Welcome to the Dublin Advocate, a monthly newsletter sponsored by the town of Dublin, NH, with news and events for our citizens here and elsewhere. It is written and edited by neighbors, for neighbors. Submit relevant items of interest to our community in article format with photographs to DublinAdvocate@nullgmail.com. Articles and advertising subject to edit. Articles of a partisan political nature will not be accepted.

Feel free to request an email reminder when the issue goes live each month from DublinAdvocate@nullgmail.com.

With the July 2024 issue of the Advocate, we celebrate Dublin’s newest Boston Post Cane holder, Helen Noe who is “95 Years Loved.” Rick MacMillan shares his Honor Flight experience, when he traveled with 60 other veterans to Washington, D.C. And, as Brantwood Camp in Peterborough celebrates its 120th year, we talk to Dubliner Bill Gurney who has spent over 60 years as a camper, counselor, staff member, and board member there.

Summer in Dublin is underway with summer reading programs at the library, fun in the sun at the DWCC beach, and Summer Playground keeping our kids active and busy. Mountain View Bible Church hosts its annual Neighborhood Bible Club for children 4-12 and their families, and the Dublin Community Church has a special music lineup for the summer months. DCA is planning a 5K and Fun Run for August. Read about how you can help keep our lakes and ponds pristine by cleaning your watercraft and donating to support the NH LAKES Lake Host program.

Education news includes graduates from Dublin School, Dublin Christian Academy, and The Putney School, as well as scholarships awarded by the Trustees of the Trust Funds and Dublin Community Foundation. Our ConVal School Board representative tells us about changes in our school district administrative staff and provides an update on the school voucher program, while Jay Schechter of the DEAC committee recommends some summer reading about public schools. Dublin Consolidated School students rocked their end of year assessments and celebrated with field trips and end-of-year activities.

We are proud to celebrate our Fire Chief who is recognized for 20 years of certification as an EMT. We also have new information on Transfer Station operations, and updates from the Waste Reduction & Recycling Committee and the Energy Committee. The Conservation Commission is arranging help for property owners battling invasive weeds. Dublin Democrats are hosting state rep candidate Jeb Brummer in the leadup to the NH state primary on September 10.

The DubHub is hopping with a monthly art exhibit, an outdoor Shakespeare performance, a songwriting class and concert by local musicians Wendy Keith and Tom Smith, a community singing workshop, a forum on conservation easements, and an open mic and coffeehouse featuring Lenny Solomon. Ongoing weekly and monthly programs round out the schedule.

Our summer intern writes about the magical attraction and enduring inspiration of Mount Monadnock for residents, visitors, and artists. The Dublin Historical Society’s summer art exhibit, featuring the work of many of these same artists, is open on Saturdays at the Schoolhouse Museum.

Don’t miss Death Trap or Pride and Prejudice at the Peterborough Players in July. If summer is a time for you to learn something new, choose a class at MAxT or The River Center, or attend a lecture at Amos Fortune Forum or Monadnock Lyceum.

And if you happen to know anything about Solomon Piper/Prudence Greenwood/Frederick Brown (18th and 19th century Dublin residents) and their descendants, please reach out to Kate Wescott, budding genealogist!

Thanks for reading the Advocate, and thank you to our advertisers!