The October issue opens with a synopsis of the NH Department of Environmental Services report of NH Lakes and Ponds, of which Dublin “Pond,” is our oligotrophic focus. Another update on broadband narrows the window for us to wait, as fiber creeps onto the poles.

Both the Town Moderator and the Supervisor of the Checklist share praise for those who stepped up to help at the primary election. And now, onward. Absentee ballots requested.

We have a new officer, Dan Anair, and the force is participating in the NH Breast Cancer Coalition. (Thank you.) Trick or Treating will be happening on the full moon, the Hub shares its stand on addressing and changing “all forms of racism,” and there is a science forum at the Mountain View Bible Church.

A member of the ConComm takes a hard look at how we eradicate invasive species in our area, and learn how “you can make polar fleece fingerless mitts” for our schoolchildren studying outdoors. An ardent mask maker speaks (650 masks later), and recognition is due a lady who has retired from Yankee after more than five decades, a lady who also organized all our barn sales and craft fairs over the years. Gosh we will miss her.

The local summer chapel prevailed through the epidemic, and held services online, the community Lunch and dinner in Dublin are take-out, and a church in Peterborough has resumed its weekly community to-go meals. Hawk migration is under way, and all you need to do is register to attend the mountaintop site to observe the heraldry.

The 2021 Old Farmer’s Almanac has hit the stands, published right here in our hometown, and let’s not forget to provide buckets of food to feed our hungry children over the weekends! There’s the opening of the regional art show in Peterborough, and read up on the habits of real night owls.

We have all the good news as well from the library, the elementary school, the Christian Academy, the School Board, an important recycling update, events through the DubHub, the River Center, and, finally, the local church’s rummage sale will be outdoors on two Saturdays, weather permitting. Prepare to Vote.

October 2020