Welcome to the Dublin Advocate, a monthly newsletter sponsored by the town of Dublin, NH, with news and events for our citizens here and elsewhere. It is written and edited by neighbors, for neighbors. Submit relevant items of interest to our community in article format with photographs to DublinAdvocate@nullgmail.com. Articles and advertising subject to edit. Articles of a partisan political nature will not be accepted.
Feel free to request an email reminder when the issue goes live each month from DublinAdvocate@nullgmail.com.
Download the March 2025 Dublin Advocate
Dublin’s Police Chief Tim Suokko has been selected to represent the state of New Hampshire in the State Association of Chiefs of Police. We are fortunate to have a police chief who works to promote the law enforcement profession overall, while also making time to be a familiar friendly face at our elementary school!
March is the month of town elections, town meeting, and school district voting, and the docket is full! Important votes loom regarding budgets, the decision whether to withdraw from the ConVal School District, changes to lot sizes and setbacks in the Village District, capital expenditures, and more. Brief descriptions of all 18 town warrant articles are included in this month’s issue, as well as more in-depth articles about key issues. The Advocate also provides profiles and photos of candidates for town office. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the issues and the people before voting.
The Library is a busy place these days, with new programs for teens, new books for children, and welcoming offerings for homeschool families. Across the street at the DubHub, you can enjoy regular programs as well as an art show featuring artists Pamela Tarbell and Elizabeth Leone Holmes, a coffee house and open mic featuring Wendy Keith and Her Alleged Band, a “vision board workshop,” a blood drive, and a free meditation group.
Learn about the history of the D.D.Bean and Sons Company, paper match makers in Jaffrey since 1938. Also, meet Georgia Wright, a sixth-generation descendant of the first permanent settler in Dublin, who has recently returned after living on the west coast for over forty years. Dublin School junior Avery Delworth shares her perspective on the value of AI in the classroom, and Jeanne Sterling laments the lapse of her New Year resolutions.
In these troubled times, many in our community seek peace in different ways. A group of residents has a proposal for a community-supported peace pole displaying its message in eight languages. At the Dublin Community Church, a five-week Lenten series “Nourishing Peace Through Understanding” explores five different religious traditions, seeking commonalities as a foundation for kindness and peace.
The warming weather brings migration season for nesting turtles – the Conservation Commission provides tips for helping these threatened creatures on their journeys. Monadnock Community Hospital holds a free seminar on colorectal cancer awareness and prevention. Check out a concert by progressive acoustic string band High Horse in Hancock on March 2, and the musical Hadestown at the Dublin School March 7-9.
Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead on March 9!