Making This Country Great
By Diddie Staples
The 2015 Dublin Gas Engine Meet, held over a lovely weekend in mid-September, showcased a wide variety of beautiful antique one-lunger engines, 50 antique tractors and more than 20 antique vehicles.
There was a tractor parade on Saturday afternoon.
The working machinery included a shingle mill, corn chopper, cider press, Baker fan, ice cream maker and a wood lathe making bats for onlooking children. The children also enjoyed the sand pile and barrel car rides. A good time was had by all!
Photos include one of the tractor parade, one beautiful engine that belongs to a gentleman from Rhode Island, and the 1922 Oil Pull tractor, which belongs to Dave Whitney, one of the organizers of the event. Dave also designed and built the sign shown here; its numbers for the dates can be changed each year.
Thanks to all who came to the meet. It’s important to preserve the things that made this country great, though it’s hard to imagine those engines running water pumps, saw mills etc. Amazingly, one engine at the meet was used in an oil field in Pennsylvania to pump oil!
A new nonprofit called the Dublin Gas Engine Meet, consisting of 15 wonderful people, worked really hard to put the meet on this year.
Diddie Staples is the secretary of the Dublin Gas Engine Meet.
Pierce Meadow Dedication at Dublin School
On August 25th, in conjunction with its annual Summer Gathering, Dublin School dedicated the newest spot on its campus — Pierce Meadow. This beautiful 20-acre parcel of land, adjacent to the School’s lower Alumni Field, was purchased two years ago with the help of several supporters and named in memory of John Pierce Jr., father of Dublin School alumnus Jamie Pierce ’13.

John was the former senior vice president of Yankee Publishing and group publisher of The Old Farmer’s Almanac. John’s wife, Sherin Pierce, and Brad Bates spoke briefly to a crowd of both Dublin School members and employees of Yankee Magazine.
Following the dedication, the group joined the other over 75 attendees at Dublin School’s annual Summer Gathering of local friends and families to celebrate the new school year. Although a “monsoon” brought the crowd into Gillespie Hall, the food and company were great, as usual.
Dublin Public Library
Wednesday mornings at the Dublin Public Library continue to be busy with families enjoying movement, stories and songs. All ages are welcome as we read a few books and, after enjoying a snack at the table, we do an easy craft.
During the month of October, we will take an imaginary hike in the woods and pick up leaves along the way. We will enjoy crafts with trees, leaves, and pumpkins as well as scarecrows and friendly ghosts. Programs begin at 9:30 am.
Come check out a few books or puzzles for the week. We also have a great selection of movies for younger children.
- The “Me, Me, Me,” Epidemic by A. McCready
- Windows 10 for Dummies
- Last Bus to Wisdom by I. Doig
- Nature of the Beast by L. Penny
- The Taming of the Queen by P. Gregory
- The Gilded Hour by S. Donati
- Mrs. Grant and Madame Julie by J. Chiaverini
- NeuroTribes by S. Silberman
Town of Dublin
Trick or Treat Night
Saturday, Oct. 31, 2015
Hours: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Per Dublin Police Dept., 563-8411
4th Annual Trunk or Treat
Mountain View Bible Church will hold its 4th annual Trunk or Treat on Halloween this year, October 31, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. More than 20 decorated cars will line the MVBC parking lot to welcome trick-or-treaters as they stop at each one for treats. A free hotdog supper will be served along with drinks. A bonfire will help to keep the trick-or-treaters warm. In case of rain, the event will be held inside at 81 Page Road.
Dublin Community Church — Rummage Sale / Yard Sale
October 16 & 17
Friday’s Rummage Sale: 1 to 6 pm
Get your warm clothes for fall and winter: sweaters, shoes, blankets, coats,
flannel nightwear, hats, mittens, children’s warm clothes, linens, and housewares.
Saturday’s Yard Sale & Rummage Sale: 8 to 11 am
It is always a surprise to see what wonderful items come out of the bags and boxes.
Help is needed setting up Saturday, October 10.
Also help needed sorting clothes October 12 through 15 from 9 am to 1:30 pm;
bring a sandwich as we break for lunch.
For information, please call Betty at 563-7475.
Fresh Start and Big Plans for DCP
Every little bit helps.
By Kelley Wells
Dublin Community Preschool, which has been operating in town for 51 years, started as a small, part-time, half-day preschool. With help from the staff and community, it has grown into a full-day preschool, which also offers before- and after-school care for students from DCS.
As wonderful as this is, the staff and board realized DCP must continue growing. After researching the current communities, we saw a large demand for younger care. We are pleased to announce that we will soon be offering full- and part-time infant and toddler care. Although an opening date is not yet decided, plans are in motion to expand into the space directly next to the current classroom. We have been working with the new owner of the building, along with members of the community, to make this as quick and cost effective as possible.
All of us at DCP are brainstorming ideas on how to reach out to the community and local resources to help fund the expansion. We will be accepting monetary donations of all sizes, along with age-appropriate items for the new area. We are very hopeful for the future of our little preschool.
If you would like to add your name to the waiting list for childcare, please contact Bethany LeBlanc at the preschool: 563-8508.
Kelley Wells is president of the executive board of the DCP.
With the start of a new school year, the Dublin Community Preschool has experienced many changes. After 20-plus years with DCP, Cathy Carabello resigned from her director position. Bethany Leblanc stepped in to fill that position and brings many years of experience along with some great ideas. Liane Rousseau has joined us as afternoon lead teacher. Both teachers are passionate about early education and live locally. They join Liz Holmes, who has played a large role in the success of DCP since 2003.
For inquiries about donating or volunteering, please contact Kelley Wells at
Yankee Publishes The 2016 Old Farmer’s Almanac
The Old Farmer’s Almanac—known for its wit, wisdom, and weather forecasts since 1792—originates from the not-so-secret headquarters of Yankee Publishing Inc. here in Dublin. In addition to producing sister publications like the Garden Guide, the digital Old Farmer’s Almanac Monthly, and The Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids, the Almanac is open daily to millions via and
The most recent edition of The Old Farmer’s Almanac arrives with a forecast of a super cold winter on tap for much of the country, especially along most of the Atlantic seaboard and in the Ohio Valley, Great Lakes, Pacific Northwest, and southwestern states. The Northeast, Ohio Valley, northern Plains, and Pacific Northwest should brace for a slew of snow. And the Almanac should know: Its 2015 predictions of a bleak and biting winter scored a stunning accuracy of 96.3 percent!
In the 2016 Old Farmer’s Almanac, you’ll enjoy the biggest supermoon in decades, coming up on November 14, 2016; angling advice; and much more. Print versions of The 2016 Old Farmer’s Almanac (available now for just $6.99) can be purchased anywhere books and magazines are sold as well as at or by calling 800-almanac.
Save a tree by picking up the digital version via, the iTunes store, or Amazon.
The Community Center’s Chicken BBQ a Real Crowdpleaser
By Ramona Branch
The BBQ dinner hosted by the Dublin Community Center in August was one of highlights of our community’s summer activities. The event was held on one of those summer evenings so perfect you didn’t want it to end.
Dining tables were draped in colorful rainbow tablecloths on the lawn of the side yard. More than 80 people enjoyed generous portions of BBQ chicken cooked by Bruce Simpson. As a Texan, I have to say Bruce’s chicken came pretty close to the legendary standards of Texas BBQ.
Complementing the tasty chicken was corn on the cob, cole slaw, baked beans, potato salad and cornbread. Folks who had room for dessert enjoyed watermelon and chocolate chip cookies.
The evening ended with the drawing for the large birdhouse made by former Dublin resident Jim Sovik. Volunteers had worked through the summer selling raffle tickets, over 1500, and raised about $1300 for the Center, affectionately called the Dub Hub. The winner of the birdhouse was Marilyn Nolan of Massachusetts.
This was Americana at its best. The Dublin Community Center Board of Directors and the volunteers who made the event happen are to be congratulated for providing the community such a fun and enjoyable evening. We can only hope that the board continues this great event next year.
Ramona Branch is on the staff of the Advocate.
The Latest from DCS
By Nicole Pease
After much preparation and anticipation by the staff at Dublin Consolidated School, the 2015-2016 school year has begun. August 27th was an amazing first day! From the moment the new propane buses quietly arrived delivering the excited students, the day flew by at breakneck speed.
We welcomed 12 new kindergartners and five new families. The enthusiasm the students brought to the building was contagious. We have some new staff members to introduce: Ellen Gorr (EST), Derek Castor (PE), and Nicole Boisvert (Library/Media Specialist). We are excited to add our new students and staff to the DCS family.
With a district change in elementary school schedules, our day begins at 8:20 am and ends at 3:25 pm. The extra half-hour each day will allow for teachers to have more time for direct instruction in Science and Social Studies.
For the past three weeks, students have been busy learning new routines, connecting with old friends and making new ones, as well as engaging in many other learning activities. Teachers have been busy establishing what their students’ needs are, and we have almost finished the first of the math and reading screenings, which will help this process along.
Last month brought many events: new math assessment training for teachers began mid-September; the after-school Science Club begins September 22; DCS will host a Curriculum and Assessment Night on September 24 from 6 to 7 pm; and on September 25 the Kindergarten through Third grades will attend a performance at the Colonial Theater in Keene.
I feel so fortunate to be the new principal of DCS, and to work with such a wonderful staff and such a great group of students! May Clark has been especially helpful in making this transition as smooth as possible.
Nicole Pease, the new principal at DCS, is also the SAU 1 District Math Coach.
The Transfer Station will be open
Veterans Day, which falls on
Wednesday, November 11.
DCS PTO Building a New Playground
By Mary Armstrong
The members of Dublin Consolidated School’s Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) have a good start on the funds necessary to install a new playground at the Dublin Consolidated School, but they are still seeking contributions to make their vision a reality.
The current DCS playground is used throughout the course of the year. It consists of slides, swings and other equipment including a tetherball pole. Not only is the playground used during the school months, but it is also used daily by the Dublin Summer Playground. The playground is visited on weekends and vacations by parents bringing their children and is also used for special events such as the annual Winterfest.
According to PTO Playground Committee Chair Emily Bennett, the current playground at DCS is about 20 years old and not up to safety codes. Members of the PTO have done extensive research and already met with landscape architect Karen Fitzgerald. Bennett indicated that the goal is to use the terrain at DCS as part of the new playground, with slides built into the hills, and to include an obstacle course rather than traditional playground platforms (see accompanying rendering).
This innovative approach would use green building techniques such as recycled materials and natural elements and would include a wooden gazebo. Not only would this gazebo be useful for recess time but it could also be used for things such as plays and musical productions.
The approximate cost of the new playground is $60,000. So far the PTO is able to contribute $7,000 from various fundraisers such as food sales and the Yankee Barn Sale. They will continue to hold fundraisers and have submitted a Warrant Article for the 2016 Town Meeting.
According to Bennett, the Dublin Community Foundation has pledged $2,000 toward the goal, and the PTO has set up a crowd-funding website ( However, more funds are needed. The PTO knows how much the DCS means to the community, and we need your help for an up-to-date playground for Dublin’s children.
Mary Armstrong is president of the DCS PTO.

- Hub Events Not to Miss
On October 4, Edie Clark will give a talk about Monadnock Artists at 3 pm. - Join in at Open Mic night Friday, October 9, from 7 to 9 pm.
- Enjoy a lunch while Art Touring on Saturday, October 10, from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm (soup, salad, and sweets; $5 suggested).
- Come one, come all to Community Lunch on Tuesday, October 20, from noon to 1 pm. Flu shots will be offered by HCS’ Nurse Is In program.
- Also in the evening of October 20 is a Women’s Fellowship from 7 to 8 pm, led by Candice Reed.
- On October 24, enjoy Saturday Night at the Movies (Young Frankenstein with Gene Wilder) at 7 pm, with free popcorn.
Ongoing Classes at the Hub
- Kids Yoga, Mondays, 12-12:45 pm, ages 2 years and up: led by Bridgett McFall, 801-391-8903
- Zumba, Mondays, 5:30-6:30 pm, led by Deb Giaimo, 563-8648
- Qi Gong, Wednesdays, 12-1 pm, led by Ginnette Groom, 313-9828
- Yoga, Wednesdays, 4-5:15 pm, led by Margaret Gurney, 563-8979
- Yoga, Fridays, 12-1 pm, led by Meenakshi Moses, 563-8094
For other information, visit If you would like to rent space for a party, a class, or business meeting, please call 563-8021.
HCS Wellness Clinic: Nurse Is In
Home Healthcare, Hospice and Community Services (HCS) is offering a Nurse Is In wellness clinic at the Dublin Community Center on Tuesday, October 20, from 12 pm to 1 pm.
Our HCS wellness nurse will check blood pressures and answer questions about home care and any health concerns. This screening is open to residents of all area towns and is offered free of charge. No appointments necessary.
Nurse Is In clinics are sponsored by HCS, a Monadnock United Way agency. For more information, visit or call HCS at 352-2253.
Swap Shop Update
The Swap Shop located at the Dublin Recycling Center had been closed for a while due to the fact that there were many unusable and prohibited items left at the Shop. With no volunteers available, the task of sorting and disposal of these items fell to the Recycling Center staff.
The Recycling Committee picked up the responsibility for the operation of the Swap Shop, and set open hours that volunteers could commit to. Currently the hours are 9 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 5 pm, on Saturdays only. The more volunteers who can commit to working, the more the Swap Shop can be open.
We urge residents dropping off items at the Swap Shop to remember that:
- No fee items are allowed (TVs, printers, fax machines, etc.)
- No large furniture (nothing larger than a kitchen chair or side table)
- No food items or hazardous items (i.e., lawn or pet sprays)
- No items originally meant as disposable (i.e., aluminum pans, trays)
- Must be in usable condition (if you wouldn’t take it, don’t leave it)
- Please do not leave items outside the building when the doors are closed.
The goal is for good, usable items to come into and go out to be “re-homed” from the Swap Shop. Please forward any questions, concerns, or suggestions to the Recycling Committee.
With the winter coming on, keeping the Swap Shop open will be a challenging task, as there is no heat or electricity available at the Shop. There is the possibility that the Swap Shop may be closed or hours shortened significantly. The Committee will strive to keep any news regarding the open hours posted on the Swap Shop door. Thank you for your understanding.
Historical Society Observes the Day
Governor Maggie Hassan proclaimed Saturday, September 5th, as “Portsmouth Peace Treaty Day.” The proclamation notes that whereas President Teddy Roosevelt designated NH as the location for the peace negotiations between Russia and Japan in 1905 and whereas “an uncommon commitment to peace became a common virtue as citizen diplomacy… significantly contributed to the favorable outcome of the negotiations,” the Governor called on the residents of New Hampshire “to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities” in commemoration.

Kentaro Kaneko, a member of the Japanese delegation, represents Dublin’s connection to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty. He came to stay with the Joseph Lindon Smiths at their home on Loon Point shortly after the signing of the treaty. The Smiths had met Kaneko previously during their four-month stay in Japan in 1901.
To celebrate Dublin’s connection to the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, Lisa Foote read Governor Hassan’s proclamation in full next to the Living Memorial Cherry Tree, recently planted and dedicated on the lawn of the 1841 Schoolhouse Museum.
She and Lucy Shonk then rang the bell in the Dublin Community Church for three minutes starting at 3:47 pm, the time of day the treaty had been signed 110 years ago.
MESA’s 28th Annual Meeting & Potluck
This annual event is a gathering of the Monadnock Eastern Slope Association’s (MESA) members and all concerned with protecting and learning more about Mount Monadnock and the region where we live. A potluck supper will be held on Sunday, October 25, beginning at 5 pm at the Dublin Community Center.
Following a brief business meeting, Henry Walters will speak on “The Sensible Wilderness.” Drawing on his experience as a falconer, bird rehabilitator, seasonal hawkwatcher and steward of a wildlife sanctuary, Henry will discuss the ways we experience wildness.
How does the chance encounter with a bear and cubs differ from disciplined study of their natural history or from long-term devotion to the ecosystem that has supported them? What constitutes our connection to the kestrels that nest in our fields, or to the one passing through overhead twice a year? Answers to these questions may suggest how a new brand of engagement with the natural world begins with a change in our individual and collective perspectives.
Henry Walters is a writer and naturalist who has apprenticed with falconers in Ireland, beekeepers in Sicily, and schoolteachers in Ghana, and is currently Playwright-in-Residence at Dublin School. His poems, essays and translations have appeared in a range of publications from The American Guide to Hawk Migration Studies and The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Henry has been described as “copiously talented,” and last April he spoke with a recently rescued hawk on his arm to a packed audience at the Harris Center.
For more information on MESA, visit, or email Ed Germain at
A Talk on Dublin’s Art Heritage
By Mary Loftis
2015 marks the 20th year that the Friends of the Dublin Art Colony / Monadnock Art has sponsored an autumn Open Studio Tour. This year’s tour takes place October 10 and 11 (Columbus Day weekend) and encompasses 45 artists’ studios in Dublin, Hancock, Harrisville, Jaffrey, Marlborough, Peterborough and Sharon. Maps for the free, self-guided event are available at the Dublin General Store, Carr’s Store, the Dublin Community Center and the Dublin Library as well as at the Chambers of Commerce in Peterborough and Jaffrey (and many other places). See last month’s Advocate for a rundown of Dublin’s participating artists.
The Monadnock Region enjoys a sense of community centered on the arts, a tradition that stretches back to the late 19th century when a group of artists including Abbott Thayer, Frank Benson, George de Forest Brush, Joseph Lindon Smith, Rockwell Kent, Alexander James and others worked and socialized in the shadow of Mt. Monadnock. Although never a formal artist’s colony, this group drew inspiration from each other as well as the natural environment. This “contagious creativity” has existed in the region ever since and is evident every year during the Art Tour.
In conjunction with the Art Tour, during the month of October the Dublin Community Center will display a small collection of historical works by members of the original “art colony.”

On Sunday, October 4, at 3 pm local author Edie Clark will present a talk called “In the Latin Quarter,” which is a reference to the early nickname given to the area since so many of the early artists had studied in Paris; she will discuss Dublin’s historical artistic heritage as well as provide commentary on the works on display. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome to attend.
Edie is the author of the upcoming book As Simple as That, a collection of essays from her Yankee column currently celebrating its 25th year, which she will be reading in a separate event on October 18, also at 3 pm at the Community Center.
Mary Loftis is on the staff of the Advocate.

Fletcher Armitage McLellan
A memorial service will be held next summer.
Edie Clark to Read from Her New Book
Edie Clark will read from her new book As Simple As That: Collected Essays at the Dublin Community Center on Sunday, October 18, at 3 pm. Copies will be available for purchase and signing.
As Simple As That is a new collection celebrating 25 years of writing her popular column in Yankee magazine. The essays cover Edie’s years in the garden at Chesham Depot through her move to and transformation of Mary’s Farm, a place of stillness and beauty, an endless source of inspiration. Renowned novelist Ernie Hebert has this to say about the book: “A beautiful book about love, grief, and the natural world. Reads like a how-to manual but feels like a lyric poem.”
Nonfiction writer, Richard Adams Carey, wrote: “The only thing I didn’t like about this book is that it came to an end.”
The book includes essays with topics that range from shooting the remains of the dearly departed from a cannon, to finding a snapping turtle laying eggs in the garden, to prayer ice. Also covered are root cellars, haying, frozen pipes, white nights, wood heat, favorite dogs, fruitcake weather and the art of Christmas cards.
The book runs the gamut of life in the country and what it is to live in small-town New England. More than 100 essays, some never-before published, crowd this book with a great rural adventure, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant but always enjoyable. Refreshments will be served.
Recent Addition to the Business Directory at
Lawrence D. Nevin Pipe Organs
Pipe organ builder and servicer for more than 40 years.
54 Granite Circle
Lawrence D. Nevin, whose business is listed above and online at, has been living in Dublin for six years with his wife, the Reverend Margaret M. Mulligan, an ordained interfaith minister.
While Meg has had an active career as child and family advocate, teacher, counselor, wellness program coordinator, life coach, hospice chaplain, she is called to contemplative practices as well as assisting her husband Larry with his pipe organ business located in Dublin, NH.
Larry is presently is in the process of completing the building of a small organ in Northern New Jersey.
If you have a business in Dublin, let the Advocate know.

Monadnock at Home Invites Community
On Tuesday, October 27, Rick Harnden will present “Exoplanets: Life on Other Planets?” from 3 pm to 4:30 pm at the Peterborough Community Theater, 6 School St., Peterborough. This is offered by Monadnock at Home, the local nonprofit dedicated to supporting area seniors who wish to stay in their own home.
Learn about the possibility of habitable planets around distant stars – no longer the stuff of science fiction. Astronomers have now amassed convincing evidence for the existence of at least thousands of planets around stars other than our Sun, just within our own Milky Way Galaxy.
Rick is a retired astrophysicist who spent 40 years working at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Cambridge, MA) and NASA Headquarters (Washington, DC). A veteran of the last half-century of excitement in the space age, Rick enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the Universe and its mysteries with folks of all ages.
This program is free and open to the community. To register or find out more, call Sandra Faber, Member Services Coordinator at 603-371-0809, or email
Water-Soluble Oil Painting Classes
Betty Glass is offering a seven-week painting class using water soluble oils at the Jaffrey Civic Center beginning Wednesday, November 4, and running through December 17 from 1 to 4 pm (bring a snack!). This class is open to any level painter, and encourages all to enjoy the process. The subject matter will emphasize still lifes and landscapes.
Betty, a former Dublin resident, has been a painting teacher in watercolors, oils and now her favorite passion, water-soluble oils for more than 40 years.
The cost is $30 a class. There will be a minimum of four students for this to run, so please sign up early and get the materials list. Call 532-6527 or e-mail at to register.
The Jaffrey Civic Center is located at 40 Main Street, Jaffrey, New Hampshire (next to Library, parking in rear.) For more information about classes, exhibits and events, visit
2015 Fall Programs at The River Center
Parenting Groups ($20/per meeting) are ongoing at The River Center in Peterborough from 9:30 to 11:30 am.
- Tuesdays: Ages Tweens & Teens. No childcare available.
- Wednesdays: Ages Birth-6 Years. Childcare available.
- Thursdays: Be the Parent Your Children Need. Any age. Childcare available.
- Fridays: Jaffrey Parent Group. Any age. Childcare available.
Other course include:
- Navigating the Grandparent Role (October 8, 6:30 pm – 8 pm): Gain wisdom and advice from those who have been there. Group facilitated by Bonnie Harris. Free.
- Safe Sitter Babysitting Training (October 9, 9 am – 4:30 pm): Safe Sitter is for 11-14 year olds to learn life-saving skills. Space is limited; $65 fee.
- Farm to Table (Thursdays, 9:30 am – 11:30 am): Field trips and cooking fun using fresh local produce for parents and children. Free program, but $5 donation encouraged.
- Job Seekers MeetUp (Tuesdays, 12 – 1 pm): Weekly discussions provide support, new ideas, and resources; Open group, no registration necessary, free.
- Employment Resource Center (Tuesdays & Wednesdays, 9 am – 3 pm): Schedule an appointment with our employment specialist for help with your job search. Free.
- Money Coaching (Mondays, 11 am – 1 pm): Learn creative ways to budget and save money. Free.
Register at 924-6800 or
Frost Heaves: A Comedy Show for All
“A good excuse to put off raking leaves.”
Frost Heaves returns with Yankee humor and music for the whole family, October 9, 10 and 17 at 7:30 pm, and October 10 at 2 pm at the Peterborough Players in Peterborough.
The Frost Heaves Players (Dave Nelson of Dublin, Beth Signoretti of Peterborough, Kimberly Miller of Jaffrey) join Fred Marple and the Speed Bumps band for such nonsense as “Snow White and the Seven Yankees,” Underachievers of America, Yankee Language Translator, Life’s Little Mystery Theatre, the news from Frost Heaves, prizes, surprises, and much more.
At every performance of Frost Heaves, the Speed Bumps band writes an original “Song on the Spot” based on audience suggestions. “That’s a favorite part of the show for a lot of folks,” says Fred Marple. “That and the intermission.”
Tickets are $18, available at the Toadstool and Steele’s in Peterborough, Rousseau’s in Jaffrey, online at, at the door, or by calling 525-3391.
Deer Hunting in NH
NH Fish and Game (whose motto is ‘Connecting you to life outdoors,’ and is the guardian of the state’s fish, wildlife, and marine resources, says that hunting season in New Hampshire’s big woods is what you’ve been waiting for.
Take advantage of New Hampshire’s long archery season, youth weekends, apprentice licenses and more.
Opening day for regular firearms is November 11.
General Deer Season Dates:
- Archery: September 15 – December 15, 2015 (closes December 8 in zone WMU A)
- Muzzleloader: October 31 – November 10, 2015 Statewide
- Firearms: November 11 – December 6, 2015 (closes November 29 in WMU A)
- Youth Deer Weekend: October 24 – 25, 2015
You can now buy your hunting license online at For more information on hunting deer, go to NH Fish and Game at
Q2C Grant Program Seeks Recreation Trails Projects to Fund
The Quabbin-to-Cardigan Partnership (Q2C) has opened the application window for its fall 2015 round of grants to support trail projects in the “Quabbin-to-Cardigan” region of western New Hampshire and north-central Massachusetts.
The Q2C region spans 100 miles from the Quabbin Reservoir northward to the southern boundary of the White Mountain National Forest, and is bounded to the east and west by the Merrimack and Connecticut River Valleys. Encompassing approximately 2 million acres, the Q2C region is one of the largest remaining areas of intact, interconnected, ecologically significant forest in central New England, and is a key headwater of the Merrimack and Connecticut rivers.
Launched in 2003, the Quabbin-to-Cardigan Partnership is a collaborative effort of more than 20 private organizations and public agencies working on land conservation in the Q2C landscape. The Partnership’s Land Conservation Grants program underwrites transaction costs – appraisals, surveys, title research, staff time, etc. — on key land conservation transactions in the region. Since 2009 the grants program has funded 49 separate projects that have conserved almost 15,000 acres of land.
In 2013 the Q2C Partnership began offering small grants to support the development, improvement, maintenance and permanent protection of hiking trails in the Q2C region. As with the land conservation grants program, the trail grants are awarded through a competitive process, and are available for projects in both the New Hampshire and Massachusetts portions of the Q2C region.
Completed applications for the fall 2015 grant round must be received no later than 5 pm on Friday, Oct. 30, 2015. Successful grant applicants will be notified in November 2015. For questions regarding the grant program and the application process, contact Brian Hotz at (603) 224-9945 x316,, or
The Q2C Trail Grants program is privately funded and administered by the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests on behalf of the Quabbin-to-Cardigan Partnership.