May 11-12: Frost Heaves, the local comedy show, wraps up its fourth season with its greatest hits, May 11 and 12 at the Peterborough Players Theatre. The show features Dublin resident Dave Nelson in such nonsense as The Yankee Checkout Scanner, Life’s Little Mystery, and more. Performances are Friday, May 11, and Saturday, May 12, at 7:30 pm, with a matinee at 2 pm on May 12. Tickets are $15, available at, the Toadstool and Steele’s in Peterborough, at the door, or by calling 525-3391.

May 11-28: Fred Fry’s Birds of New Hampshire exhibit will be on display from May 11 through June 28 at the Conservation Center, 54 Portsmouth St., Concord,NH.

Now 102 years old, Peterborough artist Fred Fry began painting when he was 100. His preferred subject is birds, and he has a collection of about 450 paintings of birds from all over the world, including New Hampshire. Due to macular degeneration, Fry requires special full spectrum lighting to enable his painting. Please call the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests at 224-9945 before visiting to confirm that the room is open.

May 15-June 28: “Garden of the Imagination” opens at Sharon Arts Center Exhibition Gallery,30 Grove St.,Peterborough,NH.

James Grashow, nationally renowned cardboard artist, will be Artist-in-Residence from May 15-26 turning the gallery into an enormous workshop, with area schoolchildren engaging daily in the creation of the installation, which opens June 1. All are invited to witness the evolution of cardboard as a creative medium in the hands of a master artist.

May 19-20: Animaterra, an all-woman a cappella choir, will present two performances. The first performance will be held inKeene on Saturday, May 19, at 7:30 pm at theBaptistChurch onMaple Ave. A second performance will be held inPeterborough on Sunday, May 20, at 4 pm at theUCCChurch onConcord Street.

Theater, Art & Music