman of the Budget Committee. Other members include Tom Warren (Secretary), K. Horgan, Judy Knapp, Richard Scheinblum, Nancy Campbell and Charlie Champagne (Selectmen’s Representative), all ably assisted by Sherry Miller, Town Administrator.

Dublin 2012 Budget Development