From Dublin’s School Board Rep Alan Edelkind:

Dublin Residents and other readers of the Dublin Advocate,

In the February 2020 Dublin Advocate, I made the commitment to provide an article  dealing with the ConVal 2020-2021 School District budget that you can easily access online without having to navigate general-use websites.

Thanks to Niki McGettigan, School Board Representative from Temple and our Communications Committee Chair, we were able to execute the logistics to accomplish this.

A special link has been set up on the ConVal website that will direct you to a 2020 budget digest page. This page contains three groups of information:) Communications, 2) Documents, and 3) further reading.

In the document section there are two articles that I want to reference.

1) ConVal Budget Overview. This document, written by yours truly, gives an overview of the budget and is relatively brief (5 pages).

2) A School Budget Primer. This document was written by Jim Fredrickson, School Board Representative from Sharon. This is an excellent, more detailed budget document about the budget and how it works.

Both articles are complementary and can give you the level of detail you are seeking.

To access this digest page, depending on your device and browser, you can click on either link below, copy and paste; or type either one into your browser.

Happy informative reading.

Alan Edelkind

Conval District Budget