Welcome to the Dublin Advocate, a monthly newsletter sponsored by the town of Dublin, NH, with news and events for our citizens here and elsewhere. It is written and edited by neighbors, for neighbors. Submit relevant items of interest to our community in article format with photographs to DublinAdvocate@nullgmail.com. Articles and advertising subject to edit. Articles of a partisan political nature will not be accepted.
Feel free to request an email reminder when the issue goes live each month from DublinAdvocate@nullgmail.com.
The September issue brings news of fall in Dublin, from back to school to the Gas Engine meet to the last few beautiful days at the Women’s Club Beach on Dublin Lake. The New Hampshire State primary is on September 10, so please use our handy candidate guide to research your choices for state offices and U.S. Congress.
There are multiple reports related to the complex question of whether Dublin remains in the ConVal School District and SAU, from our Select Board, the Dublin Education Advisory Committee, and our ConVal School Board representative. Dublin School introduces a number of new teachers and administrators, and Dublin Consolidated School celebrates the beginning of the new school year.
Last year’s second graders at DCS wrote a mystery about Chief Suokko and his dog Ziti, and we get a glimpse of their words, illustrations, and writing process. Our Library Director introduces the idea of a “third place,” an alternative to home and work that is inviting and inclusive, and helps bring a community together.
Besides the Library, the DubHub is another of Dublin’s “third places.” In September, the DubHub offers regular workshops, classes, and events, in addition to a 10th anniversary art show retrospective and reception, a financial fraud workshop, a mindfulness and meditation series, and a singing workshop.
Speaking of singing, Music on Norway Pond invites adults and children to join rehearsals for the Norway Pond Festival Singers, and the Jr. Mints. Coming up in October are the Monadnock Quilters’ Guild biennial show, and the 28th Monadnock Art Open Studio Tour, so mark your calendar.
The last opportunity to see the Dublin Historical Society’s art exhibit at the Schoolhouse Museum is September 7. Also on September 7, remember to support the food drive for End 68 Hours of Hunger at Shaw’s. And don’t miss the Gift of Thrift Rummage Sale at the Community Church on September 20-21.
We also include loving tributes to special Dubliners who have passed away: Edie Clark, Norman Davis, and Tom LaFortune, and note the very recent passing of Mike Stanley.
As always, we urge you to check out our advertisers and be sure to mention you saw them in the Advocate!